
I had to go. ;_______;
I can give her for who wants. Give me your email if you want!


Vibek's picture

Track (:

Track (:

^Thank you

^Thank you

Track. x) I see Eórra has

Track. x)

I see Eórra has about one newborn in the neck in addition. XD
TmA's picture

Oh, Eorlien she was pleasant.

Oh, Eorlien she was pleasant. Probably, they even can be the best friends in the future! Eye Beautiful CSS, track <3

And yes, forgive, it can seem to someone very strange, she not up to the end learned to express the emotions and isn't able to communicate
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3

Rhhya- X3 Thank you ^ ^ I

Rhhya- X3 Thank you ^ ^ I was delighted when she protected her baby, although my Marca was through.

TmA- I would love to they small friendship continue to adults. Thank you <3 Nothing happens, surely the two be understand well. :3
Rouda's picture

Your little fawn is very

Your little fawn is very sweet. ♥

Thank you, &hearts; c:

Thank you, ♥ c:
Starling's picture

*stalk*.. I like how this

*stalk*.. I like how this looks. c:

Thank you. c':

Thank you. c':
Djavu's picture

late track &hearts;

late track ♥

pfft &hearts; thank you c:

pfft ♥ thank you c:

Tracking :3

Tracking :3

Thank you x3

Thank you x3