OFFER: ONE SINGLE siggy deer

Doe's picture
Just post a reference of your deer.
I'll pick one person out to receive one.

Can be a single deer, or a pair, but PLEASE post your reference. . . anyone with no reference picture or screenshot will not be considered.

I might also accept art trades from anyone who didn't get the 1 freebie.
So post away. Thanks.

Here are some examples of finished ones:

Went ahead and made Celtis, but I'll still do another.
Celtis was easy because I had the pieces drawn out already. Eye
Enjoy, and keep posting refs. I have a feeling I'm going to do a few more than 1 now, lol.
These references are just too good to resist them all. . . >Smiling

Went ahead and made one for Gladiator too, because it was very simple.
Still haven't officially picked one out, lol, and like I said, I'll probably do a few anyways. . .

One for Leviathan, my single pick. Smiling
Probably going to do some more though, so stay tuned!

One for Calliste, a little iffy, but I hope you like it.

One for quad! Now that I made a set of zombie antlers, I can do a few people that I was hessitating to do before, lol.

One for Hikari

NOTE: Any characters with glowing parts (like above) or glowing pictos will NOT WORK on any other background colour than the TEF default brown/gray colour! Shocked
Starling's picture

Melusine? :3

Melusine? :3


Ourania's picture




Hikari and/or Kurai? I know

Hikari and/or Kurai? I know the second one doesnt have a picture but his set is there.
Mistgabel's picture


Salome's picture

Maybe a pair? Lucian and

Maybe a pair? Lucian and Dajhi?
Celtis's picture


Kasmir's picture

Kasmir? These are gorgeous,

Kasmir? These are gorgeous, btw. (8

Very nice siggies, there

Very nice siggies, there gorgeous.

Celtis's picture

Oh wow, thank you so much! <3

Oh wow, thank you so much! <3 Celtis looks so dashing in that red pelt. I've gone ahead and added his pictograph over him and put him in my sig. Thank you again darling, he really brightened up my day!
SilverBells's picture

I might as well, even though

I might as well, even though you've already done the siggy. lol So here's some examples~ I'm always up for a trade. (:

Atticus -My OC


Nineve's picture

Terrible ref, but...

Terrible ref, but... Gladiator?
parrotsnpineapple's picture


Dampir's picture

Maybe Ravly?

Maybe Ravly?
kasiawar98's picture

Oh.. My Vildragorn ?

Oh.. My Vildragorn ? Laughing out loud
Laiia's picture

Beren for 1Antidote, maybe ?

Beren for 1Antidote, maybe ? (He has 3 light stripes on the belly) Thank you ! ♥

Avatar & signature by Shimmyshimmy. ♥
z.m123's picture

Waarhijd for Nopje? X X

Waarhijd for Nopje?

Might I request Herla?

Might I request Herla?
Doe's picture

z.m123 I have already done

z.m123 I have already done several for nopje. Smiling
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z.m123's picture

Aaaaah. xD

Aaaaah. xD

Maybe, for a challenge, my

Maybe, for a challenge, my little creature? 1 It's bio also shows a ref. The background color is also the color of its fur, but its mask is paper white (minus the stains and ink) and the coloring of its antlers would also be similar to that in-game.
SilverBells's picture

Pffffft Oh you wanted simple?

Pffffft Oh you wanted simple? xD Atticus with his massive mane and tail isn't I guess. LOL Here's Brehach then~ Brehach Picture

He wears the candles in his antlers (:

Iskalo's picture

Perhaps my little Iskalo? c:

Perhaps my little Iskalo? c: X
Doe's picture

Siverbells, I didn't -want-

Siverbells, I didn't -want- simple, but any that pass by and take like 5 minutes to do I figure I'll go ahead and do them. Smiling

I'd like to put together a tough-ish one.
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Nineve's picture

Wow, Gladiator looks amazing,

Wow, Gladiator looks amazing,
thank you so much for taking the time to make mine! (:
Doe's picture

You're very welcome. Working

You're very welcome.
Working on my official pick now, but I have to make a very large erm. . . 'piece' that I didn't have pre-made. So it'll probably take until tomorrow for me to have the time.

