"Guten Morgen" Good morning to everybody here

schnee's picture
Hello, I'm Schnee, and I'm totally new to this game. In fact, it is the first online game, I've ever played. I'm not a gamer, but I really had to try out the Endless Forest. The Inviroment is so beautiful and I like the concept, but I feel a little bit lost... Everything here is so confusing to me...

So, where to start, what to do? I've been running around and trying out all my actions, but I don't understand, what they mean.

So, thanks for your help Smiling
Butterbrot's picture

Hallo Schnee, nice to meet

Hallo Schnee, nice to meet you Smiling

click dich mal hier durch
die meisten "aktionen" und "reaktionen" wirst du aber mit der zeit durch Interaktion mit andren Spielern lernen Smiling

schnee's picture


thanks Smiling

Guten Tag, well you will

Guten Tag, well you will start as a fawn for 30 days then get big. You can dance and run and explore the wonders of the forest. Checkout Das drinkipants for magic. and we will be here to help you. Happy galloping