For Quad with not-as-much-fail love!

Chickenwhite's picture

Thank you for cheering me up, Quad, you're a true pal, you really are TwT

And... I'm actually a little proud of this one! >w<

Love the face and the shading

Love the face and the shading <3 and those leaves at the bottom, actually xD they were really decorative :'D
Chickenwhite's picture

that's what I thought too!

that's what I thought too! >w< I love adding random-decorative-stuff-with-no-purpose to my pictures TwT
quadraptor's picture

Aww look at that! He looks

Aww look at that! He looks so handsome and comfortable!

Thank you, this is wonderful! And you've cheered me up before so I've gotta return the favor. Eye
Chickenwhite's picture

Well, it's what friends are

Well, it's what friends are for, isn't it? >w<
And you're now officially one of my muses, this is the best drawing I've done in a while XD So glad you like it! >w<
Pegasicorn's picture

You have every right to be

You have every right to be proud of this. =D
Chickenwhite's picture

Aww, thank you, Pegasicorn!

Aww, thank you, Pegasicorn! >w< Your comment made me feel all fluffy and happy inside TwT *nuzzles!*