THE TITAN} naxkiin

Hadou's picture
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The Titan


    Name } Naxkiin

    Title } The Titan

    Age } Mature

    Species } Unknown

    Origin } Unknown

    Orientation } Pansexual

    Scent } Burnt wood, Musk

    Reference } Later
    INTRODUCTION } he is known as Naxkiin [NAX-KIN], this is believed to be his birth name though this may or may not be true. he can be called any variation of this, and doesn't mind really what, Nax, Kiin, anything of the sort. his name means cruelty[NAX] born[KIIN], not the kindest of names but he likes it. his known title as of now is 'the titan' referring to size, and odd titan like appearance, such as his rough skin armored with spikes.
    obviously mature, in human years most likely around 25, though this is speculation. he seems, and acts quite wise so others may assume he has many more years than he indeed does. his rugged, and harsh look seem to peg him as older as well.
    unknown to him, or anyone really. he has no knowledge of his life before the forest, but a few from childhood. he also doesn't know what he is, though he is certain there were more of his kind. calls himself a beast, and seems to never elaborate on that.
    his orientation is somewhat unknown, though it is assumed he doesn't worry about gender because of his accepting nature. he himself is very much a male, and identifies as so, if questioned on that he will gladly show you why he is considered a male, though it should be obvious.
    his scent is that of brunt wood, ash, dense forests, and perhaps a musky smell, it's either liked or disliked. it's very strong either, and will probably not be detected unless you're pretty close.
    he has no specific powers or abilities besides brute force, and strength, and impractical fearlessness. he also has no known weaknesses of the sort, but this could easily change. though it is know that he isn't a fan of ponds, or lakes, or heavy rain fall.


ljdklasdf personality lkdfnasf
he uses sheer strength, and brute force in most of his attacks.
body slam is a favorite, relentlessly throwing his massive weight on to the other, his spikes and spines doing most of the external damage
head butt another favorite, pounding his large head directly into the others, again his sharp spikes, and horns do most of the damage.
charging, usually a warning, but can be used for head butting, or body slamming.
taunts are warnings, not fight starters, he will never start a fight without a good reason, but he always intends to end them.
will only flee if extremely injured or intimidated.
vittani+++ first friend, first met, very protective of

name + - words and stuff

name + - words and stuff

luv ++ ; zash + ; name -

    VISUALS } Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent a interdum tortor. Quisque feugiat orci vitae justo condimentum aliquet. Nunc eleifend nunc mi, ut suscipit turpis posuere ut. Nullam convallis sollicitudin lectus, euismod molestie sapien aliquam at. Praesent aliquet sem vitae augue blandit, vel fermentum arcu rhoncus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam vitae auctor enim, ac dignissim sem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam interdum nulla at accumsan pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent euismod sapien nec mi suscipit, quis mattis nibh sagittis.
    Fusce a arcu enim. Fusce egestas varius luctus. Donec ut tellus venenatis, scelerisque turpis at, consequat lectus. Etiam congue ullamcorper mauris id semper. Curabitur vulputate adipiscing mauris, vitae aliquet magna vulputate vitae. Aliquam lacinia varius libero vitae aliquet. Integer diam quam, rutrum id justo vitae, ullamcorper feugiat neque. Praesent consectetur interdum libero, sed dapibus eros placerat id. Fusce rutrum interdum volutpat. Proin quis lobortis nisl.
    Maecenas sed nunc ac nulla pulvinar interdum. Nunc fermentum eros nec tempus lobortis. Cras non ipsum a lectus sagittis dignissim a nec mauris. Donec accumsan nisl quam, eu porta nisl viverra non. Duis interdum magna quam, eu adipiscing dolor lacinia non. Nam congue metus eget lectus pretium, non porttitor magna molestie. Vivamus metus felis, mattis sit amet volutpat ut, semper vel lorem. Ut ornare quam massa, non tincidunt nisl pulvinar sed. Vestibulum sem risus, pharetra et dolor et, adipiscing dignissim urna. Donec semper tempus pellentesque. Nam hendrerit luctus enim, vehicula sagittis dui elementum eget.
    Build } Sturdy, Thick

    Height } later

    Age } Mature

    Species } Unknown

    Origin } Unknown

    Orientation } Pansexual

    Scent } Burnt wood, Musk

    Reference } Later

  • credits

    email - hadoutef@gmail(dot)com
    skype - katycow.
    css @ me;unplugged | javascript @ hearth
    image @ me
    design/concept/name @ Rhhya

Hadou's picture

Test comment~ feel free to

Test comment~
feel free to track if you'd like c;
added some little things, still looking for a picto

Tracks ♥

Tracks ♥

Sig: Aihnna

Hadou's picture

c': thank you

c': thank you

Just because. 8D

Just because. 8D

Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!

