Poem for Phaios

i heard her chather Phai died so heres a poem

From my first Breath to my last
i saw alot in my life
for like the moon is there
but you don't always see it
I will be there
i will being watching you still
My heart is always there
under my watchful eyes
i will never fade

i know i suck at poems Shocked
Phaios's picture

Thank you, Red, that's very

Thank you, Red, that's very sweet. I like it :3


welcome Smiling
keepspeeps's picture


Keeps loves Fay.
Sighthoundlady's picture

Aww, this is very sweet Red

Aww, this is very sweet Red Raptor, it's a lovely poem.
Flyleaf's picture

Very Beautiful and wonderful

Very Beautiful and wonderful thought of you Eye
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