Oooold No Eyes Drawings.

Clora's picture
Hidden under cut, because they're that bad and messy.

And I still hate scanners, but love cameras Laughing out loud

Before No Eyes was even born, I had little ideas, and I done this. For some reason, there was only one thought while drawing. This is a deer that likes to stare:

No Eye's birth was a hard one. Choosing a name for starters. While she was developing I was considering calling her Doe Eyes. No Eyes won that one.

Then was her personality. After a lot of thinking, I had her character. But after a while I noticed she was the complete opposite of Epon. I started that sentence with a 'but', however there wasn't much of a problem with that. I ignored it. I like thinking her as Epon's little sister... They really don't get on.

She was finally in the forest, living and stuff. And some strange evil urge forced me to draw such horrid, smudgey drawings.

Before I knew it, No Eyes was scary to look at, and had weird legs. Green hair no more, she was blonde.

She's like an ugly puppy. A stupid ugly puppy. You don't mind it coming up to you, but as soon as it starts sitting on you you push it away.

And that's why I love her XD
Sluggs's picture

Bad, messy, horrid drawings?

Bad, messy, horrid drawings? Shocked

I strongly disagree! They're wonderful!

I like how your character was built up from drawings. Smiling
Clora's picture

Thank you. *hugs* I find it

Thank you. *hugs* I find it easier to think when drawing, so I either create personalites or stories during the time.

[Level up! Self Esteem is now -77!]
Once {Epon} A Time.

Cute sketches I really love

Cute sketches Smiling I really love how you colored the first one<3

Clora's picture

Thenk you. I didn't want to

Thenk you.

I didn't want to bum it out with too much colour XD Red, green, blue and yellow are like the colours of nature to me.
Once {Epon} A Time.