"Don't be a treehugger"

quadraptor's picture
So yesterday while on break a coworker came in. While we were talking, I mentioned that I was going to graduate soon. He asked what I was going to do in my field (geology). I said I wanted to do Hydrogeology.

He laughed and said, "Basically you work with a water hose."

The other coworkers laughed. I didn't. Anyway, he continued, "You should go work for an oil company and make some money." I shrugged, "Well, I could, or I could do some environmental work."

He immediately responded with a scoff followed by, "Don't be a treehugger, Chris."

....Since when does the word 'environmental' associate with 'activist'? Sure, some people don't care what happens to the world - they'd rather make money, own 5 cars, have a mansion, and think that would make them happy.

I read the newspaper and everything I see is corruption and poverty. And instead of anyone doing anything about it, they'd rather be like my coworker and laugh at people who are going into a field that might do 'environmental' work.

Whatever - people who think that being rich and famous is all that are fools. All this power, greed, and self glorification is what makes me sometimes ashamed to be human.

People are calling for help. Poor towns, cancer victims, farmers, the homeless, and even nature herself. And guess what happens. Nothing, people just keep hording their riches and showing off how much better they are than everyone else.

Really, who cares? They're going to die and all their belongings are going to be squabbled over by relatives who are just as greedy. It's a neverending cycle.

This is why the things I personally treasure are made from the heart. The different things I bought from TEF members, I'll always treasure those because I know that someone actually cared enough to make them for me. I don't need an Escalade or a Rolex to be happy, because showing off stuff like that only makes you look like a jerk.

Instead of looking down on people, why don't we look at them on the same eye level? Why don't we treat people like humans instead of like animals?

Sorry, I just had to put my thoughts here. This isn't directed to anyone here - it's just been what I've been thinking about lately. I don't want this to become some big argument, I'm just so tired of seeing people be power hungry and think that being rich and better than everyone else is the best thing to ever happen to you. It's sickening how people act sometimes.

I'm not the kind to press my religious beliefs on others, but I wanted to share a bible quote that pretty much explains exactly what I was ranting about above.

Matthew 16:26 - "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

Just imagine what it would be like if people actually cared for others who were in need instead of sitting on their high horse and laughing at them.

If you read through this, please consider what I am going to do when I start making my own money. Use what you need of your earnings, and then give some of it to those who really need it. The hungry, the poor, the suffering, and the animals. I promise it will be more valuable to see your money go where it can be used rather than living in luxury.

Spyrre's picture

Yep, that´s human logic for

Yep, that´s human logic for you. That´s why I rather hug trees.
You´re really a good person, I´m happy that you´re smart enough to know yourself that those people are idiots for making fun of you. Atleast you see what´s happening around you and try doing something good for it, instead of destroying everything even faster and the cry only after everything is gone like those guys. Could be that I´m too cynical about things, but it´s good that there are even few people around that DO care about things other than just themselves. =)

That's such a jerk (personal

That's such a jerk (personal censorship in effect :V) thing to say, I mean, how could someone actually try and talk someone out of helping the environment?! I'm no activist by any regard, but really, I'm no antivist either.

I've been really disheartened with a lot of environmental activism I've seen at my school. I go to an art university, and I can't swing a cat without hitting somebody who's made a work about environmental awareness, and yet, it seems like most of the stuff is just knee-jerk and has no actual soul behind it...which makes for some pretty boring art let me tell you.
I don't understand how people can make art about saving the planet, and then go buy McDonalds and not even recycle all the layers of wrapping!

I think people need to stop buying into the whole 'green' ad campaign and just do what they can to make the world better, not just in regards to the environment but human rights and other issues as well. It's nice to hear somebody genuinely just want to make things better, it's refreshing. Smiling
Alecsander's picture

Can't blame him. Yes, hes

Can't blame him.

Yes, hes still a _____ (insert your favourite swear) but with all of the false or misleading acts of pretend half-arsed 'activisim' it is not surprising that one would lift a brow at another stating they want to be in environmentalism. Granted this was barely the case but the faint allusion was there enough.

I always stood by the mantra of "If it makes you happy, and does not impede on the happiness of others, then go indulge in moderation."

Personally I do not go out of my way to play a huge role in enviromentalism/activitsm but I have done presentations and articles on Green Washing and other unethical behavior related to the subject.

People are materialistic and judgemental. The best you can do is shrug them off and try not to allow their words to sway you from your chosen path in life.

Most humans are greedy and

Most humans are greedy and selfish they never seem to want to give back.
Which also makes me ashamed.
But I hope you you will not let this get you down. God has a purpose for everyone thats why he created us.
And daburnet Im a treehugger so there. Sticking out tongue
quadraptor's picture

My coworker proved a theory

My coworker proved a theory I've noticed, that the general attitude in this day and age is "It's not my problem." I've noticed that quite a lot at my store in general, especially where the garbage disposal is at. The Bakery and Deli departments almost daily leave their garbage just sitting in front of the disposal instead of throwing it in. They expect someone else to clean up after them.

I just don't get how people immediately associate 'environmental work' with 'treehugging'. I mean I'd be doing my job, most likely working for the state to make sure places aren't going to be subject to landslides or making sure that a new building isn't going to be built on a layer of clay (very very bad thing to happen there). It does NOT mean I'm going to strap myself to a tree infront of a bunch of bulldozers.

My method of helping the environment, instead, is donating to charities who are working on planting trees, keeping the rainforest healthy, ect. There's a big difference - I won't get arrested for doing it.

My donations won't just be toward environmental companies. I plan to send some money to many other charities that I feel need help too, including cancer and diabetes research; poverty organizations; charities that work with third world countries; native american charities (I'm one of those guys who feels very, very bad that the settlers came in and took their land); farmers; animal shelters; food banks, and so on.

And just to be clear on this, I'm not doing this for any kind of fame or recognition (a little is alright, once again human nature), but rather because somebody needs to step up and help out, and the way things have been looking, people would not and own five cars instead. If anyone has a problem with me giving my money to those who need it, well that's they're problem and not mine.

It makes me so upset to hear

It makes me so upset to hear things like this Quad. It really does. And it's another reason (I also) feel ASHAMED of my own species sometimes... well most of the time.
I never understood the word or title: "Treehugger"... if it meant you love the environment, nature, keeping things clean, and trees-- I would readily label myself as one. I guess now it's come to mean something half-assed, and it's meant to mean radicals-- I'm sad to say, but IT'S NOT MUCH OF AN INSULT.

I hate humans.
I know, in my life, whatever career I go into, it will be with the environment. It will always be with the DEC, up here in NY. I'm sure of it. Good luck with your work Quad. I have your MSN, when I get into this field, I'll type you up a meaningful message and we can rant about how much greed and corruption and people are the cancer of this planet. Mother Nature is with ya all the way. Me too. :3