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Biography Updates [04/03/15]
[In the process of editing.]

[*] - Things you need to Edit.
[*] - The Sapling Image placement adjustment.
[*] - Fix Music stuff. How?
[*] - Split Other Acquaintances to "New Acquaintances" and "???"
[*] - Add info' under Phaios and others.
[*] - Add Mori'
[*] - Move Eli
[*] - What else?


Recent Events.
- [02/09/15]
Gustiro wandered the forest (since the forest surprisingly ran a bit smoothly today). Stared at a few groups and sniffed a few lone deer. Because he could. Noticed a few less then friendly acquaintances on the hill Gustiro frequents when he went to rest by his tree. Stared at them a bit until Umay came to check him out. Exchanged a few sniffs and when she seemed to lack hostility figured it was safe enough to chill by his tree.
Left a while later to cruise the forest again, seeking and hoping to see familiar and friendly faces. Was interrupted upon his investigation of Herla and a stranger by a fawn. Quickly became fond of the fawn (Sonya1234567890) and ended up spending most the night with it. Instant fatherly feels. ;3;
While Gustiro and his new fawn-pal played in the lake they met Noboru/Crash and his fawn friend. Gustiro was cautious at first but quickly warmed up to Crash. Watched with Crash as the two fawns played, calling them back when they wandered off too far. Gus' fawn-pal got spooked when Crash's fawn-friend suddenly turned adult out of the blue. Gus' was a bit surprised too. Followed his fawn when it ran off.
After a long nap for his fawn it got up again for play time. Which soon Reed woke up near by. Gus' instantly went to check Reed out. Reed didn't seem pleased about Gustiro's forwardness? Gustiro decided a fight around the fawn wasn't what he was up for and hightailed it away from Reed. Reed gave chase and Gustiro turned on him when the fawn got a bit too into the mix. Gustiro says don't get so rough around his fawn, Reed. >:I The two split ways a bit miffed at each other apparently. XD
Gus' lost his fawn for a while. D: So Gustiro wandered a bit again. Saw Indigo in the distance and decided to stare curiously. Surprisingly got approached by and exchanged sniffs. Which was actually the first time, their previous meetings having been in chaos before hand. Noticed a familiarity in his scent but couldn't quite place it. A friend of Indigo's (Sloane?) also approached though Gustiro was a bit more weary about them. Tried to sniff them but Gus' sniffer apparently broke. HerpDerp. Watched as the two wandered off before going his own way.
Morikiah showed up while Gus' was resting at the playground and was quite happy to see a familiar face. Some snuggles then play time. Fawn friend showed up again and more play times with the two until Gustiro's player had to force self to bed.

- [09/10]
- Gus passes by where Piggy and Umay and (was that Fletcher who didn't get up?) and gets some warning charges from Piggy and Umay. Apparently walking by at a distance is a big no-no. Gus is like... dude I didn't do anything. D: Of course Gus has to turn around, puff up and be like 'don't charge at me'. >:I Some staring and sniffing from both sides. Then surprisingly everyone parts ways peacefully.
- Then Gus sniffs random stranger (Django?). Random stranger and Gus play. Gus makes a new fwiend. Hi fwiend. : D Sorry we had to sit down now. Gus' player's hand started hurting. Player has bad hands. :/
- Hi Maica! You all big now. ;3; Don't you know it's against the law for cute fawns to grow up?
- Met a mini and played with it and Maica a bit. Then met Halo and Revtheyr who got Gustiro to 'dance' with them. ....Gus' still can't dance. XD Oh, and Tieff is there too! Hi Tieff! BD

- [08/15]
Gus wakes to much fawn moos. Cute fawn moos but fawn moos none the less. Plays with the fawn moo. Stranger steals Gus' fawn moo. Gus sad.... Gus creeps on another fawn who was creeping on him. Fawn moo returns. Gus antler spells them fawns. Gets antler spelled in turn.
Reed is sensed near by... Gus trumpet-antler-spells Reed. Reed wakes up with grump face. After looking a little too amused Gus then, in his golden butterfly antlers, eeks as Reed comes after him and runs like crazy. Reed shows Gus what-for. After a short mask-spell fight Reed cheats by getting the idol pelt. Gus fusses. But looses that battle too. >:I
(Oh yah, somewhere in here Gus spells Reed with Gus-pelt. Shed fur coat for you Reed. : D )
Later Gus follows Reed to a bunch of families... They play with all the minis/bebes/I know some of you but not all of you zomg!
Gus peacock pelts Reed. So funny... Reed didn't find it so amusing. Gus gets put into his place again. Gus pouts about it.
((Gus' player was so hyper today... now I'm crashing from hyper high...))
Reed seems upset at a mini? Who of which Fay and Eve seem to be protecting? Gus stayed mostly out of it though stuck around to make sure Reed didn't get in over his head because the forest tends to breed sudden out of nowhere attacks by a billion foes! Sniffed everyone at some point. Was kinda surprised to see Fay who he hadn't seen around in ages.

