Set help...again

Pelicann's picture
So I lost the ENTIRE SET I just kept the mini spell, but mask, antlers, and pelt are gone...what.
Staff's picture

I can help ya with antlers

I can help ya with antlers and pelt, but not mask. >:

Siggy by Shey

This will help you in

This will help you in acquiring the pelt back with the mini spell. Unfortunately you have to do this every time you log on or need to retrieve your original pelt back

Sig: Aihnna

Try to use the way shown

Try to use the way shown above to see if you got the pelt or not so we know what you have really lost and what you haven't.

The same thing happens to me

The same thing happens to me whenever I try getting Palila's set back...;;
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Pelicann's picture

uhhmmm, the pray option is

uhhmmm, the pray option is not showing up..
sablepuss's picture

you have to sneeze the mini

you have to sneeze the mini off first, then you open the menu, stand up while the menu is still open, hit the pray button, then you hit 'load set' while waiting for it to finish praying!
Pelicann's picture

Ah, alright. The only thing

Ah, alright. The only thing is, I don't have the pelt, mask, or antlers underneath ><'