Revelations - Quad and Iugulare

quadraptor's picture
This is the third of three stories I will write as 'conclusions' for my Deadly Trio, as well as Quad. These are set in the near future, so that means that this story will not affect other writings I may do of my Deadly Trio that are set present date. This story is after Nekumbra's Revelation Story, which was preceded by Anirapio's Revelation Story. Please note that I am not killing Quad off, simply telling the story of how he would die.

Also since this story involves every Endless Forest deer, if you'd like to write your deer's thoughts on everything going on in the comments, please feel free to do so.

Anyway, enjoy Eye


"The darkness is coming...", he spoke, his voice low. It wasn't a day he wanted to see, but he knew. Quad looked over to Zephyr, "I need to tell you this, should anything happen to me...", he began, already seeing the look of concern in his daughter's eyes.

"Dad, please...", Zephyr shook her head, "You've beaten her once before. You always win. I know nothing will ever happen to you.", she spoke.

Her father smiled for a moment, but then he said, "You need to know what I have to say. If it happens that I am unable to beat her, I want you to run. I don't want you in danger. Run away, and find the Twin Gods. They'll know what to do.", his face was more stern when he spoke this.

He nuzzled her, and under his breath, he spoke, "I love you, Zephyr."

"I love you too, Dad, and I won't lose you.", Zephyr said in return.


Quad arrived at Twin Gods Hill, looking over the Forest. He knew that the day had come, he could feel the darkness already starting to fester. Iugulare had planned something...something big.

One by one, the other deer arrived at the hill. It was a forest-wide meeting, much like they had during abiogenesis events, but this time, it was a matter of safety. Quad looked over to see all of his friends and acquaintances chatting among themselves. It was bittersweet to him, seeing their individual faces, remembering all of the fun he had with them...

The weight of the world on my shoulders...what if I can't save them?, he began to think.

"This will be the fourth time we've been attacked like this.", Auriea suddenly was standing by him, speaking those words. "Your brothers fought against Iugulare, and all ended with the same result. If you are not the one to defeat her, then we will use our magic again to wipe the Forest clean, and your younger brother, Pent, will be trained as the Grand Talux."

Quad stepped back, now seeing Michael there too. "When you say that...'wiping the Forest clean', do you mean...?", he began.

Michael nodded, "We will not have any choice, Quad. You have seen the suffering Iugulare's infection brings to our deer. If you fail, we will kill them all to ease their pain, and begin the Endless Forest once again."

Quad looked over at the deer once again, and this time, tears filled his eyes. "Why? Why did you choose me? There were plenty of others out there who would have done better at fighting the infection than I have.", he questioned them.

The gods looked at one another, and then Auriea spoke, "It's simply because of who you are. You are the one who would give anything to protect those you love, even if that was your own life. You care more about them than yourself."

Michael added in, "I know you are weary, Quad, but if you are the one to finally defeat the stoat, we will give you the one thing you've always dreamed of." He nodded here, and Quad already knew what he was talking about.

At that moment, the earth rumbled. Many of the deer shrieked in fright, and a few of them lost their footing and hit the ground. Quad looked to see where the tremor was coming from, and at that moment, he watched as his foe appeared...but not at her usual size.

Iugulare's body sprung up from the ground, a massive form towering over the trees. She shaped into her stoat body, and looking down at the gathering, she grinned, her voice booming over them, "You gather at your precious Twin Gods, but this day, you will all suffer my infection!"

"Quad, it's time.", Michael spoke to the Grand Talux. He closed his eyes, and reminiscing one last time of a beautiful memory, he felt the four wings grow upon his back. His body shimmered much like a sunlit meadow, and lifting off, he radiated light almost as bright as the Sun itself. The Grand Talux then flew off toward Iugulare, leaving his friends behind.


Nearby, something else was going on. A human had suddenly found himself waking up to a familiar forest. He stood, his head drowsy and having a difficult time focusing in the unnatural light. As he started to adjust, he saw a deer approach.

"Chris, it's time. Quad needs your help.", Auriea was there speaking to him.

"Where...?", the human began to say, when he had the sudden realization, "Is this...the Endless Forest?"

"Yes, it is very real. But we cannot explain this right now.", the god spoke, as Michael also appeared.

"Does he have the sacred item?", Michael asked.

