Stagleaf, and Endless Forest Blog on Blogspot, is Shutting Down

Redkora's picture
If you have been here for awhile, you may know about Stagleaf, an Endless Forest blog on Blogspot that I started in April of 2007. As time went on, I invited Laruna, Jen, and Wildbluesun to be contributors on the blog. However, after talking to the other contributors and months of reflection, I have come to the conclusion that it's time for this blog to be put to rest.

Since then, Michael and Auriea, the creators of Tale of Tales, created the community site. Since the community site has a place for blog posts, there really wasn't any reason to keep an outside blog running other than to bring in people from the outside. However, not enough people are reading it.

I am in graduate school. If you're unfamiliar with that term, it means that I am in a university program that one attends after receiving his or her Bachelor's degree. Grad school is very intense, time consuming work that leaves very little energy for non-academic endeavors.

That said, I can not afford to put energy into a blog that few will ever read. I have posted links to my blog numerous times, but not enough people have expressed interest in it for me to keep it up; however, I am not angry. That's life: Some things take off, some things don't. Some things, like Stagleaf, do well in the beginning and then fizzle out. This is just the way things are. All one can do consolidate energy elsewhere and move on.

If you're interested in what the writers at Stagleaf have to say concerning the Forest, follow me, Jen, and Laruna on the community website and forums. Wildbluesun can still be followed on deviantART.

I would like to thank Laruna, Jen, and Wildbluesun for contributing when they could to this blog. They are wonderful people.

If you have been reading it, I apologize, and thank you for reading.
Fledermaus's picture

Aw, sorry to hear it. I

Aw, sorry to hear it. I especially enjoyed the picture-a-day thing during December. Well, I know how busy you are so I guess it's only necessary.