"You see, said she, He's as tame as tame can be..."

Whyss's picture
He's watchin' you.

Set is Long mask, Peacock feathers and Kirin pelt.
Bintaroung's picture

X That is all.

That is all.
Pegasicorn's picture


Whyss's picture

...Bins, he's only two hours

...Bins, he's only two hours old and now I want to dump him.

ROFL jk :'D
Bintaroung's picture

I would laugh and do a little

I would laugh and do a little jig

I am why no one cne have nice things, I must ruin them with the bebehands and such. OuO
TheSnalf's picture

ffff Mr. Cabbage is sitting

ffff Mr. Cabbage is sitting on the water stalkingwatching him.

This crocodile .... isnt

This crocodile .... isnt scary. More like... confusing. First he comes close. I back off. He goes what i go what. he says yes and then im even more confused..... :I

edit; why is there a naked mr cabbage sitting in the middle of the water.........................................................................................
TheSnalf's picture

Havent you've ever heard of

Havent you've ever heard of skinny dipping....its that but....Jesus-like Laughing out loud

Whyss's picture



Bins. Out of my art. >:U

lolCabbage is freaking him out. He's never seen deer float before.

But Mikiru... He wants you to be his close friend c: In the water...
Bintaroung's picture

Where's the fun in that?

Where's the fun in that?

*paws at window*
Whyss's picture

If you guys are expecting him

If you guys are expecting him to be this murderous deer-eating beast, you're wrong.

A) He much prefers koi. Less fur. B) He wouldn't know what to do with one if he caught it.

And Bins, GET AWAY FROM MY WINDOW. I'm in an actual house now. -lets the dog in-

Whyss; Close meal. aka first

Close meal. aka first meal in the forest.
One problem

Reed has already died, haha. (:
Bintaroung's picture

No love for the bebehands...

No love for the bebehands...
Whyss's picture

LOL That quite a suggestive


That quite a suggestive little strut-circle 8'D

And Croc just melted at the cuteness of fawn-Reed.
TheSnalf's picture

Is it strange that I have the

Is it strange that I have the urge to to draw Croc at the bottom of the pond knitting?

Whyss's picture

Not at all. In fact, I would

Not at all.

In fact, I would consider that to be a perfectly acceptable urge.

Fawn-Reed ftw (: No one can

Fawn-Reed ftw (:
No one can resist its cuteness.

lol I was wondering why he

I was wondering why he was watching us.