Experiment: Scent?

Gustiro's picture
Just bumping this for myself for reference reasons.

Updates [02/01/13]
[In the process of editing.]
[*] - Added Test Expressions.
[*] - Added Key Areas. Changed Key Areas pics.

This is just an experiment for now. If I find I like it I may add it to Gustiro's biography.

I've been seeing a lot of "scent" listings. I've had a few ideas with it so... I figured I would try it out. After all Gustiro is supposed to have a more animal like sense of smell (despite having a humanoid face) which is a part of daily life.
Names of the sections may change and the way it is done may evolve.

Key Areas: The Fern Tree, The Sapling, The Poppy Tree, Dinah Moon's Weeping Willow.

Primary scent

Gustiro's core scent. What he excretes rather then what he collects on him.
(Please feel free to make suggestions. What do you think Gustiro would smell like? What comes to mind when thinking of Gustiro?)

Under Construction.

Secondary scents

These are scents that Gustiro smells strongly of that may be considered a part of him. However Gustiro does not excrete this scent but rather he spends so much time in the presence of something that the scent of it basically soaks into him.

Pond / lake water.

Tertiary scents

These scents are basically what are "collected" daily. This includes the scent of other deer (if touched), specific places of the forest, and possibly objects (more likely from role play then in forest). I am probably going to go with a three day 'hold'. The scents are strong on the day they are collected, weak on the second day, and very faint on the third day until it is gone upon the fourth day. However deer that he is around pretty much daily may stay upon the 'strong' spot longer.
Not only will scents be 'on' him but details of where the scent is may be listed. For example a deer he may have fought may be smelled upon his antlers, hooves and wounds with the possibility of the scent of blood if the opponent was injured.

Strong (Today):
[*] The First Forest (Heavy scent of tread and on stomach/side from resting.)
[*] Morikiah (Heavy scent from continual contact.)
[*] Schadenfreude (Heavy scent from continual contact.)

Weak (Yesterday):
[*] The First Forest (Heavy scent of tread and on stomach/side from resting.)
[*] The Birch Forest (Light scent of tread.)
[*] Positively reeks of Schadenfreude after rubbing obsessively on the fellow. Doesn't he have Haphephobia or something? Poor guy.

Faint (The Day Before):

Scent Marked

This is not what is on Gustiro but rather where Gustiro has left his trade mark upon. This will usually be specific trees. Trees that he normally rests near, spots that friends or enemies frequent, ect. I am not sure if I will add deer to this list for I am not sure if players will be comfortable with being listed. We shall see.

Strong (Today):
[*] The Fern Tree (Heavy, territorial mark.)

Weak (Yesterday):
[*] The Fern Tree (Heavy, territorial mark.)
[*] The Poppy Tree (Light, territorial mark.)
[*] The Sapling (Light, territorial mark.)
[*] Dinah Moon's Weeping Willow (Light scent and antler scrapings. An 'I was here' mark.)
[*] Umay's and Kody's Trees. (Light scent rubbing. An 'I was here' mark.)
[*] Reed's Tree. (Light scent rubbing. An 'I was here' mark.)
[*] Eli's Tree. (Light scent rubbing. An 'I was here' mark.)

Faint (The Day Before):

Test Expressions:
[*] Forest Area (Heavy scent of tread and on stomach/side from resting.)

[*] Personal Favored Area (Heavy, territorial mark.)
[*] Personal Favored Area (Light, territorial mark.)
While Gustiro does not chase other deer (strangers) from these locations when alone if accompanied by deer he wishes to protect he may become more possessive of these locations. As they are supposed to be 'safe zones' to him. He will become more territorial of these areas if the deer near the location are known enemies or rivals.
[*] Familiar's Favored Area (Heavy scent, heavy antler scrapings. An 'I was here' mark.)
When used in favored areas of a deer he is exceptionally close to it is done to let them know he was in the location as well as to warn off enemies or rivals from said deer.
[*] Enemy's/Rival's Favored Area (Light scent rubbing. An 'I was here' mark.)
Usually only done to let an enemy or rival know that he has been in the area or forest in general. This is only done when the enemy or rival had not been seen or not in the current area. If he meant to mock or tease an enemy/rival he most likely will scent mark where they can see it not when they're away.
[*] Enemy's/Rival's Favored Area (Scent rubbing, antler scrapings and/or ground scrapings. An 'I was here' mark.)
Added with antler rubbings or dug up earth on an enemy's or rival's favored area is usually an aggressive act. It could be taken as a warning or even a threat depending on the recent interactions between them.

