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Potential mature content.
Physical: 71% weak | Mental: 99% sane | Emotional: 68% depressed
basics / personality / appearance / relations / recently
Name: Stymfalia
Pictogram: this
Set: koi pelt, any antlers, crying idol mask.
Gender: doe, female.
Orientation: pansexual. not limited by other's gender, age or species.
Scent: chocolate, flowers, jungle, wood, musk
Age: somewhere around 24 in human years.
Size: 17 at this chart
Voice: talks like this, Elizabeth Banks as Effie Trinket
Species: deer with human face. body build resembles that of Père David's deer
Diet: Omnivorous. Prefers 'natural' food and sweet things.
Possesions: feathers and leaves, a tea kettle
Home: The Blue Bowl {408x249} | 'Two Trees' {244x181} | Poppies Patch {-72x117}
Allignment: neutral good
Animal personality: fox | bearpersonality
{extrovert | spiritual | protective | clingy | observant | outgoing | sneaky | thoughtful | pious | benevolent | munificent | procrastinating | vulgar | teritorial | confident | blunt | lazy | nostalgic | comforting | creative | longing}
- went through a lot; prone to depression, anxiety and agressive situations
- despite her past she's trying to be happy about life
- carries many different scents
- may obsessively stalk without a reason
- likes to run too much and be chaotic in general
- often appears as childlish and playful.
- very clingy to the ones who she trusts. sometimes possesive & jealous.
- also very protective
- basically wants to be over everybody
- charismatic
- loves to eat, omnivorous
- may be considered weird, but also really serious about things she really cares about
- flirtatiously
- ocassionaly sleepwalking
- will leave or ignore if feeling uncomfortable
- loves big crowds and groups
- approachable and welcoming
- will try and comfort those who need it. she'll often expect the same from them.
- when feeling unhappy, she will appear skinnier, transparent, ghostly-like
- even tough she's physically strong, her immunity system is rather fragile and she easily catches cold
- collector. fills her home with feathers, leaves, gifts and random objects she broughts from the human world.
- shows symptoms of OCD (mostly in her human form)
- has a high attention to style, but tries not to judge others by their appearance.
- seems to like alcohol, especially wine.
- has a liking for children, but doesn't feel like having them herself.
- not afraid to say what she thinks out loud.
- during winter, her fur stays pretty much the same (due to it being long and warm anyway). instead she gains some extra weight.
- in development
- low medical skills. capable of curing small wounds.
- can open a 'tear' to the humans world. she uses that skill to escape when deeply wounded/ her life is in danger.
- knows trees language and can talk to them.
- is able to make an 'illusion' for fun or to deceive others. i.e she can suddenly 'grow' antlers on her head and make them fade or change whenever she wants to. she does that mostly for fun (she wears them cause they looks pretty) or to defend herself ('see these antlers? stay away').
- more thangsss. stuff.
Johari | Nohariappearance
+ light blue pelt with white underbelly and black hooves
+ fur is pretty long and smooth
+ very short, deer tail
+ antlerless head
+ orange hair tied in a bun
+ facial markings
+ green eyes
+ in her deer form Stym appears as rather well build and maybe a little bit chubby sometimes, though she's definitely not fat. her build resembles more of a stag than a doe tough she's still elegant and pretty.
idk how to describe that, she just looks more like an elk than a roe deer
ø 24 years old
ø not very tall, 5'4'' (165 cm)
ø skinny and pale. vibrant orange hair in a messy bun. green eyes.

by butterbrot o
by mouchette o
by Mary13: o
o I tend to write names early cause my memory sucks o
o positive
Nemesis - -Best friend, her heart, mind and reason. Wouldn't exist without. Air.
Pontus - -Little brother, all grown up now.
Matthew - -Not sure about her feelings towards him anymore. Seeks for him, feels safe around. A good friend.
Poetic - -Curious about, looks like they have much in common.
Cavallo - -Met the stallion a couple times. At first wary around him, now considers him a friend and a good company. Likes to seek him and spend time with. Playmate?
o neutral/seen
Samson, Nimh, Umay, Lagom, Botan, Vala, Reed
o negative
Kaars - -A dangerous predator. Wary of.
o missing
mother & father. misses greatly.
Danae - -Adoptive daughter. Hasn't seen her ever since she left the forest. Is probably all grown up now.
Zeriah - -Her first friend in the forest, the one who introduced her to Nemesis.
- - -
"We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now."
"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools."
"The quality, not the longevity, of one's life is what is important."
"Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see."
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
o excuse my poor English ;; o
in the humans world temporary. capable of coming back anytime.
I've been lazy with updating this, sorry.
Met a familiar face (Samson) again. Joined him and his friend (Botan). Ran around a bit and sat down with the stag to rest.
Shortly after waking up noticed that Cav is around and decided to say hi. Was approached by a red stag (Reed) who appearantly had nothing better to do than irritate her. He started rubbing some trees around, trying to claim the spot. Chased the stag off a bit and rubbed trees. Eventually Cav lost his temper and attacked him.
In the meantime met some new faces (Nimh, Umay). Watched the fight from a distance and decided to try and stop them. Stood in between the two and led Cav away to sit down and rest. Gave him some nuzzles to calm him down.
After a long time finally reunited with Nem. The feels are real. &
Woke up feeling empty. Ate some mushrooms she found, but it didn't really help.
Went to The Pond and tried to put her thoughts together.
After a while she noticed someone getting close. It was Nem.
All the numbness and emptiness went away the moment she saw her. Nuzzled little doe to death and agreed to sit down and rest, slightly worried. Spent the rest of her day with her. Relieved.
Took a stroll around the Blue Bowl and ended up sitting somewhere close to The Ruins. Was approached by the stallion (Cavallo) again. Spend some time staring at him, sniffing him more and rubbing some trees again. Awkward.
Encountered three pups (Adelaide, Devereux, Kasimir) and ran around with two of them. The third one stood alone at distance. Tried to approach him when Poe appeared out of nowhere. At first unsure, nuzzled the doe happily and followed her to The Pond. Was introduced to a new face (Nika), presumably Poe's friend or something. Sat with the two and relaxed.
Woke up close to the Pond and trotted around a little bit. Finally sat down, closed her eyes and rela-
Wait. There's someone lurking nearby. He is getting closer and trying to sniff her? She arose and politely introduced herself to the stallion (Cavallo). He just kept sniffing her and running in circles. Ok. Tried to sniff him back and be friendly, but it didn't work out. Chased him around a little bit, trying to get the male to respect her. Rubbed some trees around her to strenghten the message. Intrigued by him.
Spend rest of her day walking around. Noticed a little fawn with whom she played a bit. Encountered a canine (Soèt) near The Blue Bowl. Greeted her and and sat close to her and her friends. Left after a longer while. Interacted with the stallion a bit more, which resulted in him rubbing all over her and trying to make her smell like him. Eh.
disclaimerIC 99% of the time. Art by Butterbrot, mouchette & Mary13
First track! (:
Thank you!
Thank you C:
track :> also, you've made a
also, you've made a typo at her age: unknown* c:
Oh, I didn't notice. Thanks
I'm always open to roleplay ^^
Oh, thank you!
can't wait to meet her again. C:
Thank you! I can't wait
And a little question - I'm on TEF community for a while, but still I don't know if tracking means only commenting? Or do you have to do something more? ^^'
Yes, once you've commented on
Thank you!
Awesome screenshots! (I will
Aww i love those screenshots
I'm glad you like it! I also
I love that drawing!
I believe my Reate got to
Yes, I recognize her. Thanks
0baf0 Thank you, comments
trackin!! Kío is playing with
Kío is playing with you right now
Thank you! It was fun playing
ohai thankies XD
Have a track
Track :3
Thank you! ^^
Track , was fine to see you
♥ ♥
Haha, I was so happy to meet
My reaction to this bio:
Oaxis is the blue fawn with the copyright pictogram who stays close to Anker! He likes Stymfalia and thinks she is nice.
Haha thanks! Stym likes
Stym likes Oaxis too! And I really like his picto c:
Tracking ^.^
Thank you!
trackings c:
Thankies o///o
track :3 Thank you that you
Thank you that you are allowed to sit together my newly emergent character .
Thanks for the track! Your
Your little fawn is so cute c:
Thank you!
Thank you! ^^
Track :u See you yesterday
See you yesterday with the other small deer.
I'm the one with the big white antler<------ o.o
And yes, yesterday my new acquaintance was strange (behavior)
he attacked and ridiculed me...but I think he did not mean it so.
and he was also strange to you...mean "attacked" you..
It's ok, I was just
Thank you for track!
I think I've seen Stymfalia
Track! c:
"If your eyes could speak, what would they say?" -Max
Profile art by me
ooo I love her new bio that
that pic is gorgeous <33
I'm glad you like it! And
Wow I like what you did to
you won me over now I'm trackin this ^^