OrinocoFlow's picture


You do not have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body.
~ C.S. Lewis


C: ♥

siggy by soli <3
Hadou's picture

;u; thanks guys

;u; thanks guys

Designer TRACK! X) I hope,

Designer TRACK! X)
I hope, him in the woods one day meet!

In your hands make it amazing character!

And I see that Nax-Kiin (cruelty - born) you like the name quite like it. :'D I'll probably have to choose such traits more often. : 'D

Ah he seems great thus far.

Ah he seems great thus far. Trackin'
1Antidote's picture


Hadou's picture

thanks you all

thanks you all <3
c: I was wondering what his name meant! I like that, It's a unique name so I wanted to keep it c:

yooooooooo .3.

-he is in forest now c;-
Staff's picture

Tracking this x.x Love this

Tracking this x.x

Love this guy's name

Siggy by Shey

misschevious's picture

Tracking, nice picture derr

Tracking, nice picture derr c:

First meeting, yea! *bum*

First meeting, yea! *bum*
Waning-Sun's picture

Tracking this. Would love to

Tracking this. Would love to meet him sometime.
Avatar by Meadow. Siggy © Shey & Squeegie
Hadou's picture

ldjaf y'all are so nice,

ldjaf y'all are so nice, everyone loves this guy cx
Oh, and the name and picture are Rhhya's guys c; she's the one who made this awesome guy, I just adopted him .3.
He's in-forest now c;

misschevious's picture

So for Savannah's bitchyness

So for Savannah's bitchyness to Nax. She's not used to company and she's a little moody today. If you check her updates you'll see why.
Hadou's picture

ah ok c; he was curious, he's

ah ok c;
he was curious, he's in a social mood today.
misschevious's picture

Heehee I see. Just to let you

Heehee I see. Just to let you know in case, she accepted him in a way but remained her distance. That's what all the taunting was about for her.

Hadou's picture

aha, alrighty c: he's unsure

aha, alrighty c:
he's unsure of her as of now .3.

-updated relations and disclaimer/contacts & css -
Sylvestrix's picture

I think I might have met

I think I might have met Naxkiin today! If I'm right, you let me follow you around for a good hour or so, and showed me the mask and antler tricks. If it was you, thanks so much for your company (if not, sorry!), love to do it again sometime!
Hadou's picture

Hmm.. I don't think that was

Hmm.. I don't think that was me! haha, it's ok though cx He does wear a very common set .

e]. updated relations .3.
wingeddeer's picture

-butt scoots-

-butt scoots- <3

misschevious's picture

For the rp (:

For the rp (:
She flashed a glance at the male and smiled slightly but obvious enough. Her eyes were squinted like, as if she was wearing dark eyeliner or something and her lashes bounced back. A divine and elegant face she had. She reached her long neck and sipped cool water. She looked back up at the male and blinked with the smile still on her face. "Why, hello..back to stalk me again I reckon?" She smirked playfully and continued sipping the cool pond water.
Hadou's picture

late reply ;n; sowwy // Nax's

late reply ;n; sowwy //
Nax's found the odd doe he'd followed once before, she generally interested him as she was so different to look at. he's unsure of her, but this time gets closer, and greets. gives a small bow and head nod to her as she drinks, his scarlet eyes watching her. he snorted when she spoke and he saw the look on her face.
" Following, I'm just following you, doe," he corrected, tilting his large head.
misschevious's picture

She let a small kind smile

She let a small kind smile spread on her face as she let out a small chuckle. She tilts her head in approvement and smacks her lips before answering him back."Right... The name's Savannah. How do you do? She backed away from the water and started nipping at the water grass. The juice of the water grass swirled in her mouth but the presence of Nax lingered in her mind. She paused and chewed the last bits of the watergrass and awaited his reply with an eyebrow raised.

gonna maybe interfere with

gonna maybe interfere with this rp. By maybe joining?? c;

siggy by soli <3
misschevious's picture

Since I started I guess yes,

Since I started I guess yes, it's fine. Oh god. Edrea and Savannah are gonna have one hell of a time. That's if you use her. We should see what hadou says about joining first. It's his characters blog. C:
Waning-Sun's picture

Hmmm. Zash would have one

Hmmm. Zash would have one heck of time warming up to his boy, but I also have a new character who's sort of an experiment-let's-see-how-I-got-this-before-I-decide if I can keep him type. But...I also have Hamlet...and I see them getting along just fine. Decisions decisions.
Avatar by Meadow. Siggy © Shey & Squeegie

