Mini hub

Some updates before I loose my update muse again.

Winter Rose |
Mourning. Lost contact with Huginn on the 25th last year, assumes the worst. And recently, Kolbjorn's and Valere's dissapearence. Feels her little family is shattering in front of her eyes and there's little to nothing she can do about it. Disconnected, lost, fading. Occationally visiting the forest where a newfound comfort and friendship in Porunnr was made. Both mourning someone.
Shared her thoughts and feelings with the royalty, and recieved simular in return.
Returns to Pari now and then to tend to her gallery, though, is quick to head off again to Pira to drink away her sorrows among other things. A mess.

Porunnr |
Tries her best to juggle her personal life, royale duties, family and all the feelings that are bottling up inside her. Sent Havardr off to a skilled warrior so that he could tutor him and give the boy more confidence after what happened when he was young.
Visits the forest from time to time out of nostalgia, and seeks out her family's favored spot in the blue bowl. Misses her father dearly, and can't help but to feel she has failed him.
Found comfort in the chats she has been having with Winter Rose lately, both ecouraging and helping the other with the sadness that's manifesting itself in their lives.

1 rp pending.

Rått |
Up to no good. Tricked Osha the other day with an illusion of being Mikill. Has noticed Porunnr and Lina in the bowl from time to time. Hung out with Xx twice.

Snorri |
Grown cold and distant after months with failures when it came to finding his lost daughters - alive or dead. Snorri wanted answer regardless of their fate. A chance to say goodbye if their hearts were no longer beating. At this point, Snorri was not sure what to believe anymore, but regardless, he keeps hoping for the chance to meet them again one day. Finding them was the least thing he could do for the woman who captured his heart from the day he met her when they were both young.
Snorri had failed Jodis, regardless of what some try to tell him - that it was not his fault and he should not put the heavy burden and guilt on his shoulders because Snorri was not the one who executed the awful deed of killing the High King's daughter, and cause the unknown fate of the grandchildren - Snorri's daughters. But, the king of Nattergalen wholeheartedly blames himself for it, and it is something that grind on his mind from the moment he wakes up to the late hours when he falls asleep.
The king has not given up on his search, but the more time passes, the more he realises it might be a painful reality that he'll never have to chance of revenge, a much-wanted hello or a goodbye.
The continious search, and grumbling, has taken it's toll on Snorri. He is tired, worn and not the same as he used to be when he was younger. Life is not fair, and that is something he has painfully learned.
His duties as king of Nattergalen has been neglected heavily due to his continious absence and personal mission, thus, Snorri appointed the head of his council to look after the lesser kingdom's interests while he is on the road. This is not optimal in the eyes of the people, but, they have sympathy for their ruler, and after all considered, things have been going relatively peaceful and well in Snorri's land. Not much to put a finger on there at the moment.
But after all this time, perhaps, Snorri.. It is time to move on? If you could ever find it in your heart to do so. His determinition and dedication to his mission is admirable, but he should not loose himself in the progress. Who knows, perhaps, a new glimmer of hope in the horizon could bring some light into his lonely life once more. Time will tell, but as of now, there's no such light in sight..

And world stuff too since they have frequent visitors

Overall world update for)+mini info section)

ShrinkingRose's picture


LostintheEcho's picture


Sigi by Wake

Faustt's picture


1Antidote's picture





(No subject)
