Question: Is the Crying Idol mask an event only item?

duirstone's picture
I'm looking at this set picker thing I found on Deviant Art. It seems to be missing a few items but also includes halloween stuff. I don't remember if the crying idol mask is one I need to be present in an event to get.

my plan might be:

regular pelt or dark real deer pelt (some kind brownish or golden brown at least)
crying idol mask or wooden mask
red flowered antlers

I'm also open to suggestion.

My Duir is still a fawn for like 12 days or so, but I'm getting excited to started drawing his adult form.

I just can't make up my mind. ( + __ + )

I'd like his look to be really in tune with the essence of this forest. It's so magical to me, so the crying idol mask would be perfect. <3

The crying mask can only be

The crying mask can only be cast by folks using a certain older version of TEF. I can't link right now because I'm on mobile, but if you use Search you can find threads where you can bump it and ask for a certain piece on a certain deer and somebody will get to you :>

That set sounds awesome! Anything you pick though will be great ;D