Plant the Seed ~(Community Involvement)~

The Giver's picture

T h e G i f t

A tiny seed.

Locked away within it, a new life lies dormant. Slumbering soundly as it awaits for the day it shall sprout. Dreams of sunshine and fresh rain dance in the youngster's head.

She wishes to grow. She wishes to see the surface. She wishes to see the faces of the thundering feet that tremble the earth she rests in.

T h e C a l l

She whispers to you though you may not hear her cries. Her faint voice echos in the wind. Calling to you. Speaking to you.

Can you not hear it? Will you answer?

T h e C o n c e p t

Disclaimer: A bit of a character experiment that involves the community.

The idea is to have a character that will change throughout the seasons. She would be a fawn in the spring, an adult in the summer, an elder in the fall, and then would wither for the winter only to be reborn again the following spring. Part of her aging process has her in a "seed state" - which she is currently in. During this time, she can do nothing but sleeping in a single spot. However, she can hear others and can remember what they say to her.

This is where the Community comes in. She can only grow if others care for her. As a seedling, she is incapable of caring for herself. While she relies heavily on the sunshine and rain, she also needs social interactions. For the course of the next few weeks, she will be sleeping "in" a tree (small one on the left; pictured above) but will not respond in game. You may sit with her, speak to her, or care for her any way you'd like though please include interactions on this blog so I can keep track of who has said/done what for her. As time goes on and more deer socialize with her, more personal information about her will be revealed as she grows.

Note: This is an experiment that will be requiring me to leave the game running constantly. Random disconnections are possible, so do not be too surprised if her character is not in the Forest. You can still visit her tree. Also, her scheduled appearances might change for the same reason; I'm not quite sure yet about how I feel with leaving my laptop on all the time.


Silently the young fawn slumbered. Thin, weak legs tucked close to her abdomen. Chin rested within the soft fur of her chest. Heart beating faintly; breathing slowly. Her ears were plastered against her bald head though the growing sounds of footsteps above caused them to perk slightly. Ever so slowly, she raised her head. Blind eyes stared into darkness, but she could sense the kind presence that drew near.

She did not know this stag, but his warm essence was welcomed. The infant sat still and observed his movements. He approached, then distanced himself, but promptly returned. Intrigued, she waited to see what he would do.

Tiny droplets then fell upon her. The think exterior of the seed soaked in the moisture that the stag had brought her. Nourishment soon surrounded her. She wiggled as a new sense of power began to dwell within her. The once tired feeling that drained her had been replaced with energy. The smallest smile embraced her lips as she cooed with satisfaction. Muscles were stretched as the little doe arched her back, allowing her legs to be freed from her grasp.

After a few minutes of exercise, the embryo curled once again, taking comfort in the scent of melted wax lingered near her. With a yawn, she fell into a peaceful dream of a gorgeous field of flowers made of flames.


She did not know how much time had truly passed. To the seedling, it seemed like her slumber had lasted an eternity, but in actuality, it had only been a few hours. A tender, soft melody had awoke her. No, the voice had not been too loud. In fact, if it were not for the young doe's curiosity, she might have fallen into a deeper sleep as the strange doe sang her a lullaby.

Ears rose the highest they could within her shell. She sat still; careful to not make a noise that might interrupt or disturb the lovely song. She did not understand the words. Words were still so foreign to her, but she enjoyed the tune.

Taking a deep breath, she inhaled the doe's scent. Her smiled widened. Ahh...Those familiar smells. Trees. Earth. Soil.

The little one swayed with the kind doe's melody. Happiness burned within her growing heart. As she listened carefully to the words, she mumbled a simple word of her own. One that would one day prove to hold significance to her.

Her name.


Hm, I quite like this

Hm, I quite like this concept! You might see some of my deer stop by every now and then!
Flyleaf's picture

What a neat idea

What a neat idea Exclaim
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Kohva's picture

Ooh, interesting. 8>

Ooh, interesting. 8>
mismatched's picture

The dawn felt crisp, and the

The dawn felt crisp, and the sun shone brilliantly down among the pines, dancing across tree trunks and withered bracken fronds that lined the forest floor. The first birds of the season sang their songs, and the foreshadow of spring seemed to crawl over every rock and plant.

Caden waltzed his way along the stream, taking care not to step on any new life. His muscles still ached from his recent bicker with Illrose; a doe who no one in their right mind would intentionally mess with. Still, yesterday's magic had set his mood right, and now he shambled happily toward the pond for a drink.

Just as he was reaching the stone bridge, a strange scent wafted toward him. It smelled almost unearthly, but he recognized the softness of flora in it, as it tickled his nose. His gaze flickered left and right, trying to discover the source of such a sweet aroma. His gaze settled upon a small mound of dirt, from which a sapling sprouted in the distance. It looked too ordinary to emit such a peculiar smell, but for some reason, Caden felt drawn to it like a moth to a flame.

