physical |||||||||| (100%) ‡ (100%) |||||||||| mental
"This is very nice..."
Today was very chill. Feeling much better than he has in a while, Kagekaze sojourned to the pond where he found Ciel bathing. He joyously greeted the buck and proceeded to romp around with him along with a new acquaintance, Eraline. They were soon joined by Sparrow, who to Kage's shock was full-grown and quite tall. Nuzzled his "nephew" like no tomorrow and preened at his fur, and engaged in some playful banter before settling down with the small group.
When Ciel and Eraline moved off to the side a little to be alone, the daemon smiled knowingly, thinking that perhaps the two may be more than just friends. Feels proud of Ciel. Stayed cuddled with Sparrow, and was ecstatic when Stockholm appeared. He looked different, but still as beautiful as ever in the daemon's eyes. Promptly suffocated the feminine buck with nuzzles and curled around him, sandwiched between him and Sparrow. Utterly content, and perking up.
art by me
♠ ♠* ♠* ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠
* portrayed with his mask
♥ by natille.koks
♥ by Xemi

name Kagekaze (kah-GAY-kah-ZAY)
species Japanese shadow daemon
age unknown, ageless
size here (estimated)
set space beluga pelt, crying idol mask, default antlers
voice soft and gentle, slightly deep but not masculine
scent subtle, sweet smoke and rosemary
talks like this
† has the ability to sift into darkness or shadow
† his mask is made of porcelain and can only be damaged by him
† rarely wears his mask despite in-game appearance
† he has no fur whatsoever; his skin is smooth and feels like rubber
† prefers to swallow prey whole and usually alive, much like a snake
† can also absorb live prey into his body through shadow sifting
† jaws can open to almost 90 degrees despite human appearance
† typically very quiet and reserved; difficult for him to make friends
† socially awkward; does not know humor very well or how to dance
† does not seek a mate; believes that he would end up hurting them due to Hibje
† feels attraction towards males, females and hermaphrodites
† he who would rather talk about others than himself
† Hibje is his alter-ego, and was originally created mentally
† over time Hibje has manifested himself into a living being that Kagekaze unwillingly transforms into during bouts of extreme emotion like rage
quiet | lonely | passive | observant | thoughtful
protective | understanding | affable | avoids crowds

name Hibje (HEEB-jay)
species Japanese light daemon
age unknown, ageless
size here (estimated)
set long/gray pelt, DotD mask, default antlers
voice harsh and grating, constantly fluctuates, animalistic
scent harsh musk, copper and subtle decay
talks like this
Ω has the ability to sift into shafts of light
Ω Hibje is Kagekaze's alter ego: the Hyde to his Jekyll
Ω he is an embodiment of malice, violence and perversion
Ω revels in violence and pain, and has numerous taboo pleasures
Ω prefers to maul and torture prey in horrific ways
Ω his saliva is venomous; wounds he inflicts via bites have a great chance of becoming infected
Ω the scent and sight of blood arouses him; seeks further pleasure in pain
Ω he does not have a true voice; constantly changes
Ω is very strong and agile despite his malnourished appearance
Ω mentally torments Kagekaze; when not physical, he is a voice in Kage's head
Ω devoid of all empathy and reason; finds humor and pleasure in causing pain
sociopathic | psychopathic | lustful | perverse
frenzied | violent | avaricious | blasphemous
In extreme cases (severe depression, loss of sanity, etc.), Kagekaze will transform
into his alter-ego, Hibje, who may be identified by his picto and set. During this time,
Kagekaze is no longer himself. As Hibje, he will be extremely violent and ruthless.
Approach with caution. Kagekaze will regress back to his normal self once he has
gained back some sanity, or if Hibje is severely injured.

Kagekaze and Hibje are original characters and are always IC.

Yep, that's right. B|
First. Tracking, this is
Tracking, this is gorgeous~
Thank you so much, hon!
Track. Purr, I love your
Purr, I love your characters and your art so much. ♥
Oh, track. I like their
Thank you both, I truly
Oh, this is a gorgeous bio
Aww, thank you so much Lady,
Obligatory track. I love this
Obligatory track.
I love this guy.<3
Art by Anjali. ♥
Haha, that damn owl! Thanks,
This is so cool ;;
Tracking <3
Thank you Han, I truly do
ooo. Yura might like to meet
Ooh, I just looked up Yura's
Thanks ^^ - I'll have her
Kaoori ... well, it's not that she's fearless, and she's not stupid, but she doesn't use her head sometimes and it's what gets her in trouble.
He looked like he could use some company though, and I agree the interaction was cute. xD
I look forward to having him
Haha, Kaoori is so silly~ Thankfully, Kage is not the trouble-making type. When he saw that she followed him it piqued his curiosity, and his mimicry was mostly a reflection of his social awkwardness. He definitely needed some company, and he is very happy that Kaoori wished to sit with him. Gah, she's so sweet~ ;;
Heh, stal-Imean tracking this
Haha, thank you Honey! :'D
Trackingg. This is
Thank you so much, Nopje!
omfg yes. This is very
This is very interesting. Track fo' sho'. <3
Oh, so that is your deer! I
Thank you so much for the track hon, I truly appreciate it~ ;; ♥ I must apologize for Kage not doing much; I'm pretty much AFK, hence his laziness. >: He is enjoying the friendly company, though! <3
Yup, that's me. The forest's
It's alright, I'm pretty AFK too. Non enjoys the company as well! <3
Hooray for forest ninjas! XD
B'aaw, thank you.
No problem at all, and I
Totally. Especially bigass
Haha, yesss, that is pretty
Well hi durr
Why hallo thur! ♥ I
Harley's fascinated by him ^^
Aw, I'm so glad to hear that!
Pfff! Harley will probably
D'aww, yay! Rest assured,
Also, Harley is doing his best impression of a chestburster right now, lol!
Mine B)
Huzzah! ♥
Kagekaze is a stand up
He's winning bonus points with Herla.
Haha, yep, he sure is!
"While the cat's away, the
"While the cat's away, the mice shall play!"
Tracking!! (:
@ celticmystress ~ Aw, thank you so much! ;; ♥
Obligatory track. Drop likes
Drop likes to spend time with Kagenaze <33
Oh my gosh, so that is your
Can I track this :B
You absolutely can! Thank
Sorry.. I need to go, thank you for awonderful company :3
Bye, see you!
You're welcome, and no
Mmmmmmmm How have I missed
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Why, I am a ninja, of course!
You naughty thing you Sorry
Sorry about that happening with Nightmare haha, he was trying to drop off some herbs that have... gotten stuck to his body for Herla. Thankfully no one really got too aggressive and he went on his way after dropping them on the ground (Which was why he bowed close to Herla haha)
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Oh my~! ;3 No worries at
No worries at all! When I saw that he wasn't trying to attack or be aggressive I figured that he was just trying to be friendly with Herla. Despite their rift, it is thoughtful of him to leave her some herbs. Kage basically sensed that he meant no harm, but once Ciel and Herla started getting scared again he figured he had to get Nightmare to leave in a non-violent way. He even tried to be polite about it with the bowing and headshaking, until Nightmare got too close to Ciel. Ahwell.