Rubies in the Pond [Prologue]

Verdalas's picture
I have decided not to include Walter in this story as of -yet-. For now, I've changed the plot and everything, so please be aware of any lameness that follows.
This prologue is short because in a way it's a warm-up for me. Also I'm at my grandmothers and I'm a bit fussy of letting them see my work, so I try to hide it a lot too. But enjoy!

None of the characters are in the prologue, but they'll all be included soon.

Oh, and I finally decided on a title. Wewt. Each chapter will have a title except this prologue.


With the obscure surroundings hiding the glistening black waters, the sound of a form slipping into the pond was heard. It was a creature, musky and brown with tainted and stained patches running the length of it's furry flank. The thing was an animal, reaching over seven feet in length, crowned at one end with a structure of imperial spears. Yet these remained motionless, as did the entire form as it silenty drifted along the gentle currents of the polluted liquid surrounding it.

Standing some metres away was a shadow, as silent as the night which had overtaken the forest. It was a large silhouette compared to that of the individual floating in the water, also crowned but in a more severe manner. The four powerful limbs of the monster easily turned it away from the bank on which it stood, and with a surge of strength it bolted away from the scene to be cloaked between the intricate pattern of trees.

The mass which had been afloat in the dark pond was soon at it's destination of the shallows, where it continued to remain throughout the night, as dormant as the life surrounding the area, with only the occasional panicked splash echoing from the local residents of the gloomy basin. The contamination of the water slowly spread, until not a shimmering inch of the black water was seen. All that seemed to show were the crimson-coloured lilypads which floated harmlessley beside the hulking, lifeless body.

And, as the waters slowly rotated and tilted the creature's cadaver, the faint moonlight lit across a pale, horror-struck face. Blood was still running from the mouth, the nose and even the grey eyes, colouring the once-handsome face shades of ruby. It was clear that the stag had died.

But how?

D8 Poor stag.


Poor stag.
Verdalas's picture

I know. =3 You'll find out

I know. =3 You'll find out who the stag is later on, as well as that other deer. I'm sorry for it being short.. I feel insignificant with it, but I promise the following chapters will be a bit longer. ^^; And a bit more action-filled.
Click the eggies, save a life!

hmmmmmsuspicious.. I love

I love the plot! I want to read more! DD:
Verdalas's picture

Thankoo! I've started out a

Thankoo! I've started out a draft of the first chapter and it's -way- longer. It'll probably be much longer when I've finished it and gone over it again.
Click the eggies, save a life!
Pegasicorn's picture

Pega: O.O Definitely caught

Pega: O.O Definitely caught my attention.
Me wanna find out what happened to that stag.

The Dragonfly Deer:
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
Fenqua's picture

Horror! I like that XD Good

Horror! I like that XD

Good prologue, really makes me curious ^^

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul


My deer has a magpie outfit, name Hope!
/ /
/ /___
/.........{.}___ <------- My deer Hope!
Emiva's picture

This is going to be amazing.

This is going to be amazing. Laughing out loud
Ephra's picture

Why did I not illustrate

Why did I not illustrate this chapter before??

Verdalas's picture

*Gaaaaasp* ------------------

Lyeekha's picture

That. That is wow. Amazing.

That. That is wow. Amazing. *adds*
onyxsoulclaw's picture

wowwo that's great more more

wowwo that's great more more please oh and take care. Happy galloping.

Can you help my dragon grow please.
Shulgalaj's picture

Why didn't I see this before?

Why didn't I see this before? 8o the picture is amazing, and the story could be an awesome horror movie!
Verdalas's picture

Thankyou! I really love the

Thankyou! I really love the illustrations Ephra kindly donated as well. :3