Ok yeah, I don't know...

Zergarikiaka's picture
I'm going to be honest.

I've begun to feel... distant... from TEF lately.
As much as I love this place, I kind of am starting to feel left out in areas, and am losing interest.
I'm hardly ever even in forest anymore, and I hardly feel like it.

I don't know... Aside by the few people I run into in the 'dorkage' chat and by those who drop me a message once in a while... I feel almost forgotten.
Maybe it's time for a haitus. :/

Just... don't know.
Skitties's picture

Take a hiatus if you need to;

Take a hiatus if you need to; it helped me immensely. We'll be here, whatever you end up deciding on.

I apologize for never going in the chat anymore. I've gotten out of the habit of opening it every night. It also tends to kick me out every so often. Honestly, I feel a bit awkward going there now, and have for a while.

I'm also sorry if I've ignored you, whether I meant to or not. I've contributed to you feeling left out, and I'm sorry for that. I'm aware I can be antisocial and a bit of a bitch at times, but rest assured that I care about my friends immensely, whether I show it or not. You're one of my friends, although it probably hasn't been obvious recently. I'm just not in a good place irl at the moment, and that's ended up translating into me acting weird here.

If you want to talk to me about anything, all my contact info is in my update blog.

Signature by Roo ♥
Chickenwhite's picture

Sometimes a break can be a

Sometimes a break can be a good idea.
After all, too much of a good thing just ruins it all and makes you loose interest TwT;;
But know we'll always be here for ya when you get back, okay? >w< Also, I'd love to chat, I'm just too shy to seek out people TwT;;
Pegasicorn's picture

I noticed you were around

I noticed you were around less, but I just thought it was because life got too busy for you. You're not forgotten; I just didn't wanna bother you in case you were too busy or tired.
Take a break if you need to, but you will be missed.
Scythe's picture

I feel that way every now and

I feel that way every now and then, too. I'd like to say that it'll pass and that things will pick up again, though. I also think that a bunch of people have a case of the winter blues as of late. It's probably a mess of things, but there's no denying that it can be frustrating. I hope that you feel better soon.

I honestly miss talking to you on MSN every now and then just as I miss the good ol' days of Darkweaver, pre-Spill. If you were to take a break, you would be missed, but only you know what's best for you. Just give it some thought. You can always take a few steps back, clear your head, and come back when you're ready.

Best of luck with your decision, whatever it may be.
Hart's picture

I'll never forget

I'll never forget you.
Remember the times you and I had interacting with Darkweaver and V? I'll always remember those, Dark was a pretty good friend of ours.
And any friend of my deer is a friend of mine.

Do what you feel is best, hope we get to interact again soon.
Kaoori's picture

I hope things get sorted out

I hope things get sorted out soon.
I, too, miss the Darkweaver days.

I feel the same. I wish we

I feel the same.

I wish we really knew eachother 8< <3 You seem like such a sweetheart, I'm sorry.
Verdalas's picture

I know the feeling all too

I know the feeling all too well. ^^ Rest assured you're not forgotten with me.
J!n's picture

Never forgotten. Just come

Never forgotten. Just come around when you feel like it.
Haru's picture

Aww Zerg &hearts; A hiatus

Aww Zerg ♥ A hiatus might be a good idea. It's done me a lot of good in the past and sometimes we all just need a little rest.
I hope you get feeling better soon. I really have missed seeing you around ;; *long distance hugs*
Trickster's picture

oasidufad ZERGYYYY~~~~

oasidufad ZERGYYYY~~~~ *flying tackle*

I know this feeling well, myself! I think it's something many of us come to know here at some point. I'm sure you've noticed my scarceness as of late-this was due to RL issues over the past few months, but even before then, I felt I had begun to 'drift away' from the site, somewhat. If it helps any, taking a break from this place (despite the icky RL stuff in that time) has been one of the best things I've done in my duration here-it allows me to fully enjoy the time I do get to spend in-forest and talking to you guize, it allows RL stresses to lessen somewhat, and it makes me feel like my interest is 'refreshed'. At first I, too, was afraid I might have been forgotten, but countless people have reminded me that I am far from. I know it'll be the same case with you, if not moreso, as you are far more well-known and have been around much longer than I~! ♥ ♥ So don't even begin to think we'll forget to come ruffle your hair, girlie~ ;D

Lololol rambling 8D For the record, you know ALL of my deer are up for funtimes whenever I'm about! I believe you have my email and all that, too, and you know you're always welcome to come flail at me for whatever reason :3 In the end, I think do what you feel is best-start out like I did. Limit yourself to going into the forest a certain number of times a week, and go from there. Everyone is so supportive, and you know we're all behind you whatever you choose to do :3

Regardless, you'll NEVAAAH be forgotten, and all the best in your decision! Laughing out loud Just remember, whatever happens, the people here are amazing and will be behind you every step of the way, and that whatever choice you make, the world won't crumble for or because of it ♥

ocean's picture

&hearts; I'm sorry I don't

I'm sorry I don't talk with you much. I've become...'shy' in some ways, more preoccupied with other games as well. I still adore Dark and remember. <3

I've missed seeing you

I've missed seeing you around.
Ugh, I don't know what to say. It doesn't help that I'm kind of tired right now.
I haven't been as active lately, myself, since I started working.
OkamiLugia's picture

Zerg ;3; I miss you

Zerg ;3; I miss you already.

I am always super excited whenever I get to talk to you, but I'm sure you know that from my stalking your dA and livestream >.> Because, seriously, you are that awesome. And don't even make me describe how happy I get when I do see you in forest! I need to memorize the rest of your pictos so I can stalk you EVEN MORE LIKE WHOA. YOU SHALL NOT ESCAPE MY LOVE. LIKE, WHO ELSE STALKS YOUR IZ AND TEF NONSENSE LIKE I DO? 8D

And going along with what Skits said, I feel terrible about you feeling left out.

But seriously, please feel free to talk to me too, if ya need an ear~

Love ya B| ♥♥♥♥♥

Edit: Not to mention my characters here are far too invested in yours emotionally to even let me begin to forget you~ Saix FRIGGEN CAUGHT RYUU WHEN HE WAS BORN. THAT IS WHAT I CALL BONDING. Ryuu still loves him more than anyone else in the world. And I of course I remember the day Riza met Saix, and he gave her the "Pitiful Heartless speech"! And of course the lulz of trustshipping~ Seriously, don't EVER worry about being forgotten.

Edit: I see you thar :B