(A Second Endless Forest-

A dream I had.

Another river, one that starts from nowhere that leads to a waterfall that falls from a canopy of trees. You cannot go to the tops of the trees to see what lies at the top, even 'flying' won't get you there. It's just too high up. But if you follow the river, perhaps if you fall in and swim down the corridor of twisted roots, fish kiss your cheeks and sides as you swim by. It's a strange addition to this Endless Forest, but you wonder if it is real or just a dream. You see a twisting nether that curves violently to the left, the quick current sweeps you lazily around the bend, the many roots extend themselves to prevent you from crashing into the sides. A light at the end causes you to kick faster running out of air, if there was such thing as running out.

Breaking the surface, you look around, this seems to be entirely another level of the strange forest. Trees are more dense here, more flowers of many colors (sapphire, rose, agate, copper, yellow) bordered the bottoms of the massive trees. Butterflies and larks flew around in lazy circles over your head, chirps and butterfly kisses welcoming you to this secondary forest. The lake here is large, about the size of fourteen houses set in a circle. A ledge led to the center where a single tree sprouted, large and warn, but covered in moss that shone in the sunlight that peeked through the thick canopy. Here there was a waterfall, but it had a spiraling branch that twisted around the massive tree and into the water it gently touched. It seemed like a pathway to the top of the waterfall, one you could actually stand on and see everything around you. The forest was so thick, it was a great place to play a game of hide-and-seek, and yet, it was a great place to just simply relax.

Wandering around, there seemed to be smaller pools of water, sparkling magics that floated from the center on the surface indicated that these were some kind of springs that allowed magic. Whatever magic it was, drinking was the only way to find out. A sip and it happened. The body changed, morphed into something that had short fur and long whiskers. A feline face and sharp eyes. The body color changed to a deep abyss of black. Emerald eyes peered at the reflection. If this was the magic of the forest, then the magic had transformed the drinker into a panther. This wasn't an Endless Forest, this was the Endless Rain Forest. With aw, this form gives you the ability to climb trees that you couldn't when you were a deer. But when you shake the trees, what fell out wasn't a pine cone, but an exotic fruit of some kind.

Eating it caused your taste buds to spin out of control and you turn to find your reflection. Staring at yourself, you try and cast the spell. Normally one would sneeze it off, but to your surprise, you successfully cast the spell upon yourself, changing your panther's coat to a gentle sandy color, like a mountain lion. You look back at where you came from, knowing that if you returned to the Endless Forest, you would lose all magic here, the wonderful aura and scents of moist leaves and lush fruits and flowers that blossomed here. What a mystery, a strange place this was. An alternate side of the forest, now how strange was that.

Knowing that you had to return to your Forest, you darted to the waters, standing on the small strip that reached out towards the base of the massive tree with vines that coiled around it and the branch that hung over the surface to allow one to climb, you dove in. Your back legs kicked and your front paws pushed off of the roots that untangled to provide footing to dash your way through the waters. As you see the other side, you surface and you are once again a deer, but you have not lost anything, not your antlers, pelt, or mask. Climbing out, you turn around and see it has vanished. The massive trees with the waterfall falling from the canopy and the small river that snaked around the tree and forwards with small jagged rocks that peeked out of the ground in an odd pattern. More like pentagon with a simple flower that blossomed in the middle. You can't decide if it was a dream or a hallucination from eating too many mushrooms or pine cones, but you just hoped it was real.

True story. I had a dream just like this.
Wouldn't it be cool to have a second level to the forest, a Rain Forest kind of theme? I can picture it already and the beautiful music that would happen if you danced there. An entirely different dance even. The colors, the sounds, the magic. Anything could happen in an Endless Rain Forest. If you just believe.
Whyss's picture

Oooh! Neat! I really like

Oooh! Neat! I really like your style of writing as well, very intriguing c:
Sithrim's picture

I love this

I love this <3
