nooooooooo! my candles!!!!!!!!!!

I went into the lake and my candles disappeared along with my hand print mask!!! Sad

how do you get them back

how do you get them back

What version of the game are

What version of the game are you using?

If it's 3.4, I suggest you next time go in to the *Network* button of your menu and hit *save* next time you get your set so you can keep it. You have to just click the *Load* button after you save it and the set comes back.

But you can go back to the Rocks and get the candles there, and you can go to where some other deer are casting masks on eachother and ask for help.

I have asked people but they

I have asked people but they keep on giving skins or are to busy dancing. Sad
by the way how do you get candles from the rocks?

it is 3.40

it is 3.40