S o c c o r o (details!)

Sokoora's picture

Managed to whip something up! It's not really clean or anything, but-- I really wanted to doodle something up for him seeing as though the last time I drew him was YEARS ago. Haha! The set which I had in mind before was Long Mask, Key Antlers, and the Secretary Bird pelt! Turns out, they have a set which I feel as though will fit Soccoro's look better... (Or, at least, close to what I'd imagine him to look!)

He looks great!

He looks great!
skype: retrogradenova
discord: Anoriel#2784
Sokoora's picture

@retrogradenove thank you!!

@retrogradenove thank you!! and thank you so much for helping us out with getting the set we wanted! i'll definitely be sure to draw something up as a thank you! ^__T

his design is so pretty!

his design is so pretty!
Sokoora's picture

@Postmortem thank you so

@Postmortem thank you so much!! ///
Chromai's picture

Tracking ^^ a beautiful boy!

Tracking ^^ a beautiful boy!
Tibby's picture

chromai thank you very much!

chromai thank you very much!

I'm loving the mask design.

I'm loving the mask design. And the art looks great as well!
Sokoora's picture

amary thank you so much!!!

amary thank you so much!!! i'm very glad that the mask design especially is being so liked u//u