- [08/12]
LAGLAGLAG OMGsomuchLAG *sobs historically*
So Gustiro wakes to Dinah Moon being mobbed by two stags (Kaeltiir? And Rojan?) and Umay. WTF, guys? So much for the uneasy peace between Gus' and Umay.... Then North comes barreling in. So Gus' and Dinah try to ward them off but yah, nope. (There were other deer too but I don't think they were fighting anyone? No idea what they were doing actually. XD )
After the fight they are greeted by Ben and Daytona . What's up, guys? : D
North is on the move. Suspected he went to rub on Gus' fern tree (maybe? Didn't see it. Speculation and paranoia for the win!) So spitefully trots to North's (old, no longer?) tree and rubs all over it. Take that. >:I Thought about peeing on it too but thought better of it. No need for pee wars between two testosteroney stags. See? Gus' is maturing out of his feral mind... sort of.

So Dinah and Gus go to where Ben and Daytona are hanging at the Crying Idol. Much hanging out. Then Gus notices some strange stag near by and so goes to sniff and poke at him. Dude seems to not notice or care. Dinah is like "he seems sad in the face, leave him be" and goes to comfort him. Gus is like :/ fine. And cuddles with Ben and Daytona until they poof. Then sits near by and stares at Dinah and the stag guy.
The stag we don't know (Nikhil?) wakes up and decides he didn't like the company. (And maybe was throwing a fit?) Gus is like "nah, dude. This may be your tree but this is my womanz sleepin' here."
Then Daytona is back. Yay! And then Morioch shows up out of nowhere and kamikaze dives at resting/sleeping Dinah/Daytona/Gus. Gus is all "WTH dude???!" and proceeds to tackle Morioch while Daytona stands over the sleeping Dinah. Morioch leaves and Gustiro is still all wtfing. But then Maica shows up and that made everything better. Gus' checks to make sure Daytona and Dinah are all right then everyone takes a nap. Though Gussy can't sleep long cuz all these crazy people are after his womanz. :/
(I need to stop typing like this. I swear my writing is getting worse....)

- [08/10]
- Gustiro wakes in the forest. Found by Maica and snuggled the fawn.
- Got ants in his pants and decided to cruise the forest. With little Maica tagging along. Since he and his player has been gone so long decided to check out all the strangers and some familiar faces too.
- Curiously stared at Reed and Reed's unknown friend.
- Poked and bugged Honeyfur. Because, why not? We don't interact with that person enough. >:I
- Sniffed and unnerved several other deer that Gus and I have no idea who they were. Because curiosity is curious.
- Happened upon a bunch of minis +some. Maica seemed to not want to go near them? Checked them out some until Reed showed up. Wut, Reed? These your minis? So sorry... we'll be going now... My mini/fawn doesn't wanna hang anyway. Wandered off with Maica.
- Noticed Morioch wandering by. Hadn't seen him in a while. (Last time was with a Morikiah incident maybe?) Decided to throw the curious at him and stared like a creeper. Apparently Reed decided to be curious too? Though he seemed a bit more ominous. Grew a bit tense as it seemed things were getting a bit heavy. Reed got bored I guess so Gus followed him away.
- Then wth just happened? Morioch dove at a deer and two minis that were under them. One of which was Maica. Gustiro attacked Morioch in turn. Then all hell broke loose. Gustiro and I had no idea who was friend or foe so gave up. Settled for protecting / shielding his little Maica friend. Postured and grunted whenever the crazies got too close with their brawling. Seriously, what is going on?
- Once things settled down some he wandered off with Reed and Maica to the Fern Tree. Insisted Reed wasn't sitting close enough. Settled for a somewhat close enough. But then the others were fighting again in the distance? Decided they were too close for comfort and fearing they'd come their way so lead Reed and Maica to the Red Hill where he could easily see all approaching.
- Tieff showed up. Reed got pissed. Gus threw his weight around and insisted he wanted the extra muscle to watch for trouble. Much fussing. Finally bullied Reed and Tieff into sitting somewhat near each other? Finally. Let's nap. Too good to be true. Much more fussing.
- Maica runs off. Gus follows. Reed follows. Tieff follows shortly after. I'm guessing the stag was Maica's dad? Gus decided to leave things be but Maica noticed and followed. That's right. You're my kid now. >:I
- ...What else... Helped some naked dude with some spells. Where a familiar fawn showed up. You so cute... Got everyone to some-what peacefully sit together. Until some stranger started creepin'. Poked and rubbed and pestered. Stranger seemed not impressed / unresponsive. Decided he wasn't dangerous and wandered back to everyone. Fussed and stamped and grunted at Reed for not sitting close enough. Finally got him to sit close with him and Maica while Tieff and other fawn hang out near by.
- The end-ish. Can't remember stuff. And too lazy to do this properly.


[*] -

||||||||||Recovery chart:
- Daily recovery +1.
- Restful day in the forest. +2.
- Healing by another character +2.

[*] + ... (+0) [00/00]
[*] - ... (-0) [00/00]

Gustiro's picture

This is what a comment looks

This is what a comment looks like.
Gustiro's picture

We don't need no stinking

We don't need no stinking cake!
Gustiro's picture

That's because the cake is a

That's because the cake is a lie. But pie is THE TRUTH!