The Rose in the Briar patch. Prelude.

thecapturedplanet's picture
From an early age everyone knew there was something...different, about that boy with the cherry colored hair.

He was friendly, and always willing to help, but, he was, to say the least, slow.
He could never count past the number ten, and he didn't seem to understand most things, but, that was fine, he did well at most everything he was supposed to, and was a sweet child.

And so nobody minded.

Among those that loved him the most, was his elder brother, Rosine, a shy man but like his younger sibling he was a sweetheart.

Unlike his younger sibling though the boy with the blue hair was sharp as a tack, or at least when it came to book smarts anyway.

All in all they were a perfect duo due to the fact that, while Rosin was book smart, his brother Briar had a much deeper type of wisdom, the type that escapes most his age.

They were almost always together, and would often take walks in the woods that bordered their little town, seeing as it was a pleasant place where the light always filtered through the leaves and danced upon the ground merrily, and, as Briar often pt it 'it smelled of calm'

Years passed, heated days of summer and the iced over winters that struck down most plants but, which were pretty in their own right.
(Although Rosine, who caught cold and other illnesses rather easily often opted to stay INSIDE while his brother played)

But summer and winter are not the seasons which this part of their past takes place, so, let us skip forward a bit to the rainy month of spring.

Spring, in this little town was dreadfully wet, and rainy, and really it was all around unpleasant.

But that didn't stop the duo from going out on days when the weather seemed fair.

And this, my friends, is where our tale takes a turn for the worse.
thecapturedplanet's picture

The next chapter will not be

The next chapter will not be written in this same style, sorry, this is really just an introduction and set up.
I'll have the next part up soon.
Assuming I'm not strangled by writer's block.
GingerNut's picture

Hurrrrrr.... ;^; Nuuu...

Hurrrrrr.... ;^; Nuuu... Bri-kins...