Don't stop posting refs though, cause I'm getting excited by all of you posting, and I'm sure to do several. The more simple your deer, or if i have the pieces pre-made already, I can do them immediately, or at the very least faster. Smiling
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Calliste's picture


Calliste's picture

Calliste? *edit* Ah, double

*edit* Ah, double post >.<
SilverBells's picture

Ahhh okay. ^^ &hearts; I hate

Ahhh okay. ^^ ♥ I hate having to post over and over again and not just edit the comments I already have. xD But... With Atticus, he basically looks like what is in my siggy, floof mane and tail. But in the Forest he has the long red/white mask and large grey antlers. He is pure white in the Forest as well. (: Obviously just less floofy... And he doesn't have his rabbit ears in the Forest. |D *leaving now* LOL

Rhad? x x

x x

@u@ Ohmygosh. Leviathann is

Leviathann is absolutely gorgeous. Thank you! ;u; <3

I really love the way you did her antlers. Everyone does them differently, and this is by far one of my favorite designs. c:

Thank you so much! <3
kasiawar98's picture

Tutha Please? ;3 I'm sorry I

Tutha Please? ;3
I'm sorry I have not yet for Tutha Bio: (
Salome's picture

Doe do you have a page where

Doe do you have a page where you list all these siggi deer you've ever made? I would love to see them (:
Anogelia's picture

O...Oh.. well... Anogelia? :

O...Oh.. well... Anogelia? : o.o? P...Please? ^^ *shy*

Dinamo and her mate,

Dinamo and her mate, Lucifer?



Im tied, so Ill let you decide. cB
Doe's picture

Schutzgeist - I had a blog

Schutzgeist - I had a blog about it, but the pictures started expiring, and I just never re-uploaded them so it's kind of a blank thing now. Sticking out tongue

Maybe I'll renew it later. Smiling
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Doe's picture

Silverbells, would you like

Silverbells, would you like to do an art trade?
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Calliste's picture

Calliste is absolutely

Calliste is absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much! <3
Anogelia's picture

O...Oh.. well... Anogelia? :

O...Oh.. well... Anogelia? : o.o? P...Please? ^^ *shy*

*edit* You dont need 2 draw the long fluffy hair if ya dont want 2 do that ^^,

-dies- Thanks you

-dies- Thanks you
quadraptor's picture

Aaahh it's a Quad! Thank

Aaahh it's a Quad! Thank you! And thanks to Oura for requesting, this really made my day :3
BluedeerLegend18's picture

Waterstar? But she is not

Waterstar? But she is not that simple. If you don't want to draw her then you can choose any of my other deer... just please don't choose Pierce.
I have a Master's degree in Wumbology.
ickydog's picture

These are quite lovely!!! I

These are quite lovely!!! I don't know if you're making any more, but I figured I throw Roe up here. She looks like this.
Kobal Snuff
Wotsits's picture

I'm sorry to bother you, but

I'm sorry to bother you, but I've lost the link to Windsor's siggy deer that you made for him a while ago and I can't find it on your page so I was wondering if you still had kept it or if you deleted it. Thanks ♥

Doe's picture

Make sure you save it this

Make sure you save it this time. Eye
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Wotsits's picture

Thanks 8D I will <3

Thanks 8D I will <3

SilverBells's picture

Doe- Oh yes I'd love to. (:

Doe- Oh yes I'd love to. (:

Doe's picture

Alrighty send me a link to

Alrighty send me a link to some refs and I'll draw one up for you. Smiling

Here's a gallery of refs for Doe. The most accurate ones are done by Twistedscissors, Terebetha, and Lurvis. Smiling
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