

D e v e l o p m e n t

Seems to be drawn to those that she can distinguish from the trees more easily, bright colors, etc. Triggered by Herla.
Has learned to bow. Will bow at anyone and anything in order to solicit a positive response or praise. Taught by Beravenon, reinforced by Ravus.
Starting to grasp that "nodding" is positive, and means "yes" or "that's right". Will nod to show understanding.
Trees hurt.

B a s i c s

Name: Taz
Age: Newborn
Gender: Female
Orientation: Unknown
Scent: Mint, a hint of something salty
Voice: Lauren Lopez

I n - D e p t h

Taz is essentially like a blank slate. All of her memories, good and bad, are wiped clean. Perhaps they will return one day, but for now the pup must figure things out for herself. She was reborn from another realm where hairless beings who walked upright ruled over the other creatures.
Taz does not understand the difference between right and wrong, or good and bad yet. She learns by observing how others around her behave. She doesn't know what she should be afraid of, having never truly known fear since her entry into the forest, and therefore will not shy away from those larger than her. However, she does have her instincts, and will defend herself as best she can with her sharp little puppy teeth if she needs to. Taz's capacity to remember individuals is still developing, and she has difficulty remembering when she has been separated from the other for a certain period of time. Memory is linked closely to scent. Individuals will most likely be recognized by their distinctive odor, and strangers will often be met with sniffing, so that she can try to recognize others.
Taz is almost completely blind and her hearing is not much better. Her understanding of the world around her is fairly limited at the moment, and she relies heavily on scent. Her vision is very blurry, but her ability to detect color is remarkably advanced for a canine. She sees vivid colors, everything around her is detected as blurs of light and color. Her sight is improving slowly, however, and close up is where she sees the clearest.
Taz is extremely trusting, but she will shy away if she is startled. She's a vocal pup with a low tolerance for pain, and will whimper, whine, yip, and howl in short bursts when she is hurt. She is very vulnerable at this point, unable to run very fast due to her clumsy paws and how she isn't quite accustomed to her cervine hind legs.
-Tends to move in short bursts of energy, resting in between spurts of activity.
-Doesn't know how to fight, will always flee when confronted.
-Generally means well, and always assumes that others do too.
-Has yet to witness violence.

R e l a t i o n s h i p s






CSS by Tornpaw and Shamiya.
Character owned by Jinxyness.
Taz is played with the soft effect turned up to emulate her situation in relation to her vision. She is 100% IC, if you have questions, comments, or concerns I can be contacted at or at my skype(Jinxyness).

Oh.. what dis be?

Oh.. what dis be?

Sig: Aihnna



Tracking dissssssssss :*

Tracking dissssssssss
:* ♥

And ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm its... . MINE

siggy by soli <3

you guys &hearts; thanks for

you guys ♥ thanks for the interest/tracks!
din's picture

such a q t

such a q t

thanks dina! beravenon is

thanks dina! beravenon is adorable <3
Carry's picture

stares at o.o

stares at o.o
Muc's picture

Aww Taz is so cute!

Aww Taz is so cute! Ooh
Flatsoda's picture

