rut doodles and character thoughts

I'm late to this LOL

In which Emmy fully realizes that her former life is over; most of her friends were in the Forest and have since left, she's been missing one of her sons for over 2 years now and her mate, Yurei, has been looking for him the whole time. For all she knows, her entire social world is now limited to her son, Artios. It's frightening to think of bringing another child into the world as a result of the Rut. It's frightening to think of making the extra effort to bond with others, knowing that they will either be lost to time or death.
It's difficult enough for her to empathize with others, and seeing all the socializing going on has made her more withdrawn. Chasing other judges around has been a great way to relieve some of that pent up frustration.

Meanwhile, Haroten is just being a lil' shit. Running around and charging at random deer, getting in the way of competitors and challengers alike just so they can pretend to be hurt and have the attention from the judges focused solely on them. What a brat. (Also please somebody groom this poor child they haven't bathed at all and not only do they have twigs and leaves in their hair, but I bet they smell something awful)
They don't associate any of the participants' with certain genders, but seeing the competitors and challengers makes them excited. They feel like they'd like to participate like that someday!
cloudandis's picture

How unfortunate xD Sabel can

How unfortunate xD Sabel can relate a little to that feeling- knowing that she might not see someone again. But constructing new relationships often helps heal older ones.

As for Haroten, I can't hardly blame them xD though I hope they hasn't gotten into any serious scrapes.

The sketches.. they're adorable 8D I'm reminded of a mischievous pixie with Haroten's image.
Sabel, Sam

Image © Alhnna

She hasn't dealt with

She hasn't dealt with anything like this before, so she's not coping very well. It's fun character development!

I've only played them for a little bit during the Rut so far, so they haven't gotten hurt at all :')
I'm trying out a slightly different way of sketching and I'm enjoying it so far. It's more work, but it's also more relaxing somehow. I'm glad you like them! c: Thank you for commenting, dear!
Kaoori's picture


Emmy <3
cloudandis's picture

I can imagine D: poor thing.

I can imagine D: poor thing. Hopefully her mind won't turn on itself.

Thank goodness xD She's quite enjoyable, despite my brief experience with her.

Ahh. Someone suggested a program called medibang for painting c: it's good with layers for sketches. Try it when you feel the need! It's also quite fun to play with. Your welcome, friend c:
Sabel, Sam

Image © Alhnna
Bayleen's picture

Poor Emmy ;; That's a

Poor Emmy ;; That's a struggle, but one of my character's can relate.

*tog admires from afar* ily o.o


<3 <3 <3

It's happened before, so we'll see!

Whenever I have Haroten in when I see Sabel is on the Map, I'll have them run over and she'll be asleep!! It's a funny coincidence to me but poor Wuuti just gets frustrated.

I'll definitely give it a shot! Thank you for the suggestion~ <3

They should have a pity party together!!

They're going to lose a body part someday if they keep up this nonsense, I just know it.. unicorn-deer without a leg or something.

Bunch'a cuties. Must be your

Bunch'a cuties. Must be your style.
And I can get the frustration in the 1st one despite her back turned, nice job.