Ok miss c:

Ok miss c:

siggy by soli <3
Farelia's picture

With the sun dappling the

With the sun dappling the forest floor, Nadezdha was like a glinting gem floating delicately through the wood. She seemed to be trotting to music only she could hear, her feathers bouncing against the back of her head and her neck. Red eyes searched for anything of interest, anyone to interact with or observe. She hummed softly to herself, pausing when none were to be found to graze on some of the grasses gracing the forest floor among the leaves. Once she got her mouthful of yummy green, she began trotting along again, head bobbing merrily with the cadence she moved to. Maybe she would stay in this wood and make friends here. It sure was nice to see other deer as exotic as she.
Hadou's picture



Waning- Awesome, it's up to you man, I love Zash so that would be great, but feel free to have your other new deer interact with him too.

Mis & Shaky- feel free to hop on in, it's all good with me, Nax is a doe drama magnet these days <3 love it.

//Nax kept a pleasant look on his large head, jaw slightly open as he nodded in return to the does introduction. he gave a small bow,
"Naxkiin, but feel free to call me Nax," he said politely, his red eyes following the doe to the waters edge. he let himself walk a bit closer to her, now feeling like she wouldn't try and pounce at him, even though he felt that she might. he stood next her, watching her eat the strange grass in the waters, he wondered what it tasted like since his diet consisted of rotting or fresh flesh.//


//Naxkiin let out a small, but heavy sigh as he dipped his large, spined head into the cool pond waters. He took a long sip of the crisp water and lifted his head slowly, his red eyes scanning the now rippled surface of the blue waters as small droplets of water fell from his parted jaw. he rose his head after a moment of stillness, letting the water drip from his face. he stood before the pond, head high and scarlet eyes searching as he heard small hoof steps and the calls of deer, slowly beginning to walk away from the pond and into the woods. he kept his pace slow, but head high, knowing exactly where he would go. the blue bowl, his favorite place to wander to, filled with pretty blue flowers, and berries in a shallow indented bowl in the ground. he enjoyed laying in the flowers and watching the other deer do as he did.
his left ear twitched and his head followed as he heard the small sound of soft hoof steps, he cocked his large head, red eyes looking into the forest to see a feathered doe.
Farelia's picture

Nadezdha approached the

Nadezdha approached the little indent in the ground with the vast amount of blue flowers. It smelled sweet, almost too much for her sensitive nares, but still pleasant. And just beyond these flowers, she saw an odd, shadowed creature approaching, probably to relax in the nice aroma of the little jewels that sprouted from the ground. Deciding to be polite; as she mostly was, don't get me wrong; she softly stepped into the little clearing of flowers and berries, and cocked her head slightly, as if waiting for the other to meet her there. Before he could, however, he lowered herself in a bow of greeting, extending one leg before her, and one under her. When she straightened, she collected herself, offering a soft smile to the stranger, her deer face looking just a smidge awkward with this humanoid expression gracing it.
Hadou's picture

nax rolled his shoulders

nax rolled his shoulders back, releasing the tension in them as he watched the feathered doe. his red eyes studied her as she walked closer and into the bowl. he watched her bow and he gave a nod and small bow back to her, stepping a few lengths closer to her. the doe seemed friendly, and social enough, with the pleasant look on her face and all. he exchanged smiles with her, though his was less human and more beast. his scarlet eyes still watching the doe, more with interest then with caution, though he was still unsure if the doe was sincere.
"Hello there, doe," he greeted her, his voice rough but very calming, "I imagine you came to rest in the blue flowers, correct?".

// I think you forgot the close the Italics tag xD
Farelia's picture

Nadezdha nodded her feathered

Nadezdha nodded her feathered head softly, looking around at the bright flowers that surrounded them. She had been careful upon entering the little patch to not crush any of the flowers. They were so precious and delicate, she would feel bad for stomping all over them with her golden hooves.
"I have never actually visited this little flower patch. I thought I might like to rest here while the ruins are being occupied." She chimed, nodding her head as if in approval of her own words. "I am not used to such sweet smells in such abundance... It is... pleasant, though. Do you frequent this flower patch often?" Her eyes flitted up to gaze at the male before her, still holding the peaceful smile on her lax face. She was awfully cheery today, but maybe that was the sweet aroma of the flowers getting to her.

