Just a reminder.

All text on this site can be viewed by anyone on the internet, they do not need to be a member of the community to look at blogs or comments.
-Be mindful when you use either your real name or the real name of a friend. Ask your friends if they mind you using their real name, some might not want things like that posted.
-Same goes, if not more for photos. Do not post a picture featuring a friend without first asking them if they are ok with it being online.
-Never ever post your address or phone number, or the contact information of friends in a comment or blog.

Common sense stuff but I'm seeing a few newer users using real names and just wanted to remind everyone how important internet safety is, not just for you but for those close to you and those who live with you.

If you do want to chat with friends, make sure you do it over a private system like e-mail or a private messenger.

I know it's easy to forget because The Community is such a small, friendly place, but that doesn't mean it's private.

(No subject)

lol thanks Shimmy, that

lol thanks Shimmy, that Win-Stamp makes me laugh every time! xD
z.m123's picture



Amazon's picture

Thanks for posting this!

Thanks for posting this! ♥

Aivilo's picture

I second that win stamp. I've

I second that win stamp.
I've been found with scraps of information.
I've had others challenge me to find them with what I knew from conversation, and I've found them.
It's so easy it's frightening.
Tally's picture

Thankyou for saying this.

Thankyou for saying this. <3

I'm kind of extremely paranoid about this, but it's the truth that predators can be found anywhere on the internet.

Bumping because of the new

Bumping because of the new slew of personal blogs. Be mindful of what you include, please. Smiling

I never post my name or where

I never post my name or where I live its just engrained in me,

Glad to hear it Faunet.

Glad to hear it Faunet. Smiling
Amazon's picture

Bump. &hearts;

Bump. ♥


trigger_mortis's picture

