
Aletheia's picture
Day 8[?]
Isn't it strange how quickly things change? One moment you think you're one thing, the next you find out you're something else. It's almost fascinating, how fast everything changes.
I don't know if I like it or not.
I knew it was coming. It wasn't like this would be a surprise. I had measured the days somehow, knew that it would happen now.
I'm not a fawn anymore.
I am grown.
Everything looks so...small. I feel taller.
Different. Very different.
I'm not sure why I fell different either. I know I shouldn't.
But I can't stop the feeling.
The day started with me in the general shape of a nameless--no pelt, no antlers, no mask. Honest, in its own way.
Atvana quickly changed that.
I ended up with a few different blue pelts and the gazelle antlers I had been looking for.
No mask, though. I didn't feel the need for one, though I did enjoy the golden mask for a bit.
I felt the need to roam for a little while, so I went for a run.
Everything is blurred. I can't focus on anything, not even my worried thoughts about whether they'd accept me...
Though I can't say I cared too much.
Everything is lovely when it's out of focus. All the colors blend into a myriad painting of something that I can't quite make out.
But the run comes to an end soon enough.
Hello, Tally. Hello, Imp.
...You do not recognize me.
You chase me away.
I suppose I expected this...My antlers, maybe?
Do these make me a threat?
Hmn, I wonder.
The next time I come closer, you accept me.
More running. It's hard to sit still today. I feel like there's a new world to see.
Maybe there is.
I go looking for others, find one that calls herself HQf1. Maybe something like my true name of 1HWs0.
I wonder.
She's sweet. I enjoy running with her, strange as she is.
But I can't stay in any one place for long.
Faces blur. Names blur.
I know I went to Gustiro. He didn't seem to recognize me.
That's alright. He didn't meet me that long ago.
He's still quite nice.
HQf1 comes back.
There's a bunny too.
I find I can tear after it just like a little fawn. I don't lose everything in adulthood!
I can't catch it, though.
But I do manage to sabotage Gustiro in his staring contest with Wesker.
You look nice in green scales!
I end up sitting by HQf1 for a bit, only to seek solitude soon after.
Hello, Illrose. You know me!
You know me...
You like my new shape.
I am glad.
See, Illrose? I can keep up with you.
I can chase you.
Someday I might catch you.
I wander to the Blue stag on the hill. He is lonely.
I sit with him and Aeis for a little while, making idle chat.
He is surprised that I have no gender.
I cannot fathom why.
Ah, well.
Not long, not long.
I see Noelle.
Noelle admires my new form too.
I feel okay now.
She and her friends are kind.
I sit with them awhile, snuggling Noelle.
She takes the form of a stag without a pelt.
...I leave soon after.
Laruna. I met Laruna again too!
He seemed so surprised to see me all grown up!
He was with Darcy and another deer that I don't know.
We ran around for a long time, happily.
I certainly didn't lose this as an adult.
Thank you both for the good time.
I looked for you, R.
I waited.
But you did not come.
I wanted to show you what I look like now.
Maybe soon.
The night ended with me beside Chain. I felt safe around him. I ended up dozing off, tired from the long day, snuggled into him.
I knew he wouldn't mind.
Ourania's picture

Aww I loved reading this The

Aww I loved reading this Laughing out loud The other deer with Laruna and Darcy was my Ourania (dark brown pelt/antelope antlers/golden butterfly mask). It was good to see Darcy again! And we had fun Laughing out loud
Aletheia's picture

I thought it might be! That

I thought it might be! That was fun. ^^
Serenai's picture


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