Today was my first ever snow day, soft little flakes falling from the sky landing on my nose and making me sneeze. The snow is infinity pretty I do have to shake my head every so often to stop it collecting on my antlers, I've found they get rather heavy with a layer of snow, never the less I got up slowly from my warm patch of ground where I had been sleeping having a stretch and glancing at the frigid water forcing myself to approach the pond to take a drink and then wandered round the forest again leaping as I ran to try and warm up.
In the cold air as my breath came in bursts of steam making me look more like the dragons of lore. I find myself wondering if I should switch my pelt to the green scaled look some deer prefer but I do love the iridescence of my magpie one as the light catches it exposing the beautiful green and purple hues on the back of my neck and the blue on the rest of my pelt. Perhaps before this cold snap ends I will make a decision. But I digress, I found The Collector again once again playing his mask game and I followed him for a time as he and a white pelted deer seemed to spar with mask spells, perhaps stealing masks from sleeping deer is too easy...
I walked with a winter pelted Saosin for a while, without a doe to guard he is a much more amenable stag and did not drive me away as we walked together he ate at a mask tree and that is where I let him be, we are still acquaintances after all and I would not want to push him. So looking for someone to play with I stumbled once again upon the collector sitting down staring at one of his stolen masks, he seemed so engrossed he did not notice me at first and after watching him yesterday I tried to mirror his movements in stealing masks. I circled, then I sniffed and when he didn't react I concealed myself within a tree and cast a spell.

Despite being behind him he still found me without pause and was not impressed, obviously my amateur efforts at his game are not pleasing for him. Never the less I do not understand why deer fear him, I fell fast asleep right next to The Collector as he dozed and not only did he tolerate my presence he did not attempt to take the mask from my face. Maybe he is warming up to me?
The weight of snow on my back melting into my warm coat eventually woke me, it would not do to go to sleep in this exposed place I don't think and I will have to move. I fully intended on going to the humming tree but passed the ruin on my way and wanting to warm up had a dance with a night pelted deer which I enjoyed a great deal before they tired of dancing and I returned to the humming tree to sleep once again.