this website to see what time 15:00/3pm GMT is for you.
Toefat is a strange stag, created thanks to many interesting iScribble sessions. Sessions that consisted of putting a tophat on every drawing on the board. This deer's creation was inevitable by someone. I just happened to be browsing random pictograms one day and came across one that looked a lot like a tophat...
This event may be arranged by me, but by all means, don't be afraid to gather without me. You won't know if I'm there anyway. ;D XD
If anyone has trouble with the use of spelldata and doesn't wish to lose their set, they may still attend. The main purpose is to have a big group of deer after all. If you wish to be a Toefat anyway, and have a set that can be gotten through casting spells, don't hesitate to ask for help getting your set back afterwords. If no one is able to help you, I'll do my best to help if I can.
The wearing of the "Toefat set" (orca pelt, secretary bird mask, key antlers) is optional. You'd lose it while at De Drinkplaats anyway.
If something isn't clear, feel free to ask. =]
I get off school that day- if
The semester is over for me
I'll try to be there. That's
Hopefully I'll get up.
It's 10am for me too, but
(I might not be able to force myself up in time anyway. XD; )
8:00 am for me XDDDD Luckily
Don't worry; it goes on just
Players of TEF: Apparently
Unless you count staying up
Yeah true. xD I'm one of the
I will be there if possible!
Oh, you KNOW I'm in. 8D
Track. |D I don't remember
I don't remember when I get off. D:
YES. So gonna be there! 8D
Count me in, this looks
I'll see if I can attend. I
Remember, the time listed is
There must be many tophats taking over! >8D
Ohhh yay! This sounds so mega
That'd only be 16:00 for me, looks good. c:
Reminder bump.
Either Alec or I will be
Don't worry too much about
*Gasps* Lucky it is planned
Great idea! I have been interested about what happens when alot of deer gather at the De Drinkplaats, however I've not seen it yet! So gonna be there if I can.
thank you for the reminder
No problem. EDIT: Bumping as
EDIT: Bumping as a reminder again. The day's getting closer!
I just realized that this
Looking forward to it!
*Further bump.*
Exactly why I made it an all
Very good idea, miss! Ooh,
I should do that more often... xD
I hope to get Ra to join too!
Well, I was streaming.. I'll
The more at this event, the merrier! =D
I am so there!
Arrrghh :< I'll be out of
Still so gonna be there. XD
I'll be there. &hearts
Links & Info
*tosses around some tophats*
*Takes one home as a pet.*
8o XD Mind the havoc it'll
Dun think I'ma gonna be here
If not, don't forget to post the screenies!
*notes to self*I'll probably
I'll probably forget. D:
Screenies? I'm taking video!
I'm taking video! >8D
Hope I can get myself out of bed before 10am. XD;
Hey Pega! Is this still going
Indeed it will. 8]
Ahaha, wow. I definitely
Must be wishful thinking!
Weird, so did I! You're not
Links & Info
Same here, but that was last
|D Has the week just been
I know today is Thursday due to having DVD class. XD; And now I'm done! 8D/D8
GOING ON NOW. (Technically