Auriea looked at him, and then said, "Yes, that is it there.", motioning toward his belt.

Chris looked down, and was surprised to see a knife attached to his belt. "Wh...where did you find this? This was just a knife I bought at a store on a trip. It's just an ordinary object.", Chris began to say.

The gods shook their heads, "No, you were destined to have that knife, for it is the thing that will destroy the darkness for good. Come, Quad needs you.", they spoke, and leading him away, he followed.

It wasn't much longer that he didn't believe what he saw - the giant stoat swinging at air, trying to knock down the flying deer. Quad bursting with light that made her infection sizzle and evaporate.

"So it was all real...", Chris said under his breath.


He maneuvered around her very well, his bursts of light cutting deep into her body. The stoat was slow at her size, but one wrong move and Quad would be in danger.

It was at this time that he soon saw he had help. There were others on the ground, bravely attacking at the infection, trying to do all they could to damage the stoat, or at the very least distract her while the Grand Talux fought back. Iugulare took the bait, bending down and hissing at them. She took one of her paws and slammed it into the ground where many of them were. Quad watched in horror as he saw his friends stuck in the infection, slowly being wrapped and dragged into her body. He had no choice but to swoop down to help, but when he attacked her, they were already too deep for his light to cut through. He backed off, feeling even more guilt now that they were suffering because of him.

"Quad!", someone called nearby. The Grand Talux looked to see two familiar faces coming toward him. Anirapio was flying swiftly, with Nekumbra holding on from her back. The two former allies of Iugulare zipped past him, and as Anirapio flew close to the stoat's face, Nekumbra shot out her spider webbing into Iugulare's eyes. The stoat jerked back, blinded, trying to get the silk out of her eyes. Quad took this as the perfect opportunity to unleash a strong burst of light.

The stoat flung her paws wildly in the air. Quad watched in horror as one swing sent Anirapio and Nekumbra tumbling to the ground. He was so distracted that he never saw the other infectious paw strike him, though he was stuck within the infection. It happened so quickly that he did not have the chance to think - Iugulare, realizing she had caught him, slammed her paw into her own stomach.

As she lifted her paw up, Quad's body slowly peeled off of the infection. A few of his bones were painfully broken, much of his body was infected, his wings weren't cooperating...he felt the air rush past him as he plummeted toward the Earth.

The deer on the ground called out to him, but their cries did nothing to help. He could barely keep his eyes open, he couldn't focus. And within the moment, he blacked out.


"I offer you freedom. I offer you an escape. Why do you refuse it?", the stoat's voice boomed as Quad awoke. Iugulare had caught him in his free fall, the Grand Talux was halfway submerged into the infection of her paws. Her massive snout was bent down toward the belly-up deer, who immediately struggled to free himself from the thick goo.

She lowered her head, and quickly pressed the tip of her snout onto him. He cried out in terrible pain, feeling many of his bones snap from the pressure, as well as the constant burning of the infection on his skin. She raised her head up, and spoke again, this time to all of the creatures who watched, "All I want is the universe to be mine. All I ask is for complete control. Each one of you would be given your own reality, a perfect place in your own mind where nothing would ever go wrong. Just give yourself to my darkness and you can have it - a world without worry, a world without pain or suffering, a world all your own!". The deer looked among themselves, some actually considering the offer, others immediately angered.

"Wh...what would the...point be of that?", Quad questioned under his labored breath. The stoat looked down at him as he continued, "Why would we live like that...if we knew it wasn't real? That is why we refuse...because to live in a fake world would be torture in itself."

"Lucky for you, don't get to choose. I'm going to bury you so deep that you'll never see the light again!", Iugulare spoke, and raising her paws, she opened her mouth and dropped the broken Grand Talux in. He was unable to hold on, and watched as the light faded around him, his body at once burning like it was on fire. The deer on the ground watched as a few feathers from his wings floated with the breeze toward them. They watched as the stoat turned her attention toward them.


He was pulled deeper and deeper, still breathing, but every inch of his body in pain. He wished he could just give in. He wished for it all to stop...but he couldn't surrender that easily. At one point he thought he heard someone calling toward him.

" that you?", the voices called.

He couldn't see them, but he knew who it was - the other deer who had tried to fight off the infection, the ones who were pulled in. "I'm sorry...I couldn't save you...", the Grand Talux replied.

