pleaz ask me! XD

Deer700's picture
hahah! everybody knows what's going to stay here. lol XD
ask me three questions or more if you want, and I'll answer as fast as I can.


1. Will you ask ME some questions? XD
I think I just did. ^^

2. Why did you quit TEF and join up again?
read the first post in this blog.

3. Do you like pie
I like my stepmother's pies. X3



1 - What does your name mean and/or originate from?
nothing special really. I found it in a dictionary.

2 - Has anyone told you that your pictogram looks like a television set?
that's why I choosed that picto. and no, you're the first one.

3 - If you were stranded on a deserted island, and could only have three items with you (excluding clothes ), what would you bring?
you're asking everyone about that. 8] I would bring my family, my friends and my laptop! >=D



1. favorite pizza?
Grandiosa. It's a norwegian pizza.

2. why would you drop the skull mask? i sometimes wish I had it ^^
because I had the gazelle set since I had my first day as stag. I just missed the gazelle set. I can send you the spelldata to the Zombie Set if you want. ^^

3. do you have a deviant acount?
I think so, but I can't remember.



1. How long could you go without playing TEF?
maybe some hours XD

2. Have you ever met any deer you dislike?
ugh, yes. today I met a deer who stayed with his butt in my face all the time. >_<

3. What couldnt you live without?
my friends and my family. ^^<3

1. Have you ever met any of my deer?
I don't think so. D=

2. Whats your favourite; food, drink, or sleep?
hmm.. all three? XD

3. ..Can I have a cookie? D:
yeesh ^^ *gives you a cookie*
Emiva's picture



1. Will you ask ME some questions? XD
2. Why did you quit TEF and join up again?
3. Do you like pie


quadraptor's picture

1 - What does your name mean

1 - What does your name mean and/or originate from?

2 - Has anyone told you that your pictogram looks like a television set? Laughing out loud

3 - If you were stranded on a deserted island, and could only have three items with you (excluding clothes ), what would you bring?

jadine's picture

ok here it goes 1. favorite

ok here it goes

1. favorite pizza?
2. why would you drop the skull mask? i sometimes wish I had it ^^
3. do you have a deviant acount?
jadine's picture

that would be great! (spell

that would be great! (spell data) but i am not sure how to use it right Sad i have vista vista hates it when I try to make charcters. Do you know any tips?
Deer700's picture

oh. ._. I'm sorry. I don't

oh. ._. I'm sorry. I don't have Vista so I don't know.
yow? e_e

1. How long could you go

1. How long could you go without playing TEF?
2. Have you ever met any deer you dislike?
3. Sticking out tongue What couldnt you live without?

-- Dannii <3

D: I met a nameless deer who

D: I met a nameless deer who shoved his butt in my face too..*sigh*

1. Have you ever met any of my deer?
2. Whats your favourite; food, drink, or sleep?
3. ..Can I have a cookie? D:

Dannii <3
Deer700's picture

that deer was annoying me.

that deer was annoying me. DX
yow? e_e