Happy birthday Uzulii! I already got the message you have recieved your gift, so I'll post him here too
So hi! This was a really big guy! When I recieved the commission the first thing I had to figure out was how to handle those antlers. Did various experiments, but came down with one oddball of a material. Which was a bit scary! But preparation saved him during shipping it seems, and a very understanding reciever on the other hand of course haha. I printed out instructions, was a little nervous >_>'..
Some pictures!
Rothrust has an armature inside, and is an absolute bear of a doll. He had to sit behind me on my work desk for a while as I tried to find a fitting box, being a silent companion. I made him a little necklace too because he had to wait on my inability to find said box. And then those antlers had to be shipped safely, oh lawdy o_x
So yes, Rothrust for Uzulii's birthday

Hope you like him!
For anyone else, if you want one,
I will redirect you to this blog!
He is so awesome ....Gosh
Ohhh this is fantastic! he's
It's fabulous, Mis!
And happy birthday, Uzulii! ♥
Soooo cooool! *explodes*
Amazing, how you get all this
♥ ♥
Amazing Mis, amazing! With
Awesome work! I love how you
Ohhh he is so gorgeous. *_*
Oh my god he's so cute!
Such awesome work. That skull
Oh my gosh, he's beautiful!
EEE. Yess. That fluff,
Thanks everyone! The skull
He is very fluffy ;x I love these fabrics. Got them a year ago from a stall on a market, they're so soft.
happy birthday uzulii! damn
damn mis, youre AMAZING
those antlers are mesmerizing. the skull is perfect and everything else about him is spot on!
btw i love how you pose each of the dolls like they're models
uh' werk it
HAHAH ah they werk it good ;x
Thanks though! I'm happy you feel that way. He was hard work but yeah, lots of stuff learned and experiences made. Is always good!
THIS WAS the most awesomest
PERFECT (ofc a huge thank you to my friends who ordered this!)
Just when I opened that box I had no idea what would pop out of there !! Finding this old man inside of there.. just AAAAaAAA !!! Everyone had so much fun watching my face when I opened the gift.. 8'')
You really did a good job on the antlers, If his antlers would have still been the old design you really wouldn't have made it alive!! :''D
Now I have a reallife Rothrust guarding my home! (The doll Is surprisingly huge !) I also love the way it creaks when changing poses, It sounds like his old bones are creaking..
Like in game slowly turning his heads towards something while his bones creak, in bit of a creepy way.. Love it haha!
Im going to photograph him when I have time !
He is so fluffy, I REALLY love the fabrics they're so soft, perfect for his fur! THANK you again ! ;;
Thanks for the bday wishes everyone ^^
Uzulii! I’m so proud you like
He’s big, we got to calling him a bear at some point. He has plastic joints so yeah, creaky! No way to break em though, you can abuse him as much as you want and he’ll resist you. Okay maybe don’t forcefully try to pop them, then he might stop resisting >_>’.. I’d love to see photos! Always fun to see your work in it’s new environment.
You’re very welcome! I hope you enjoy him for many years to come ♥