"We'll get out. We'll get out, Quad. Just tell us what to do.", they called, awaiting his answer, hopeful that he had a plan.

There was a moment of silence. Then Quad said, "Let her take you."

"Wha...but...why?", the deer questioned.

"Please, just trust me. She'll put you into a dream. You won't hurt anymore. Just let her take you for now, and I'll get you out soon.", the Grand Talux called.

Another moment of silence. Then someone else replied, "We trust you, Quad. Please hurry!", the voice sounding like a doe this time.

He then felt his body being pulled deeper into Iugulare. He continued like this, cringing with every flux, until at one point he stopped, floating alone. He knew he was somewhere deep within the stoat, as the level of pressure on him was much more significant now.

He couldn't open his eyes. He didn't want to fall into the sleep. But his body was so terribly numb, and burning so badly, he....

....saw a vision, of a beautiful sunlit meadow. The grass shimmered with the light, seemingly blinding but brilliant to the eyes. There he saw others, all playing, all laughing. "Come on, Quad!", one spoke, a green stag with orange candles in his antlers. He knew that voice...that was Blixt, his brother.

Another approached, "We're playing tag! Don't you want to join?", and he recognized this one, his brown fur, the red face smiling, it was Trunks.

Nearby, he saw the oldest one smile as well. Quad's eyes grew, he couldn't believe he saw Caw once again. The old man looked more like a young buck. He motioned for Quad to join in on the fun.

He then saw Pent...the silly pronghorn, talking to one of the trees that grew in the meadow. He was having his own fun, it seemed.

Quad walked toward them, feeling the beautiful strands of grass rub against his blue fur. It seemed all too real. It was all like a distant memory to him.

Then he remembered something, and turning, he looked toward the distance. He blinked for a moment, and then saw what he thought he saw in so many reoccurring dreams.

There was another...a very young doe, watching them all from the distance.

The blackbuck took a step toward her, and calling out, "Come on, don't you want to play with us?"

The doe didn't reply, and stepping back, she turned and ran into the nearby treeline.

"Forget about her, Quad! She's not worth it!", Caw shouted.

Quad didn't want to leave his brothers, but...out of instinct, he chased after the doe, leaving the sunlight and entering into the darker woods. He followed the doe's tracks to a cave, where he approached hesitantly. Looking in, he saw the doe, sobbing, curled up, alone.

The blackbuck wanted to step in and give her comfort, but as he did, he heard a voice...a terrible voice...speaking to the doe, "Oh little one, did they reject you?"

Iugulare!, Quad's mind raced. He recognized the voice right away, and watched as the doe sat up. From the deepest part of the dark cave, a tendril snaked it's way toward her. "I can be your friend. Just come deeper, and I will comfort you.", the darkness beckoned her.

Quad called out to the doe, "No, don't go! She's lying! She doesn't care about you!", but his voice seemed not to phase the doe. She never looked back, she never even moved her ear to hear him. It was as if his voice was silent. The doe took a few hesitant steps into the dark cave, and when she was out of sight, Quad heard her scream out horribly. He immediately chased after her, going deep into the cave, crying out for her. He wasn't watching where he was going, his eyes never adjusted to the darkness, and when he thought he was taking a step on solid ground, he fell into a chasm, plummeting. He cried out, waiting for his bones to shatter, expecting this to be his death...

And then he woke up, back in Iugulare's infection. He kept his eyes shut as he cringed and squirmed, the pain returning to him. It was at this time he heard another familiar voice.

"You don't remember you?", Auriea spoke in his mind.

He thought for the moment. "...Hex...her name was Hex...", Quad spoke.

"That's right. She was your younger sister, but she was always very shy, she didn't know how to play with your brothers. And so she went alone and found the darkness...and Iugulare.", Michael's voice spoke.

"But...where is she? What happened to her?", Quad questioned.

"Look before you. There is something that looks much like a cocoon. There is your sister.", Auriea instructed.

Quad's eyes burned terribly as he opened them, but through the infection he could see what they were talking about. He kicked with his legs, grimacing as sharp pains stung his muscles, but he was able to move toward the cocoon. When he reached it, he tried to get it open with his great antlers, hitting and sawing at it until the shell cracked open.

