Swiggity [Personal Bio]

Yngve's picture

About / Characters / Updates / Gallery / Misc.

Basics about me

.:Budding Artist, Gamer, Monster + Gore Enthusiast, Avid RolePlayer, Character Designer/Hoarder:.
.:Professional Procrastinator:.
.:Socially Inept...but Friendly, Caring, Helpful in Any Way Possible, Supportive, Shy, Very Emotional:.

Other places I haunt

.:Discord: theGoatinator #2610:.
(Nicknamed Yngve on the TEF discord server! <3)

.:DeviantART: Scuse:.
.:Toyhou.se: Hogtooth:.
.:Picarto: Hogtooth:.
(Sometimes I stream my doodling)

.:Steam: The Goatinator:.
.:Lioden: Brotato Chip (Main for now) + Teddy Broosevelt (True Main):.

Mm, I'ma just make myself at

Mm, I'ma just make myself at home.

*does the track-dance

*does the track-dance
Yngve's picture

Thank you both!

Thank you both! Cool

Discord: theGoatinator #2610

Bayleen's picture

swiggity swooty gimme de

swiggity swooty gimme de bootyy B)

Yngve's picture

xD! Thank you


Thank you <3

Discord: theGoatinator #2610