. The Rut 2018 . (Finished!)

The Rut

This event starts on the 28th of SEPTEMBER and ends on the night of 8th of OCTOBER

Welcome to the Ninth Year of the annual Rutting Event!

In reality The Rut is a time where does gather and stags attempt to round them up for breeding. In their quest for romance, the stags battle one another to win the attention of the does, who only want the best of the best. It is an impressive spectacle for nature enthusiasts all over to observe.

In The Endless Forest where the rules of nature do not apply, The Rut is an organized contest and an annual tradition; a competitive game in which characters of all types and backgrounds gather simply for the thrill and entertainment of reenacting its concept. It is a perfect opportunity for characters to gain development, prove themselves to one another, expand their social circle, and enjoy themselves.



  • As a whole: The event is about participants may engaging in activities such as sparring with or fighting one another, gathering in groups, passing judgement, and most importantly: socializing.

  • Respect & Responsibility: Actions associated with the event only apply to its members, and any poor treatment towards anyone not participating (uninvolved/nameless/newbies) will lead to disqualification. Therefore, please try to treat non-participants as you would on everyday circumstances. Furthermore, any significant injuries or severe conflicts as a result of this event should always be consented between the players involved. Mindful communication is key.

  • Fairness: You are responsible for your character's fair portrayal. Powerful or not, with activity comes fatigue, and it will affect their performance as time progresses. No character should be indestructible. All types and classes are worth taking seriously, if not, it could be at the expense of your own characters integrity. Fast healing or recovery, even if offered through the means of another character, is not allowed, as it would be an unfair advantage over others.

  • Play Style: Unlike its natural counterpart that the event is based off of, categories are not gender or species exclusive; simply pick the position that suits your character most as an individual. While in-character prejudice and preferences are allowed, be aware and understanding of the consequences that could arise in lieu of such. Do not mix player knowledge with character knowledge, and be especially considerate of more ambiguously expressing characters. It should also be noted that characters of all relationship statuses, hormone driven or not, can participate, however any actions less than innocent is not an official aspect of the event. Fluidity in classes, such as characters wishing to participate in more than one, is allowed as long as you prioritize one primary role. If so, state this in your biography and make sure that your in-game behavior is clear and obvious. Finally, have consideration towards your fellow players, and try not to play at the needless expense of anyone.

  • Mature Content: While we recognize that some people will participate in mature themes as a result of this event, it has to be kept discrete. The Rut is supposed to be friendly to all audiences, and we do not want this sort of material reflecting on the event itself. Furthermore, we strictly forbid any associations regarding ideologically sensitive or triggering material. Anyone caught breaking this rule will be kicked out of this year's event immediately. Plots of this nature can be done outside this event.

  • Sensitive Subjects: Characters of a preexisting potentially triggering dynamic are still allowed to interact in the event so long as their behavior remains mindful to everyone involved; for instance, not go into the thick of crowds if said character is prone to being mobbed and causing a scene. Similarly, the players whose characters are prone to mob up on such characters should look the other way in favor of keeping the peace. It's up to both sides not to perpetuate sensitive subjects within the event.

  • Performance: Due to the notoriously large amount of people the event has attracted in the past - something that has been known to have a negative impact on the server - we ask, for the duration of the event, if you could please try to refrain from needless idling or from using multiple inactive windows.

  • Sanctuary: There will be no rutting at major locations such as the Twin Gods statues, Ruins, Poppy Patch, Crying Idol, Pond, Old Oak, De Drinkplaats, Blue Bowl, and Playground. These areas will show up in red on the map below.
If anyone is an active breaker of these rules, they may be reported via email to the moderators. We will look into it.


Participant List
Tip: Use Ctrl + F to help you find account names.

Apply Here!
Submission Tutorial


This class is for those wishing to participate in the core role of judging.

Judges dictate where the herds gather and in what locations the conflicts take place. Most importantly, they alone decide which combatants emerge victorious, rewarding them with praise and company. Their preferences are subjective to each individual, whether they value the cunning persistence of Challengers, or the sheer power of Competitors. Their praise and attention is what every combatant strives to gain, so be critical, and enjoy yourself - The Rut revolves around you.

The entire event relies on the active participation of this class. Without their intervention, fights could go on for a needless amount of time, making the combatants lose their purpose, thus rendering their efforts void. Exclusive loyalty and overall passiveness within this class is therefore strongly discouraged.

You may not choose the role of Judge if you are unwilling to pass judgement as it is the most crucial role, and the whole event is counting on you playing your part.

Note: Judges can not wait around to see who will win a fight, they have to step in and decide the winner themselves within a reasonable amount of time.

This class is for those wishing to participate with a show of brute strength.

Competitors are all about direct combat and experience. It is a high stress class centered around holding their own against other Competitors, driving away Challengers, and attempting to maintain the attention of the Judges.

Considering the participants of this class are known to be powerful and sizable, it is important to note that size will have a considerable impact on their performance, for better or for worse. For example, while larger characters would pack stronger blows compared to smaller characters, they also suffer reduced agility and are quicker to tire. The greater the size, the more severe the effect.

To ensure balance and fairness for all, we ask that you take this consequence into account, and allow your character adequate time to rest between sessions. Additionally, anyone choosing to team up in this class may well be perceived as less capable, and could therefore risk being received poorly by the Judges.

Note: Competitors compete for the approval of the Judges, however, aberrations can occur as long as it is not the focus.


This class is for those wishing to participate with a performance of perseverance.

Challengers, for whatever reason, are unable to compete with the forward approach of the Competitor. Their advantage may instead lie in endurance and persistence, speed and agility, as well as cunning and tricks. They tend to be highly diverse and flexible in play style.

