star child; colette

Yngve's picture


For now. . .

Little is known about this critter except, she is a being from space with the incredible task of Star Courier. This girlie is the hybridization of a dog* Borzoi or possibly Afghan Hound. . . not sure yet. and a deer. Her expression when in a neutral state always seems quite melancholic, though she is not one known to be sad or gloom. Quite the opposite. This silky, fawn colored doggo is always happy and amazed. Seeing her precious stars become something they are destined to be, or something more.

Tied to her back with the very fiber of her being are the various stars she delivers. Each one treated with such tender, loving care, as if they were her own child, and taken to their destined spot in the sky. There she will watch over them until she is comfortable they are safe and secure in their new home, before heading off to another Starmaker* The being who makes the stars a Star Courier delivers. Also referred to as Starmothers or on occasion Starfathers.

She is working very hard as a courier, in the hopes of one day becoming a Starmother, like her own mother, whom is her idol. She loves the work she does, it gives her so much joy to see the stars off to their new homes.

When the stars die, she is of course sad, but she will visit where they go, when they burst into dust. She wants to see what become of them, when they are reborn, as say a tree or another deer.

And so, she is frequently seen in the Endless Forest, occasionally with a star tied to her back, or floating on a line above her.


Yngve's picture



Discord: theGoatinator #2610


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(No subject)


Discord: theGoatinator #2610

Aaaa very cute!

Aaaa very cute!
Yngve's picture

Thank youuu

Thank youuu <3

Discord: theGoatinator #2610