And as the pieces of the cocoon fell off, there he saw what was a shriveled body of a young doe. "Oh Hex...I'm sorry I couldn't save you...", Quad's eyes teared, and reaching out he wrapped around the body, resting her head on his chest.

"...Brother...", Hex spoke, very weakly, "...I knew you would come for me..."

Quad was sobbing here. He nuzzled the little doe, and cried, "...If I could take it all back, I would...if I could have even taken your place, I would have..."

His emotions were so strong that his wings seemed to glow, the darkness all around evaporating and fizzing from the light. It radiated so rapidly that the entirety of Iugulare shimmered, rays of light bursting from her. "No! This can't be! I should be...", she didn't finish the sentence, as her body exploded in the strong light.


The deer all around watched as chunks of Iugulare's infection hit the ground, fizzing without anything to infect around. They saw bulges of the infection dissipate, the deer who were captured now freed from the thick goo.

Zephyr was the first to see Quad's broken body, and calling out, she ran toward him. He gripped the now lifeless body of his sister. Michael and Auriea were quickly racing toward him as well, and in the distance was Chris, who watched the spectacle unfold. The others all around looked to Quad, a general feeling of relief spread out among them, though a few noticed the deep gashes and wounds on Quad's body.

"She's...", Quad tried to say, "She's...d..."

"We know, Quad. We know. Hex is at peace. You saved her, and us all.", Michael spoke to him.

Zephyr took a step toward her father, but didn't notice the fizzing infection she had stepped into. Quickly, the disease shot up her leg, and she screamed in terror and agony. Iugulare reshaped, though very small, and from the doe the stoat pounced through the air, landing on Quad.

The Twin Gods backed off as the stoat clung to Quad's body, "No! You haven't beaten me yet! If I cannot have this world, then I'll just have to have you instead!" She found one of the wounds the Grand Talux had suffered through the battle, and as quickly as she bounded onto him, she entered into his body, corrupting his organs from the inside. Quad no longer was able to move, but he grimaced and hissed as the stoat moved about his body.

"Dad! Dad!!", Zephyr cried, but Michael shook his head toward her.

"Let it happen. It's part of the prophecy.", the god spoke.

"Prophecy?! What...?", the doe was furious that they weren't helping her father, after all the torment and suffering he went through to get this far.

The gods raised their heads, and motioned for the human to come. Chris approached the stag, and bending down, he placed his hand on Quad's chest. Quad looked to him, and spoke, "I never...was cut out...for this hero thing..."

The man petted his fur, and replied, "You did great, Quad. You did great."

"You know what to do.", Auriea spoke to Chris. The man nodded, and unsheathing the knife on his belt, he felt for Quad's heartbeat.

The stag looked at the knife, but Chris petted his chest again, "It's okay. It'll hurt a little, but you'll finally be free from your pain."

"He's going to kill my Dad?", Zephyr asked, her face seemed more horrified than angry now.

Michael turned to her, and explained, "We all are tied to a human being. Every one of us has a very unique bond to them. We may never meet this person, but they are always thinking and dreaming of us, and likewise, we often see them appear in our own dreams. This man here is tied to Quad...and Iugulare."

Auriea continued the explanation, "We gave Quad the gift of immortality so he could live as long as it took to defeat Iugulare. That day has finally come, she is weakened to only that which has entered into your father's body. But we made something that, when needed, would break Quad's immortality. The knife in the human's hand is that item. It will kill your father, and kill Iugulare for good too."

Zephyr cried here, "No! No, you can' did all of this just to die? How could...", she could barely contain herself, sobbing and turning her head away.

The Twin Gods approached her, nuzzling Quad's daughter and speaking, "He did exactly what we asked for. Your father was so loyal and devoted to defend us all from being overtaken. He will not die unrewarded."

They turned to Chris, who had rested Quad's head on his chest, and was holding him here, gently rubbing his side where he felt the heartbeat the strongest. He spoke something softly to the blackbuck, "Close your eyes, Quad. I want to tell you about a beautiful place I saw once."

The blackbuck did so, and Chris said, "There was a place I went to, where there was wonderful grass and wildflowers. There were boulders sticking up from the ground, and every so often I saw a deer wander by. I always wanted to approach them and tell them how much I loved them and how beautiful they made the world, but they would run away. But I knew that even so, they still understood. There's something you and I are meant for in this world. I just want you to know that no matter where I go, I will always see you there, and I'll always love you for making both my life and the world so beautiful."

Quad was smiling here, and he gave the man a slight nuzzle. Chris knew, and at that moment, the knife went through the blackbuck's body, penetrating his heart as well as stabbing Iugulare in the head. The blackbuck never flinched, simply rested his head and ceased breathing. The stoat, who was more unlucky, flailed and screamed, and without any way to escape, she vanished from the Earth for good.

The deer all gathered around, all wanting to see Quad's lifeless body. One by one, they spoke something to him - a blessing, an expression of their thanks, even just a memory. And though he was dead, his ears received every word. Zephyr and Chris sat by him the entire time, the doe continued to cry over her father, and the human holding her and trying to console her tears.

When the last words were spoken, Michael and Auriea approached, and using their Forest magic, they removed the pictogram on Quad's head.

"You will get this back when the time comes...", Auriea spoke to the Grand Talux.

At that moment, Quad's body began to let off small specks of light. He was slowly disappearing from the Forest. "We hope you enjoy your reward. You have earned every moment of it.", Michael added.

And at that instant, his body burst in to millions of tiny sparks, the deer all around watching as the light expanded and rushed past them. When the sparks vanished into the air, those all around saw two things had been left where Quad's body was - the mask he wore, and the knife.

That was the last time Quad ever lived in that body, but it would not be the last time he lived in the Endless Forest. His friends took the items left and buried them by his pillar at the Ruins. There would be a day they would give him his mask back, but for now, it served as a place to remember him.

And for many years, the Forest was at peace from the darkness. Zephyr one day would grow four wings on her own back, and the Twin Gods would tell her that she was to be the next Grand Talux, with her own mission to fulfill. Chris returned to his own life, but dreamed every day of meeting his silly blackbuck once again. And Quad...well...

He had his own life to live.

All I ever wanted...

...was to be normal...

...I never wanted to be the hero...

...just to live a regular life... live a regular life...

...a regula...

"Good morning, sleepyhead.", the voice was soft and kind. The snout nuzzled the little one, gently cleaning him. He opened his eyes for the first time, and taking in the light, he adjusted. He let out a yawn, and finally somewhat awake, he looked up to his mother, who was a beautiful blackbuck doe.

"Have you thought of a name for him yet?", a blackbuck stag asked, nearby looking down upon the young one. He was proud and strong, but was much more kind on the inside. The fawn would get many of his traits from his father.

"Cuatro. It was a word I heard from the humans, and I always thought it would fit him.", the doe spoke.

The fawn yawned again, and resting his head, slept for the rest of the day.

The place he lived was a wildlife preserve called Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch near San Antonio, Texas. He would grow without fear of predators or hunting, though there were still tribulations in his life. He had found a small place where few of the other animals would go, a place where grass and wildflowers sprung up around small boulders. This would be his favorite place to relax, and soon after he would have friends to come have fun with him here too.

There was a common lechwe named Uno who he first met. This one was quite older than him, but always loved to give advice. He next met an eld's deer named Dos, who was arrogant and loved to fight others. Later he met Tres, a Pere David's deer, who was kind and loved telling stories. There was another named Cinco he and his friends met, who was an odd pronghorn antelope who liked to talk to bugs and boulders, but enjoyed their company.

The five of them always played in the paradise Cuatro found. And one day, he saw another approach, a doe who was timid. The blackbuck smiled and said, "Come on, don't you want to play?" The newcomer was also a blackbuck, but she began to back away, scared of the stags around.

"Forget about her, she's not worth it!", Uno called, but Cuatro approached her, and smiling, he said, "Come on, don't be afraid. My name is Cuatro."

The doe hesitantly replied, "Seis...", and trusting the other blackbuck, she joined the group.

Cuatro would have a great life on the ranch. There were cars that drove by every day, with humans all wanting to take pictures of him and feed him. He was one of the few blackbucks who would actually approach the cars, and they dropped treats which he loved to eat. He became famous for accidentally letting out a fart when he ate too much, but he didn't care, it was life.

Cuatro would have many triumphs on this ranch. He fought other blackbucks for mates, fell in love with a doe, and even had two children with her. But he always came back to the place he found in the beginning, and there his friends would always be waiting to play.

The blackbuck also dreamed every night, and had reoccurring visions of a forest as well as a human. He didn't know what to think of these dreams, but they were pleasing to him either way.

And one day he would die on the ranch, but it was many years from now. And on that day, the Twin Gods would bring him back to the Endless Forest, and give him his old pictogram once again.

Cuatro spoke something to his mother soon after he was born. "One day, I want to be someone great.", he said proudly.

The doe nuzzled him, and replied, "My son, you already are."

The End

((I would love to comment in

((I would love to comment in light of recent events ^^))

Spirited One watched the conversation from a spot near the bottom of the hill. She was afraid, yes, because of the suffering she had recently endured due to a run in with the Infected.

Quad! I want to see you come back with HER crystal! She yelled after the stag as he flew off, rearing to try and make her voice heard by the Grand Talux.

Spirited One was worried, but put her faith in Quad and his abilities. The Kudu turned her muzzle away from the flying buck, and down to a puddle of fawns not far off. She walked to join them, standing protectively over the little ones. She wanted to promise...but they wouldnt understand. They wouldnt understand what Quad was up against. What it could do to the forest, they could not fathom.

You can bring her Crystal back to us, Quad. Get rid of that weasel before she even has a chance to attack. She willed silently.
Hart's picture

Reading this!

Reading this!

my reply was very long

Pegasicorn's picture


quadraptor's picture

I actually forgot that I was

I actually forgot that I was going to include myself in this story, so I'll do that in the next part. I'll assume the walks and meetings Quad and I have had really happened, so he will know who I am when he sees me.
Anjali's picture


quadraptor's picture

Next part is up

Next part is up Eye
Anjali's picture

Looking forward to the

Looking forward to the conclusion! I wanted to write from Anjali's view:

He saw the sinuous black tower; the dripping fur, whipping whiskers, teeth, shadows, hate.

He saw Quad leap into the air, wings blooming like white flowers on his back.

He saw the Grand Talux quiver this way and that in the sky, making little fireworks of light against the massive stoat-shaped night.

"Quad." He said the name like it was an anchor of hope, like it was a prayer that might save them all. And it was, because who else could stand up to Iugulare now and still have a chance?

"Quad!" he called, louder this time. He knew the stag couldn't hear him, but he called just the same. "You can do this!"

Anjali stood, his head tilted up to the sky. Then, like the other deer, he ran and flailed his hooves against Iugulare's infection. His hooves struck like hammers, like clocks striking midnight, but did so little damage...and all was burning, burning, blackness, and he could only think: Quad. Hold on--

quadraptor's picture

It seems like an impossible

It seems like an impossible fight...a speck of light surrounded by the towering darkness...but I am eternally grateful for your help...all of you...thank you for standing by my side... helped helped saved me from the infection, now let me help you... come can do this! That light is burning inside you so you can fight that ermine! Come on... Quad! Snap out of it! WAKE UP! All Spirited One could do was try and reach him, try and will him to just wake up. She was at the edge of the group now, pushing her way to the front to see better. She stamped her hooves impatiently, becoming angry. Placing herself square to the falling Talux, she let the anger out in a loud bellow.

QUAD, WAKE UP RIGHT NOW! YOU ARE SO MUCH STRONGER THAN THAT! she screamed at him in her fury. Iugulare would not take Quad. She could not take the blue buck from the forest, it just was not going to happen.

She bolted forward, stabbing at Iugulare with her glass-like hooves, her anger boiling as she screamed up at the stoat. YOU RODENT! LET HIM GO YOU VILE BIT OF SLUDGE! YOU WILL NOT TAKE OUR FOREST, OR OUR QUAD! Spirited One's pictogram flashed and flared brightly as she raved, heating her head and her antlers. She neither felt it grow or paid any attention to the fact that it was hot.

((Hehe she's living up to her name))
quadraptor's picture

Gonna write some more today,

Gonna write some more today, but I'll give you a hint at what happens next. This won't be the first time Quad has been in this situation...

