In this world, there are lots of ups and downs. Unfortunately, the downs sometimes outweight the ups and make us forget about how wonderful the ups are... That's where our friends step in. A true friend is one who listens to you when in need and shares those precious moments with you, keeping them locked in their heart, making them smile whenever they think of you.
Kaoori wanted to show you this, Scythe, so she asked me to draw you a picture to illustrate her feelings. She wanted to tell you how much she truly cares for you and how much she treasures your company.
Personally, I only have one thing to say. When you get down, remember the ups you two shared, 'cause it's sure to put that lovely smile back on your face your friends enjoy seeing so much ^w^
(To be featured in the cheer-up-blog)
holy- this is too cute for
this is too cute for words.
Thank you so much. I hope she likes it..
I do like it. Very much.
I've just been under a lot of stress as of late, but Kimi is one of the few constants in my life and I'm truly thankful for her companionship. I'm proud to say that she is my best friend.
This picture is gorgeous, Chickenwhite. You captured such a cute moment. If a picture could give one cavities, I'd surely be off to the dentist by now.
Thank you, both of you. &hearts
Aww, thank you! >w< I'm so
Oh, I'm so happy you like it! >w< I really tried to see if I could capture the relationship between Kaoori and Wesker in one picture... then I failed and just went for the cute-option XD
Glad to know this helped a little, and remember, we're always here for you >w<
I love everything about the
Wow, this is gorgeous.
And yeah, we are here for you Scythe, hope you feel better now. :')
@Ravus: Aww, thank you! >w<
@Snow: Thanks, mate! >w< And you couldn't be more right.
Actually, I think you
I noticed! >w< I remember
Wow... Its really pretty, you
Jeg skifter til dansk da jeg nemmere kan finde ud af det ^^' :
Hvad bruger du som inspiration? Altså, kigger du på naturbilleder, eller ser du på andres tegninger, som jeg gør lige nu?
Vil virkelig gerne kunne tegne hjorte, dådyr og andet som hører til i skoven. Men kan bare ikke som jeg gerne vil.
Tak på fprhånd
Awww, this is so sweet. I'm
You guyyyys~. ♥
Thanks, mate! >ww< Men jeg
Og jeg ser for det meste på billeder af hjorte, for ikke at tale om, at Unplugged lagde nogle rigtig gode anatomi-scanninger ud her på siden >w< Men jeg drager også inspiration fra andres billeder, hvis jeg finder dem æstetiske ^w^ Så det er vel lidt af en blanding, men de der scanninger er noget af det første jeg ser på >w<
Thanks, MrsMorbid! ^w^ I really was trying to make it as sweet as possible >w<
Heh... Np ;3 Unplugged? Tak,
Unplugged? Tak, vil lige tage en smut forbi der og kigge lidt til inspiration der
Nåå, tak XD Det betyder
Åh. Gættede lidt på at det
Men tak for det, jeg har nu lært noget nyt ^u^
Har du... 18 år? O_O' ... Damn. Så har jeg mange år foruden mig endu.
Sandt nok, men alting starter
Præcis. Men det ER nu
Pfft, det er helt okay, hvis
Tjah, ellers må du bare sige
Ps. Ros mig for at være hurtig til at svare. Klokken er nu 20.02
Pfft, du er meget dygtig XD