Poor little {Turret} Robot

CSS is not mine. All CSS credit goes to DogTag Smiling Also willing to trade some writing for some artwork. Enjoy!


Need some artwork


HEALTH :: Physical is 100% so is mental
ACTIVITIES :: Running,playing,sleeping,watching
THOUGHTS :: "Where are you?"

~~~Data Log Recording~~~Woke up only to run around and find a perfect clone of myself, even the same symbol. ~~~Scanning~~~I stood for a second and watched the strange thing, wondering what it was thinking since it had the ultimate pokerface. Then I realized it looked like me, and I ran and ran until hiding in a hollow of a tree. What was I? Sat there pondering until I realized I didn't see my friend, which was odd. She seemed to be spending less and less time with me. I got up and ran around searching for her,looking over my shoulder every few seconds on the lookout for my clone. Made a new friend, much bigger than I am. Casted spells on eachother and ran around until I grew too fatigued and fell asleep. Woke up to find my companion nowhere in sight. Quite sad to see my new friend gone, and after searching for several hours, I settled down for the night. ~~~Shutting Down~~~ ~~~Data Log Saved~~~

Name: It has been called many names; Robot, Metal, Scrap, ect. But Turret has always stuck.

Gender: Unknown

Pictogram:Look in my sig Smiling

Scent: The smell of the spare change in your pocket

Sound: A low hum that any machine would make

Touch:Smooth and perfect, no jagged edges or bumps

Age:It is unknown but from the time of it's appearnce in the Forest to now..About 5 years

Appearance:Not the classic appearance of a robot, but equally spaced floating plates making the shape of it's body, head, and legs. Three floating turqoise ovals make up it's ears and tail. A small turqoise button in the shape of a diamond sits in the plate that makes it's forehead, believed to be the power button. A turqoise glow emits from the spaces where it's heart would be, believed to be the power source. It's size is 17 on the scale, but it is believed to grow to 15 one day. It's eyes are a gap in a plate where a steady turqoise glow flooded out.

Statistics: 10 is max
Strength:5 The metal making up it's body is soft like gold
Speed:8 The soft metal is lighter and allows more mobility

History:The forest has always been magical, miraculous things have been done here, but what happens when you dream? Dreams are the most magical thing in reality, what happens when their introducted into the forest? One night a little fawn was dreaming. She was lonely and bored, seen everything there was to be seen. Her dream was just powerful enough for her answers to be granted. In the morning a shiny metal figure a little smaller than herself was snuggled next to her, emiting a steady warmth. It appeared to be some sort of deer. The fawn was rather brave and was curious about this little thing. Could her dreams have come true? The creature stood up and stretched like any deer would and it's turquoise eyes seemed to look at her with joy. The two instantly bonded. All the other fawns were scared of the creature, whispering the one word:robot. But nothing seemed to get the creature down aslong as it was with it's fawn. The "robot" loved it's companion, doing everything for her, but everything wasn't enough for the robot. The fawn didn't share the same love, she merely thought it as a toy that her parents had gave her, not an amazing miracle. As the fawn grew, the robot grew at the same exact time. Days were filled with laughter and happiness, but like reality, kids grow and toys are forgotten. The little robot started to notice the decrease in interactment until it woke up with it's friend gone, nowhere to be found. The robot was confused as a deep pain rolled in waves, for it had grown to love the deer. All the ceasless rumors and theories had said it didn't feel emotions. Maybe it was just defective....No, it was different, just different. But as the robot faced the glorious and terrible forest, alone, it began to question itself. What was it? He? she? What did it love? Females? Males? The questions went on and on, but one question stuck out. Who was it?

Has not developed any relationships, only temporary companions

Yes this robot creature has a soul or some sort of mechanic that lets it have emotions. Can not say much because it doesn't know who it is yet. Anything can happen. Yet a trickle of violence enters it's mind when playing, disturbing images flashing through its mind. It enjoys playing and comfort. Everything it sees is making it who it is.

Weeeellll. Since The Rut is coming up, I'd like to explain a few things. Yes, Turret can breed....somehow Still working this out, but if anyone is interested, which I doubt anyone is, they can email me at: Turret
can join a herd or group, since it is its first Rut, it would want to watch and
see how this works. Right now Turret is still a fawn, but sometime during
the Rut I should reach my 1 month. Will add more later.


Also need art here.

Woot got some CSS, and a

Woot got some CSS, and a avatar. So proud of myself. Eye
cloudandis's picture

I love this cute little

I love this cute little biography c:
Sabel, Sam

Image © Alhnna

Thanks ^.^

Thanks ^.^