
Yngve's picture

Abyssus WIP (Updated Images)

Thought I would post a quick conecpt of that new character I talked about. I am still working things out but I think this spikey baby's start here is good so far.


lady waarhijd - first on deviantart, but jess insisted that I posted it here as well.
the colour of her pelt isn't quite right, since I was messing around with colours and brushes.
BrownLupine's picture

The Nameless Grey Stray

Header Art for my new character Faolán
Darling's picture


Sithrim's picture

A light that never comes

Hey there :>
New blood? :')
Libertad's picture

No son tan diferentes

Notas lo diferentes que son, ellos no

Los animales no se basan en cosas tan superficiales como nosotros
no se fijan en el color, en la altura, ni en su belleza
solo se fijan el los detalles que nosotros pasamos por alto,
por que pensar que aun que sean diferentes no pueden
estar en armonía unos con otros, sera por que vivimos
metidos en el mundo material y no nos damos cuenta
que el egoísmo y la hipocresía nos hace querer pasar
sobre los demás, ellos no, ellos aun
conservan el amor mas puro que sobrepasa
los pensamientos mas hostiles

No escribo esto para que salgas y cambies el mundo,
lo escribo para que te des cuenta y tomes conciencia
que al lado tuyo puede haber una persona o un animal
que esta solo y necesita tu ayuda no es necesario que
estés todo el tiempo con el,aveces, el acto mas pequeño
y de pura bondad puede cambiar una vida, no te fijes
como es por fuera, sino como es por dentro,
aveces la soledad puede destapar los peores rasgos de alguien

By: Libertad
Apparanza's picture

Those Who Slay Together, Stay Together

Maned Wolf Thing

I got inspired by Welcome to Night Vale and my Dia and created another character. It was a horse/deer hybrid when I was first sketching the idea, not sure how it turned into a maned wolf. Don't know if I'll make it an official character for here, although I would really like to.

Name: Azar (But I'm not too sure on that yet)
Set: Nothing
Picto: Joker
EmiliaYO's picture

For: Sharptwoth,Kamaya,IvyChain,kikinkacze,LooksForDoves. <----

I drew not all, please don't be offended.Thank you for saving me from boredom c:
(I was a little hurt that you doubted my experience, the next time a chance like this will not.)


for Sharptwoth (original)

for Kamaya (original)

for IvyChain (original)

for kikinkacze (original)

for LooksForDoves (original)

- Sorry for bad image quality..

Aranyani's picture

on the tiptoes

Aranyani, Rani, Joy.

I've missed her.
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