Tablet help?

So I'm looking for a tablet but have nooo idea what kind to get. Any help?
Just want a beginners one; nothing too fancy. Just one that can do simple stuff is all.
Anyone have any suggestions..?

I use the Wacom brand- very

I use the Wacom brand- very good.

I've heard very good things

I've heard very good things about the Bamboo Fun tablets, they're great for entry-level stuff.
GlobalBeauty's picture

Definitely go with Wacom. I

Definitely go with Wacom.

I use a Wacom Bamboo Pen, myself.
Siggies by Carry & Amazengalo

I agree with the

I agree with the Wacom-ness.
I use a Wacom Intuos and I love it to death. ♥

Don't mind me. ;w; Just

Don't mind me. ;w;
Just latching on.
Embyr's picture

I have Wacom Bamboo and love

I have Wacom Bamboo and love it. C:
Pegasicorn's picture

^this Got my Wacom Bamboo 3

Got my Wacom Bamboo 3 years ago and it hasn't failed me yet. Don't need anything more complex or with more levels of pressure sensitivity. Love it.

Thank you all for your

Thank you all for your suggestions ♥ c: