Restore Your Faith In Humanity

Gustiro's picture
Shaku showed me this and I felt like sharing. Read the first comment by Serafina as well if you'd like.

I needed this pick me up, I really did. I've found myself falling into more distrust and resentment of people in general lately. I don't like disliking people but I've seen too much bad things lately. But this shows sometimes people can be good and kind. Some people get better too. I just need to remember not to over look the good and stop focusing only on the bad.

If you have stories or links to share please do.

For those who might get offended there are a couple of guys in their underwear. ZOMG not that! Just thought I'd put that warning here before someone has a cow. XD

Bayleen's picture

Ahhh, I saw that link too.

Ahhh, I saw that link too. Awesomeness <3
Kaoori's picture

I needed that more than you

I needed that more than you know.. thank you.
Poppyflower's picture

So beautiful... I`ll remember

So beautiful... I`ll remember these, if the rest of the world ceases to. Smiling
Profile picture by ahimsa ♥

Pixel Wis by squeegie~
RikkaChan's picture

Those pictures touched my

Those pictures touched my heart.

The ones I found most

The ones I found most touching were five and twelve. This was great. <3
Zergarikiaka's picture

DARN it, you made me cry.

DARN it, you made me cry. sodufjasodfds.
The general... omg.

I feel better now Thank you

I feel better now Smiling Thank you for this.