Sorry me, Jester! T.T

Katara00176's picture
I had a lot of problems with my internet at my house, and i can only enter there at my school...
When i get my internet again, i'll send katara00176 to post for u a lot of sketches of u! - Katara

Got already 3 sketches!

And also i'll post other sketches about the other Katara's friends! So be ready!
Kiraki's picture

Hope your internet gets fixed

Hope your internet gets fixed soon :3
Katara00176's picture

wahwahwah! talked too

wahwahwah! talked too fast!

I have my internet fixed!
Now i'll post then the sketches!
...Look em on Fan categorie as "A normal, daily school-sketch"...

Just follow me!
Trickster's picture

Naaw, I totally feel your

Naaw, I totally feel your pain about icky internet-I have issues with it all the time, sorry to hear you are having some, too~! Hope it's fixed soon, hang in thar! :3 ♥

And zomgosh, so flattered, thankyew so so SO much again, Katara~! Laughing out loud They were gorgeous, thankyyeew-you are just faaar too lovely, tee hee! :3 *tackles* ♥

Jester is totally pleased, too-he adores the attention and the awesome, he totally thanks you, too ;D ♥ Hope to get to play about with you guize sometime soon! :3 Also, mind if I add Katara to Jester's friendlist~? Shocked She's too awesome to not be on thar ;D ♥