Without consent, the blue stag felt his legs leading him over to it. His heart raced as he approached. He was transfixed, desiring to know what this curious attraction could possibly mean. He stopped in front of it, examining it from up-close. Suddenly, he felt an overbearing weight of sorrow wash over him. This little thing needed his help! Caden didn't wait a heartbeat more, and soon found himself bolting down to the pond with all the power his shaky legs could muster. He lowered his lips to the cool liquid, and filled his cheeks until they felt like they would burst. Then, he turned back the way he'd came, and lumbered as best he could without opening his mouth.

He came to where he'd left the young tree, and with much relief, parted his jaws, allowing the water to flow into the parched dirt. He lingered for a few moments more, catching his breath, then looked up at the tree. The horrible pang of sadness he'd felt earlier appeared to be fading, replaced with gratitude. Caden felt himself beaming with pride for his actions, though they seemed exceedingly odd to him. He settled his bulky frame down in the grass nearby, closing his eyes; satisfied.
Ourania's picture

/Love/ this idea!

/Love/ this idea!
Kaoori's picture

really like this idea. (:

really like this idea. (:
thelittleraven's picture

I love this.

I love this. <3

::Ryff wasn't generally the motherly sort, but she was a caretaker. Lately she had been feeling more maternal, with the changing season. A lone fawn saddened her... but this one was something else. She was so tiny, and although dormant, she was more alive than many she knew. She had met little plant deer like her before, but never this closely... she smelled like chlorophyll. It was pleasant, in a way, how she was so much like the forest.

She sat with the fawn for a long time, singing to her a little and just trying to soothe her, like she would soothe a fawn without its mother. Did the seedling have a 'mother'? How did she get here?... Maybe one day she'd find out, when the fawn wasn't so small.

//sorry, my roleplaying skills have gone way down ;n;
Aivilo's picture

Tracking this :3

Tracking this :3
Kumiko's picture

I seem to be having issues

I seem to be having issues replying to this blog on "The Giver's" account. So for now, I will post her reactions in the original post.
Seed's picture

I'm tracking this to come

I'm tracking this to come back to it later.
Seed's picture

I'm tracking this to come

I'm tracking this to come back to it later.

There was something funny

There was something funny with that tree. Pica kept glancing at it, and eventually crept closer to settle next to it, warming it's roots and giving companionship. She didn't know why exactly what made this tree so special, but it felt right to comfort it.

Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!

mismatched's picture

Ohmygosh that reply was the

Ohmygosh that reply was the sweetest thing I've ever read ;-;

My doe Hälla loves trees, so

My doe Hälla loves trees, so she'd get a kick out of this. Definitely tracking. Will try to get involved, no doubt. <3
Seed's picture

((I haven't seen her, is it

((I haven't seen her, is it OK if I just do some RP here in the meanwhile? Just triple-checking, since this might be an in-forest + augmentation sort of event.))

Pica says thank you. ; u ;

Pica says thank you. ; u ;

Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!

Kumiko's picture

I'm sorry if I'm a tad

I'm sorry if I'm a tad behind. I've worked 2 doubles at my job the pass few days.

Mismatched: I'm glad you liked it. Smiling

Seed: Yes, you can interact with her here. Keep an eye out for her and you might see her.
Seed's picture

It was dark when he found

It was dark when he found her, and the chill was snatching the leaves from his branch-antlers. Still, he knew her when he saw the tree. He remembered his own time in the ground, cold and dark and aching for a light he had never seen and never really understood. And it would be cold there. He curled up around the tree for warmth, though he'd have to supply enough for both...

"You're a little like me, aren't you? I hope you don't mind my stopping here."

It was more for politeness than anything else, but he hoped it'd sound at least a bit respectful...And perhaps to disguise the fact that he'd come all this way in the cold just to see her. He sometimes worried about seeming weird.

"You've not seen much of this world, huh? Well, how about I tell you a little story; it'll keep the chill off, and perhaps pass the time, too... Once upon a time..."

And he told this story, which he came up with more-or-less as he went.

"I hope you'll get to see it one day, little friend."

He sighed, his voice a little spent, and watched the snow fall.
Kumiko's picture

Boredom turned the peaceful

Boredom turned the peaceful youngster into a restless creature. Twisting and turning within her shell, the little doe was eager to find something to occupy her. She nibbles on her tiny hoof. Stretched her little legs and kicked along the wall but nothing satisfied her. Sadness began to settle heavily in her heart. She longed for company when suddenly, soft footsteps caught her attention.

Something was different about this visitor. Familiarity seeped into her but he had never sensed him before. Fresh earthy scents eased her racing mind causing the tiny fawn to settle. A sigh escaped her little lips. The tree-deer remained close. She liked that. Another of her kind.

And then he spoke.

His voice sounded as natural as the wind whistling in the trees. Intrigued, she curled her legs against her body and listened carefully to him. Intently taking in his words. Her heart skipped at each little story. Sinking slightly as she heard of the grim fate of the dove, the squirrel, and the frog. Those poor creatures of the gods...A frown weighed down upon her lips until the miracles began to happen. The deer was protected. The little one felt at ease again. This story was not as scary as she thought!

As the stranger finished his tale, she began to wonder. Where was this fountain? Would she see it? Drink its magical waters? What about when it was time for her to wither...? Would it sooth her too?

The youngster began to get lost in thought. Wondering and awaiting for her day to sprout.