Do You Swear...


to tell the truth...

June 2nd 2010 - The Truth made a friend. They are dark and with a face not many usually wear. He is kind and he was chased by a ugly fellow. The Truth hears that the ugly fellows name is Walter. The Truth wonders why he decided to chase The Truth's friend. The Truth will watch the sinner and see if he is truly that. I have seen the first Lie. He is dark and foreboding. He chases the little miniature Foresters. The Truth follows with his chase, The Truth's friend comes with her. The Truth watches with unclouded eyes, eyes that have not seen any sides right or wrong. The Truth will continue to watch this Lie.

the whole truth...

and nothing but the truth...

so help you God...

Because I Do...

(No subject)


{Click to view Nine's bio}
Custard's picture

No, because the truth won't

No, because the truth won't always be the best thing to say.
Kiraki's picture

Maybe? :3

Maybe? :3

The Truth is harsh, but you

The Truth is harsh, but you have to accept that or be blinded forever by your doubts and worries.
Tally's picture

Oh? Yes.


Yes it is. It's good to tell

Yes it is. It's good to tell The Truth. For The Truth always seems to come out in the end.
ocean's picture

"That was you, huh...? You

"That was you, huh...? You you had more of a 'mind' than a "normal" fawn. But...How can you say that there is truth, when so often the lies and the truth are so deeply connected that neither is right?" She sighs and shakes her head, not in condescension, but in thought.
"So many things are neither right nor wrong. They just...are."

[Oh hey, tracking! ^^]

The Truth is older than Gods,

The Truth is older than Gods, or space. The Truth has existed for a very long time. Miniature Foresters mind is clouded by what it has come to believe is The Truth, but it is not. The Truths judgements, are seen through eyes of innocence. Lies and Sinners have a chance to redeem themselves, they merely show it to The Truth and she will believe. However, if Lies and Sinners continue on their path, then that is their destiny. The Truth can not stop this.
ocean's picture

" You know, you can call me

" You know, you can call me Ama, for starters. Second, what defines a 'lie', exactly? How can one draw the line between the so-called 'Truth' and the so-called 'Lies'? Is there not more to a lie or a truth than just black and white...?" She sighs, looking down.
"You believe in destiny, in absolute Truth, in absolute Lies. Yet...I cannot see it that way. Lies and truths are not separate, they are a whole." A puzzled look crosses her face.
"I hope I'm not a bother."
Density's picture

*puts on sunglasses* Hmm.

*puts on sunglasses*

Hmm. *sneaktrack* c:
Verycrazygirl's picture

Track. o.o

Track. o.o

The Truth is glad you're

The Truth is glad you're here. The Truth likes more listeners.