b a s i c s n a m e: Vaas s e x: male, Stallion p i c t o: Wind s i z e: 17.0 hh s c e n t: Grass, moss, faintly of soil and cherries o r i e n t a t i o n: hetero v o i c e: -link- "Speaks like this" h a u n t s: Playground ___ appearance Solidly built with a thick neck and not an ounce of fat, a roman profile with large 'wild' eyes and small ears. His hooves are large and the rear are 'pin striped', sometimes covered in feathers. His neck is well muscled and arched, a heavy crest set upon it. Well defined withers and deep sloping shoulders. A stark white face with molted skin around his eyes and lips. The focus of his markings being his neck, one side is far more heavily marked than the other and has left his mane and tail streaked in black and white. All four legs the same boney white as his face, though allow the dark points and stripes wrapping around his knees to be seen. A bold stripe runs down a deep gold-brown coat, a coat that dapples beautifully in the summer. His mane is long and unruly, often tangled and hangs in his eyes. His tail, is pathetic in comparison. A good chunk ripped off in a battle with another stallion, it has yet to grow back. set | Yet to have a set | possessions ... | V A A S ![]() |
Second image. hi hi i'll be a thing | f a c t s & combat Quiet || Feral || Observant || Judgemental || Pushy || Skittish Depending on the situation, or predator, Vaas may outright bolt. || Affectionate › Will not tolerate predators of feline or canine appearance. If one should present a 'stalking' nature he'll go after them. › May or may not try to herd deer. Likes big groups. More eyes and ears on the lookout. › Doesn't lay down save for a few rare occasions. *I may have him lay ingame, though this doesn't mean he is under normal circumstance. So unless stated here, he should be assumed to be standing. › Won't bow. Sniffing and perhaps a nod is akin to a greeting for him. › Won't kick just because something is behind him. › Indifferent to other stallions if enough room is allowed and there is no mare of interest. If there is he may become more intolerant and aggressive. › Has no opinion of fawns or foals if they are no sired by him. Won't attack one, though won't push it away unless with it comes trouble. › Dapples out in late spring, and fades in late fall. › Tends to stand and threaten before running should he find himself before a hostile being. Will be the last to flee if he is with a group. › Play is awkward for him, and tends to consist of just running about and making a racket, maybe light kicking? Roughhousing. › Highly vocal. › If he's simply standing still, and not reacting to much, should be taken as he's simply grazing and nothing more. Doesn't take well to staring for long periods of time without moving. › Seems to have issues with human faced deer › Travels from his world and the forest often, thought unknowingly jumps from one time period to another. This is due to the damaged and unstable portal he uses. › While he may favor one mare, he can't be kept occupied for long and keeps as many as he can around. › › Mother was a mustang and father was a frisian. His size has been both a blessing and a hindrance to him. Inherited some of the showy movements of his sire's kind, though are unrefined. › ___ Combat Strength: |||||||| Stamina: |||||||| Experience: |||||||| Speed: |||||||| Obviously, Vaas lacks antlers. He fights in the typical horse-ish fashion of kicking and biting. Warning charges or maybe even a small kick should tell another to knock it off, though if it escalates he will wheel around and go after them. The great differences in fighting styles between horse and deer put him at a slight disadvantage, so he will most likely attempt to kick said opponent to death, and if they go down, will turn and trample/bite. His rear legs are immensely strong; strong enough to break bone and possibly kill if contact is made to the head. However he cannot aim in the frenzy of a fight, so such a kick would be rare, and achieved on a single stroke of immense good fortune. Vaas would not fight a female (This doesn't mean he won't knock one about if she's trying his patience), unless is it a predator. Very black and white when it comes to species in terms of what he will and will not fight, no matter the circumstance. He heals between 3-5% daily depending on weather and how grave the wounds may be. Tends to go for the face neck and forelegs, mainly the knees to bring his opponent down. RearsShown via frantic spamming of the rear emote. and flails his forelegs, again, for the head and to knock his opponent off balance. May or may not flip himself over at times, but has done this before when against larger horses, or overly excited. Kicks, and kicks hard, though does not aim very well. Will however, follow you around and continue to kick until it serves better to just go after via rearing and biting. Striking out with a foreleg Taunt+paw+headshake should be seen as a challenge to stallions and other rivals. Biting is targeted to the face (should be assumed this is what he's going for),knees A bow, in a fight., crest, and rump (in a chase). When latched onto the crest, doesn't let go and may tear out a good chunk of flesh if he gets the chance. This however puts him at risk for being knocked off balance. |
Should I give this a
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
He's so pretty, i love horses
um yes.
Track this boy!
Tracking, very nice ^&^
I really like this. /rubs
/rubs all over this
I think Mari may have to meet him ;;
adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
~Tracking c: He's gorgeous,
He's gorgeous, I love his eyes!
Track *hoofprint*
Dawwwww. Did he think Mari
KDJKGJFD NO. She was nice and
Yeahhhh c: Mari is to like
SOB I don't think he'd
Ooh, loving this already
Yeesssss yeessss add me I'd
Need to track ♥
Sig: Aihnna
Xemi: watch yo step ho. i
Pander: hey bbby
craps a little
~ C.S. Lewis
Excuse me, but I haven't
I think I should see a doctor about that.
Yeah probably >:C /throws
Teeny Requite by Dapper.
jumps on
~ C.S. Lewis
Orin: -buck to the
wow thats a late reply
track (o:
wouldn't mind an rp sometime
I'm always open to RP
Placing a track here.
late-arse trackings of dis
what are we doing
they are going to turn each other into glue SOB