the Countless Other Kingless Queens

Acurna's picture



CSS by Acurna, for Acurna. Background art by Awentia, Reference by Sleepything
Fonts are opensource from Google

This biography may be subject to mature themes, such as violence, profanity, substance use, death, etc. I know she is a baby right now, but she will grow up and I'm not really know for playing kid friendly characters.

She is still JUST a character. She is not made to represent anything or anyone. She is always in character and in no way should anything she does be taken personally.

I'm always open to any interaction but note I'm afk 90% of the time or MORE so please let me know if something is happening, wanna start drama, or your character just stopped by to sniff my boy, etc. And sometimes, I'm just looking for a place to park my character before I leave in 10 minutes, so PLEASE just hit me up.

I do have the right to withhold or otherwise remove my character from any situations I'm not comfortable with. UNLIKELY but you know. Just gotta say that.

Discord @ aowacc#5114

avarice's picture

its a baby baby baby

its a baby baby baby
Jepha's picture

Bby girl ♥

Bby girl ♥
Salome.'s picture

smol bean ♥

smol bean ♥

by sleepything

little darling ♥

little darling ♥

Sig: Aihnna

Sleepything's picture

♥ !!!

♥ !!!

adorable art by Tuoho! ♥

♥ !!

♥ !!
TheFlyer's picture



beb ♥

beb ♥
Acurna's picture

(No subject)

Gets a legit bio 3 months later