{{ I am sorry if my looks weird. I'm still getting used to roleplaying with options like this. >x<' }}
Hadou's picture

oh it's no problem, it just

oh it's no problem, it just spreads to the rest of the page if you leave any tag open xD I fixed it now it's all good//

Naxkiin kept his distance still, even though the longer they stood, the more he was sure she was no threat. he liked to be prepared, since the creatures around here were odd, and unpredictable. he gave a nod,
"Oh, I see, it's a very popular resting place, the ruins do seemed to be crowded lately," he explained to interesting doe in a polite voice,
" that's true, it's very ...fragrant around this mass amount of flowers, though honestly I can barely smell it anymore since this is where I spend most of my time,." He tended to stay in the birch forest, or near the blue flowers at the crying idol when he could. He only visited the ruins to play around with a few of his objects, but that wasn't very often. his red eyes lifting off of the doe for a brief moment to looked down upon the flowers.
Waning-Sun's picture

Alright, I'm going to have

Alright, I'm going to have Zash get over his phobia of carnivore deer first...then once I know new guy a little bit better, I'll have him meet him.

Zash rested against one of the rock walls that made up the foundation of the Ruins. He wasn't dozing as much as he was relaxing, trying to clear his confused mind. It helped to think of nothing, to allow nothing to bother him. He focused on the sounds of his relaxed breathing and the buzzing of the cloud of gnats nearby. He didn't mind the annoying bugs as long as they stayed where they were and didn't decide to cluster about his head. He had his blind side pressed against the cool stone, trying to protect himself from being approached on that side. He didn't like it, hated it above just about anything else. He loathed his bad side more and more when he was in a foul mood, hating it and wishing the Twins would have saved him years of agony by just allowing him to be normal. But that couldn't happen. He wasn't allowed to be normal, he just had to accept his fate and learn to work around it.
Avatar by Meadow. Siggy © Shey & Squeegie
Hadou's picture

sounds good c: // nax's head

sounds good c: //

nax's head hang low on his strong shoulders as he slowly walked through the sunlit forest. he wasn't tired, as much as he was just un-amused, un-interested and just plain bored of the birch forest where he contained himself. he thought that going out to the old ruins would maybe give him something amusing since the place always head something odd about it when he came by. he lifted his head, scarlet eyes scanning the ruins from a few yards away as he halted and rolled his shoulders back. his eyes caught sight of a grey thing cuddled up to one of the broken down walls, his head tilted in curiosity. he kept quite as he walked a few steps closer to it, leaving at least 4 deer lengths between them. he didn't say a word, just watched it for a moment before lowering his head, red eyes squinting at the grey thing as he rested, it looked... unpleasant? well, his expression did, though he's appearance was nothing too impressive since it was just a grey deer.
Waning-Sun's picture

Zash became aware after a few

Zash became aware after a few moments that a shadow was standing near him, and he opened his brown eye to stare at a brown and red deer...creature. He wasn't sure what he was, just that he was a deer thing. Perhaps he lived at the Ruins?
"This spot yours?" he asked quietly, starting to draw his backlegs under him to move if need be, "I didn't mean to settle here if you claimed it..."
Avatar by Meadow. Siggy © Shey & Squeegie
Hadou's picture

Nax lifted his head a bit

Nax lifted his head a bit surprised as the creature opened his eyes, well his eye. still curious, his head cocked as he shook his spined face, "Oh, no, sorry, thought you were asleep there," he said calmly, though a small hint of surprise in his voice seeing as he thought it was sleeping. He let out a small sigh and back away, "I was just watching you is all, you looked real unpleasant," he explained, justifying himself. He didn't necessarily stalk others, but he loved observing and watching them, especially the interesting ones. he uncocked his head, letting his jagged jaw part, as he noticed that the other eye which he had thought to be just closed, was non-existent.
Waning-Sun's picture

"Unpleasant," he repeated,

"Unpleasant," he repeated, more for his own amusement than much else. As he spoke he allowed the tension to run out of his back legs to keep him in place. "I haven't heard that one yet," he muttered with a half smile, though it froze on his face when he noted the creature's jagged teeth. Teeth that were made for eating meat. Watching him...buying his time, no doubt.
Avatar by Meadow. Siggy © Shey & Squeegie
Hadou's picture

nax let out a small chuckle,

nax let out a small chuckle, letting his head raise back to their normal position atop his shoulders.
"You looked like you were thinking unpleasant thoughts, or feeling unpleasant things," he explained further, realizing how odd it really was. He froze when the deer froze, and turned his head, looking behind him, assuming the deer had seen something but slowly turned back when he saw nothing. He have him a confused gaze. He backed up one step, "...what's the matter?" he asked, carefully trying to read the stags body language.
Waning-Sun's picture

