Going to try and keep using this to encourage myself to draw more often.
Anyway, some Genevas for 2016
Old shit
19th of September:
Casti's rut outfit
31st of August:
Birthday gift of JM!
8th of May:

Bored. Have some weak sketches
Newest artwork is here! 3rd of April's

March 20th//

Feb 1st;
I LOVE DRAWING CASTI. AAAGH. He's somewhere inbetween teenager and adult here.

Random skull elk, just for fun. 10th of January....first art of the year!

28th of December/
My first picture done on my new tablet! It's a grown-up Casti 

Another attempt at a background, and a drawing of my new fawn whilst he's still...well, a fawn. As an adult, his design will be quite different. His feathers are only just starting to grow here, and his earrings are pretty big for his baby ears...I imagine they'll be flopped over for some of the time

A quick, crappy sketch of Sorrel and Ramsus looking bothered about something. It was pretty hard to get Ramsus' head looking right so I hope this isn't too butt-awful. Also, he's sitting down, cause compared to him Sorrel is TINY.
Moar 5 second backgrounds. I actually tried with this one but....trees man. /Trees/. I can't draw them.

Sterre for Ravenflight! I'm not that happy with the background buuuut it does make the image look overall nicer

Acer and Axon as per request! Sorry they're so small and one-sided but I just wanted to get them done. I have access to a tablet sometimes now so I had a window of opportunity!
Paint tool sai is AMAZING btw

Art of Sorrel and....I don't know. Originally it was going to be her ex-mate, then it turned into her son, then into another her. I guess it is her. A picture of the turmoil in her head maybe?

An attempt at drawing Sorrel and Brynhried in bambi style. I've always loved the artwork in bambi, but once you look at their deer it's kinda amazing how they style their characters. And how wierd that they draw their eyes so big!

Sketches of the baby kookaburras that are living near my house at the moment. Also a magpie that was there at the time~

A new ref for Totlecatl, who is getting a big reboot very soon. I wanted to do something very different with him, and give him the feel of an 'old earth god', so I went with something sort of goat-y, and eventually picked a rooster tail cause I've always loved chicken feathers. Also my first proper attempt at doing lineless artwork, which is surprizingly easy and good when you don't have a tablet.
Huge version is now here!
Critique please? The anatomy might be a bit odd in some places, particularly his head, on purpose.

A new draft for Brynhried, his new design. I wanted to lighten it up a little and got what I wished when I accidentally removed one layer and ended up with this! Tell me what you think of it. Also added 2 new scars, and he officlaly has 8 tines on his antlers, and probably won't grow anymore.
Please ignore the 5-second hooves! I still can't draw them so I quickly sketched little things that look like high-heels.
I guess you could call these early christmas presents, besides the first one which was promised. I'd almost forgotten how fun it is to draw these.

#3 for Sianna. I made her design looked rushed and messy, sorry :c It's a little difficult to compact it.

#2 is Talla! Added hair cause ponies look a little odd without it.

# 1. Lady Bones! I was too impatient to draw those spots in her hair, so I made them the traditional streaks instead.
A couple more coming soon, hopefully! Especially with 2 weeks of school left; not long until the holidays.
This is really cute, thanks
Glad you like her! Her mane
Added Talla~
OhmyGod. ;u;!! She's gorgeous
She's gorgeous and adorable! Pony Talla looks awesome with a mane! And the streaks of white in her taiiil.
Thank you C:
A pony, for me? Always fun
Always fun to see her drawn differently.
Bump! Converted this into my
I really, really like the new
Late thankyou haha Bump, some
Bump, some requests open
May I request one for Acer,
I loove all of your little arts, SiannaPony made me giggle! I also adore Totlecatl's design! 8D
Sure thing! And thankyou
Would you like to try my
Oh shoot, I forgot about
Done! So sorry you had to wait that long o___o
Its ok!! Wow!! Amazing!! I
If you want to draw anymore,
AHH I love it! So unexpected,
Love the colors you've used. And their expressions. Gahhh. <3
Omg you have an art
Love that pic of adult Castallion at the top. He's such a pretty boy.
Yessum, but I don't draw much
Oh I missed this blog! Shame
Thankyou! And yes, one day,
Selling some adoptables now- i'm not really confident enough to do proper commissions yet
Ahhh, I love your art.
oh my, those are gorgeous
aghfgf thank you both i
i haven't updated this in aaages