
Bayleen's picture

mariposa's ref asdfgh


LethalAesthetics's picture

Screeching Barn Owl

Don with a touch pad since my tablet died... RIP Tabby, you were a great friend while you lasted.
Blecha's picture

Feel like a fox

I should have a deer character
Sithrim's picture

'Sneeze it off'

'How's this one?'
'Sneeze it off, you look awful.'

in dreams

lil dear Waahi
wanted to practice more backgrounds and colouring + inktober.
I miss this place dearly, and since school takes away a lot of time I find it hard to make time for digital art or games.
But who knows, it might change soon. Hope you're all doing okay. ♥
Bayleen's picture

yaaas durr

introduciiiiinggggg ooc/ic?/what durr ft. the word I say way to much on every social media and irl
HIDE YO STAGS HIDE YO FAWNS cuz imma love 'em

and OMG you cant see her wings from this perspective, and idk if she'll have antlers,
but whatevs I'll find out soon enough
Ametat's picture

[ART] (EDIT: character claimed by TreeDancer)

EDIT: this character is claimed by TreeDancer and is no longer available for trade.
Thank you so much guys! So glad she's going to a loving home <3
Ametat's picture

[ART] Incense

Drawing this was quite a meditative experience (I will definitely try to draw more deer in the style) . I limited myself to some of the three colours I found most pleasing. Oh, and look how fat he is! I found this really stubby water-loving deer as a reference and just had to draw it.

Anyway, he may become a new character in time, I'm very fond of him.

Song to go with:
Munkel's picture

The golden age is over

An old soul that still hasn't left this place completely.

Bigger size

Twist eye siggy

Some quick concept of how Twist Eye will look as an adult.
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