He nodded, though allowing

He nodded, though allowing the tension to roll away with the shrug, "Nothing...I....I go by Zash...what's your name?" He asked, switching subjects to avoid having to talk about how uncomfortable he was with Nax so close or the unpleasant thoughts he had been thinking.
Avatar by Meadow. Siggy © Shey & Squeegie
Hadou's picture

The large stag nodded, a

The large stag nodded, a little confused, but he let it go as the grey deer spoke again.
"Oh, nice to meet you then, Zash, interesting name you've got," nax said with a small bow,
"My name is Naxkiin, though I go by Nax, seeing as it's much easier to remember/" He was unsure of this stag, he was acting odd but nax didn't feel he was a threat, just confusing. He still kept his distance, standing a little more than a foot away, even if he was one who didn't mind anyone invading his personal space he respect others.
Waning-Sun's picture

"Nax," Zash repeated the name

"Nax," Zash repeated the name with a nod, giving a slight bow of his head as he was still sitting, "Nice to meet you too..." he shifted his weight around to sit somewhat facing him, but still keeping the wall to his back. He didn't like completely exposing his bad side to the male, in case he got any ideas, but he didn't like his right side mostly exposed anyway. It seemed too easy for something to leap over the wall and kill him. Of course, it'd be too easy either way. Nax could just shift around and lunge at him and Zash wouldn't even have known it was coming.
Avatar by Meadow. Siggy © Shey & Squeegie
Hadou's picture

The large buck began to

The large buck began to relax, rolling his shoulders again as he let himself be more trusting of the odd stag. he realized that there was really no need to be so unsure of such a small, and docile seeming stag no matter how odd it was being. he had a content expression on his large spiked face, his red eyes watching the stags movements and expressions very closely. Nax again let his jaw part when he relaxed again giving a small nod and smile to Zash as he fell back on his haunches, sitting across from him now. He noticed something other than his missing eye, but this time a missing limb. He felt a wave of pity for him, " do you lay here often? near this wall?" nax asked, just out of curiosity, though he was more interested in how he had gotten so beat up, he knew it was rude to ask about it.
Waning-Sun's picture

He was somewhat surprised by

He was somewhat surprised by the question, but welcomed it either way, "No...I've only recently taken to the Ruins. It's a nice...neutral spot." he stated with a glance or two in the other's direction. "Do you frequent here?"
Avatar by Meadow. Siggy © Shey & Squeegie
Hadou's picture

Nax's gaze was still glued to

Nax's gaze was still glued to the bucks missing limb, but quickly snapped out of the rude trance when he spoke. He gave a nod, "I see, I only visit here when I'm tired of my usual places, I confine myself to the birch forest, mostly the blue bowl," he explained pleasantly, before his gaze again shifted to it's lost leg.
Waning-Sun's picture

"I see," he stated quietly,

"I see," he stated quietly, looking away to fight off a wave of pain at the thought of the Blue Bowl. "I like to stick to the First Forest a lot of the time, now. Or the Idol. I do enjoy the sound of the Idol." he shifted under the male's gaze, trying to discreetly position his bad side away from him. His staring was irritating, but Zash wasn't going to call him out on it. Or make mention of it just yet.
Avatar by Meadow. Siggy © Shey & Squeegie
Farelia's picture

{{@Hadou: Sorry for the late

{{@Hadou: Sorry for the late response, I've been swamped all day. ;A; Dun' have to respond, but here. c:
@Zash: I think I saw you the other nigghhh- Last night? In the Forest by the playground. c: Maybe. Possibly. I think. I hate my memory. v-v }}

The little doe dipped her head in understanding, before her expression brightened and she perked. " I am Nadezdha, by the way. Is there a name I can call you?" She looked at the ground beneath her before she buckled her legs and lay down with a dull little 'thump' on the ground. Both red eyes rimmed in gold stared up at the much larger male before her. Maybe if she was laying down she would seem more of a neutral standing. She really meant no harm, granted she could be mean and violent, that was only reserved for those deserving her wrath. Otherwise, towards strangers, she would remain neutral until given reason to like or dislike.

Her rather bushy tail twitched slightly, swatting at the mosquitoes that landed on her rumpus. She kept the idle smile on her face, the expression turning lazy as the lovely spring air warmed her and relaxed her tiny self. Her crown of feathers lay flat against her neck, and almost looked like part of her pelt; if not for the peacock-esque longer feathers that strayed from the neat fit against her slender neck.