[*] Deer (Heavy scent from continual contact.)
Usually on Gustiro when he has cuddled or leaned on another deer.
[*] Deer (Heavy/Light scent from contact.)
Usually when Gustiro had rubbed on or had been rubbed on by another deer. Whether it was affectionate or in teasing.
[*] Fought Deer (Heavy scent in wounds and on hooves/antlers.)
Xemi's picture

This is kinda cool

This is kinda cool .A.
Stalking for later.. maybe if I get any ideas I could help? <:

I agree about the ridiculous

I agree about the ridiculous scent ideas..
One of the reasons I have none for Pan, Dare nor Niko.
They may change though.

This looks very interesting, so I'ma sit here and watch B)
Xemi's picture

It's so hard for me to think

It's so hard for me to think of Gustiro without imagining he smells like bacon rofl <__>
I imagine a kind of.. metallic scent with him but that makes no sense..
I dunno. I think of something heavy and thick, like.. maybe a type of sap from around trees
in the area or bark since he marks territory a lot? idek
Gustiro's picture

Pandoras, :3 Xemi, lol

Pandoras, :3

lol Bacon. I should have guessed someone would say that. XD
Actually a metallic scent would make sense. Considering that he fights a lot and blood tends to have a metallic taste/smell. Though I wonder if that would be more a Secondary scent rather then a Primary?
GlobalBeauty's picture

I'd imagine he would smell

I'd imagine he would smell like iron and sulphur with warm overtones... like rich dirt that has been baked in the sun.
Siggies by Carry & Amazengalo
Xemi's picture

Yes I would think secondary

Yes I would think secondary for metallic scents ^^ since he's not fighting all the time
Gustiro's picture

GlobalBeauty, I really like

I really like that. X3

I was thinking more because the metallic scent would be more on him rather then of him. If that makes sense? Not so much because he does not fight all the time. Well, not all the time recently. He has really calmed quite a bit since his first appearance in the forest. XD

LOOL I AGREE; some people

LOOL I AGREE; some people having their deer smell like MASHED POTATOES AND WHIPPED CREAM! pff I think/hope that I've managed to stay rather...realistic, haha~

Uhh..I can't really think of anything..except maybe..earth? Pine needles? For some reason I can imagine myself cuddling into his neck and taking a big whiff, and then smelling something..earthy rofl.
Gimme a moment. <3
Fincayra's picture

I like to think of characters

I like to think of characters with more "outrageous" smells as having them in a symbolic way, like a connection to their old past lives.
UM. I'll use North as an example - Hraeth's character. He smells like gunpowder, among other things, because he was a soldier in some kind of war before he came to The Endless Forest. I actually like the strange smells; it's a link to the past, if you put some thought into it.
Xemi's picture

Oh, yes that's what I meant

Oh, yes that's what I meant too xD I always figured that since he's bigger and has a thick hide it's more likely the smell of another's blood on him than his own.. if, of course, he'd been fighting recently.

But yep Smiling metallic scent and sap/bark would be my input for him. I'm curious to see what's all added, have never seen a matrix done for anything like this
Pegasicorn's picture

I've been debating on adding

I've been debating on adding scents to my deer's bios actually, so this is interesting to me.
I agree with the suggestion of earthy tones for Gustiro.
Gustiro's picture

Dinamo, Xemi, Pegasicorn, Hm.

Dinamo, Xemi, Pegasicorn,
Hm. So far several seem to agree with metallic and earthy smells. XD

Yes, that's basically what I thought. That perhaps it was symbolic. Which I debated on trying to do something similar with Gustiro, including scents "from the past".
Though some things I've seen I just can not see any sort of connection with anything. Maybe it is just my lack of insight. XD
Thanks for the input. <3
DinahMoon's picture

I could never decide what

I could never decide what Dinah Moon smells like. I want to say poppies since she wears them, but they actually hardly have a scent! And I had to look that up because I've never actually stopped and smelled a poppy flower Laughing out loud
Gustiro's picture

Fincayra, The more I think of

The more I think of it the more I think I may add scents 'of the past'. I always saw The Endless Forest as a type of limbo with how many characters were 'reborn' here. So with the magic of the forest and all it makes more and more sense to me.

Haha But you have to think that animals have a stronger sense of smell then humans. It may have more of a scent to an animal then a human. :3
Fincayra's picture

Exactly. It's a magical

Exactly. It's a magical forest, 'past scents' should make sense. I love creative additions like that, if they make sense. For example, if a character worked in a bakery, what would be wrong with him smelling like fresh bread? It could even be a very faint smell; nothing too overpowering. It's up to what you want, in the end. I personally enjoy peculiar and unlikely scents for characters. :'D

...I like this blog and the

...I like this blog and the discussion around it. ouo
Starling's picture

I really like how you see the

I really like how you see the forest and take every little thing into mind.
Awesome, this interests me!