Speaking of the Divine series, I'm starting to realize it has a lot of flaws in explaining things. I don't know if I would ever get the time to do so, but I may possibly rewrite them...but it would take a lot of time and effort to do so, so I'm not really sure.
Spyrre's picture

D= *tracking*

quadraptor's picture

More written today

More written today *nodnodnod*

Shall I write more tonight, or shall I be evil and keep the suspensefulnessnessness...ness going?
Anjali's picture

The suspense! Either way, I

The suspense! Shocked Either way, I can't wait to see what happens...
quadraptor's picture

There's actually a deep

There's actually a deep philosophical viewpoint on this (though I can't seem to find any info on it, it's something I heard of once) where you try to decide whether you'd be happy living in a fantasy world where everything was perfect, knowing that it's not real, or if you'd choose to remain in the real world. I've always really liked this idea, and so it was always incorporated with Iugulare.

I'm not the first to do this though, actually it was inspired by a movie...but I'll keep which movie a secret Eye

Edit - Wrote the climax of the story tonight. I also wanted to note that Vandettta's deer, Hrym, would be an exception to Iugulare's death, and would continue to live in the world with the infection. Keep in mind that this is set in the future so please don't think I'm killing Quad off for good, this is just an account of how he and Iugulare finally die.

There's still a little left to write, but I'll finish it this week. Hope you guys have enjoyed the story so far.
Pegasicorn's picture

I teared up.

I teared up.
quadraptor's picture

I've wanted to write that

I've wanted to write that part for over a year now, and just never knew when was appropriate. I decided that Quad and Iugulare are like my yin and yang, and also it ties all TEF players to their deer. It was supposed to be kind of like having a spirit animal or a guardian.

B'aww Pega, don't worry. He gets what he wants in the end, I promise.

Actually, I finished it this morning.

...Anyone else notice that blackbucks seem to have the cheekiest smiles?
Pegasicorn's picture

I teared up again. XD; But

I teared up again. XD; But this time they're happy tears!
quadraptor's picture

I think hugs are in order.

I think hugs are in order. X3
Anjali's picture

Aw. I feel bad for

Aw. I feel bad for Zephyr...but glad that Quad gets to enjoy such a fine reward.

I especially liked this idea: "We all are tied to a human being. Every one of us has a very unique bond to them. We may never meet this person, but they are always thinking and dreaming of us, and likewise, we often see them appear in our own dreams."

I enjoy the idea that our deer and ourselves are intrinsically linked on some level; that we are part of of each other. It makes the Forest more meaningful, I think.
quadraptor's picture

I suppose Zephyr losing Quad

I suppose Zephyr losing Quad is much like how I lost my dad, it sucks when it happens but it's going to happen one day, you know?

I forgot to add one more thing about Zephyr, she one day would fight against her own creature of darkness, so although Iugulare is gone from Earth, the threat isn't over, as a new generation of light vs dark will take place. It goes back to Iug's homeworld, so one day I may write that part as well.
Anjali's picture

Ah, I'm sorry, Quadraptor.

Ah, I'm sorry, Quadraptor. Sad I thankfully haven't had to go through anything like that yet, but what you say is true...we'll all experience loss, sometime.

And we all fight our own creatures of darkness, yes? But hopefully we'll come through with light and love, like Quad. <3
quadraptor's picture

*nodnodnod* some Endless

*nodnodnod* some Endless Forest creatures are more dark than light, but they don't realize they have the potential for both good and evil. That is the nature of yin and yang. For me personally, Quad is my yin and Iugulare is my yang...and I really do need both of them, despite their constant struggle with each other.

Also I hate to ask, but does anyone have any fitting music for this story? I had a couple of ideas but I wanted to get your thoughts. Anyone got a good sad Japanese song maybe?

Quad's themesong

Thought this one was quite fitting, and has always been a beautiful song

Another one I thought could work

Edit -

This one *kind of* fits...but I guess one of the Thriving Ivory ones might be better
OkamiLugia's picture

Best. Ending. Ever.

Best. Ending. Ever.
quadraptor's picture

X3 Thanks. I still haven't

X3 Thanks. I still haven't decided how Quad will ultimately be back in the Endless Forest, but I've wanted to write this story for a very long time and finally got the opportunity to do so.

I plan to write one more revelation story for Zephyr, who becomes the next Grand Talux. She will have her own infection to fight...I think you'll be really surprised what challenge she is thrown with.
OkamiLugia's picture

I'm excited to find out :3 I

I'm excited to find out :3 I hope the silly girl can handle it!
quadraptor's picture

Bumping this one more time in

Bumping this one more time in case anyone missed it. Also that song by Neon Trees I am obsessed with right now seems like such a perfect song for this story Eye
