(placeholder image until proper one is completed)
"ruh juh nee"
The dark one
Young adult
Voice =
Midnight Green (#004953)
Small and lithe--built more like a doe than a stag. Unusual eyelashes that resemble a peacock's crest. Antlers are little more than nubs with a plume of stringy peacock feathers draping around his head and falling all the way to his knees. Small, dark wings sprout from his shoulder area; they're too stunted to glide, much less fly. Back half is that of a peacock, complete with avian legs and a tail train.
WIP ref
(Peacock pelt, Peacock antlers, Orca mask)
The embodiment of vanity. Tends to be fairly inactive--after all, all that running and playing might damage his beautiful feathers. Attracted to power; may seek out those of "royal" blood and attempt to ingratiate himself with them. Has a fondness for dancing (one of his few proper activities) and may stay in one spot for ages, dancing away.
Sunbathing near the Crying Idol
Dancing atop the highest stone in the Playground
Being hit with spells, especially pelt ones
Rough housing
Very interesting! Track
I have a new deer, he is a fawn at the moment but maybe they can get along?
Bio is here
I really like the idea of his