Participants of this class have their own sets of skills and advantages, giving them the potential to be equally formidable and impressive like their class counterpart. Against all odds, they endure, and are worthy of being taken seriously by Judges and Competitors alike. That being said, their energy is far from limitless. Do not confuse their ways of participating with the methods of Competitors.

Due to the nature of this class, participants benefit from less repercussions when teaming up or being unable to hold an audience.

Note: Challengers compete for the approval of the Judges, however, aberrations can occur as long as it is not the focus.

This class is for those not wishing to participate as any of the available roles, but still want to be involved in their own way.

Wildcards react as their character would under normal circumstances. Basically, they do not seek to judge, nor to impress the Judges; They simply do not wish to be entirely excluded from the interaction and commotion the event brings.

This does not excuse Wildcards from setting out to disrupt the event as a whole. Minor disturbance towards participants is okay, but in the case of any major harassment, consent between players is obligatory.

It is highly advised that you elaborate on how your character will interact in their biographies. That being said, characters of this class should not expect to receive the same kind of attention the other classes would get.

Note: While Wildcards are valid members of the event, they should not expect to be treated in the same ways as the other participant classes. They are involved, but loosely and not in the same way as the participants in any of the other categories.


Made by snow

Made by Aquilo

Made by Qanat

Made by evern

Made by Vessan


This page is run by WayfarerHart and Aivilo. If you need to contact us for any reason, please don't hesitate to email us at:

Vee/Hart: vee-vee-vee@hotmail.co.uk
Aivilo: AiviloTEF@outlook.com

If you have any suggestions on how to improve the event, please post here.

A special thanks to Aivilo for the Google Spreadsheet, organization, and tutorials.
A special thanks to Unplugged for the new and improved CSS.
A special thanks to J!n for helping to rewrite and refine the rules and descriptions.
And a most special thank you to the community for making this event an annual success.

Draak's picture




avarice's picture


Wyldflower's picture



By Draak ♥










HeartClock's picture


Sig by Lathyrus. ♥
0baf0's picture


Icon - ahimsa.Signature - Qanat. ♥
Chizzu's picture


MB's picture


Kaoori's picture


pumpkinseed's picture

Track for later!

Track for later!
Shey's picture

im on mobile i cant add the

im on mobile i cant add the shaking eyes :[
Mauvable's picture

Tracking so hard

Tracking so hard



finallyyy yees!

finallyyy yees!
by Hautakumpu / Discord: Maddie#0610
Echosong's picture





Sig: Aihnna

ShrinkingRose's picture

Let's do this, ya'll.

Let's do this, ya'll.
Tavra's picture



LostintheEcho's picture


Sigi by Wake

geoh's picture






Sybilline's picture


sig by AceAshling, icon by HeartClock
LilyBlue's picture


Aivilo's picture


Aquilo's picture


Player & Character Hub
Discord: Gulonine#4267

i should probably roll in

i should probably roll in here
HeartClock's picture

Just tossing this idea

Just tossing this idea here:
Why not have a Discord server for the Rut?
Sig by Lathyrus. ♥
Snowsauria's picture




OkamiLugia's picture


WayfarerHart's picture

HeartClock: not a bad idea,

HeartClock: not a bad idea, but we do have a tab in this discord server if you're interested. c:
Aivilo's picture

Reposting this here for those

Reposting this here for those who aren't on the Discord server...

This is a Stylus mod for Uitleger's map mod which replaces the Floor file (the image with landmarks, etc). It adds in the landmarks, Safe Zones (red), and mushroom circles (green)

.gms-map-floor { background-image: url("https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/k163of5eiyv3d6q/Rut-Map-FLOOR.png")}

It looks like this in action:

If you do not know how to use Stylus, check out the video below:

PLEASE NOTE: At 0:28, I click the Stylus icon in the upper right of the Chrome browser and nothing happens, then the screen magically changes. The program I used didn't record the menu that appears. It looks like this:

You need to click "Manage" to get to the next screen.

I cannot take credit for the original idea - that belongs to someone in the TEF Fight Club group (go join them, they're cool). I just made the Floor file Smiling

The Rut mod's coming with the

The Rut mod's coming with the start of the event as planned, if people are wondering.
0baf0's picture

Yay! Thanks, Uitleger!

Yay! Thanks, Uitleger!
Icon - ahimsa.Signature - Qanat. ♥
WayfarerHart's picture

Thanks Uit! And on that

Thanks Uit!

And on that note, happy rutting games!

0baf0, WayfarerHart, You're

0baf0, WayfarerHart,
You're welcome.

Testing code, I noticed Mahjling's characters were entered with the same account name. You'll wanna look into that.
Mahj's picture

Damn, must've been autofill

Damn, must've been autofill overriding past inputs, it's been doing that a lot lately =\
Made registering to vote take over an hour when it should have taken less than 20 minutes.

I'll go edit my entries and see if I can't fix it.
WayfarerHart's picture

Just a little hint for ya'll!

Just a little hint for ya'll! If herds can disperse across the whole forest rather than congregating in a small area it should help ease up FPS issues as less models need to be loaded at any one time. Happy rutting everyone!
Aivilo's picture

Updated code to add more

Updated code to add more landmarks to Uitleger's rut map, since I can no longer edit my original post:
#gon .gms-map-floor {background: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/3yy15cn9i0wre1p/Rut-Map-FLOOR.png'); filter: brightness(0.6);-webkit-filter: brightness(0.6)}

double-checking the end

double-checking the end date...
darn I was thinking there was more time, oh well

Hm, it's over now? On a

Hm, it's over now?
On a future note, I'd like the start and the end of the rut announced in the title like they were in the past. Timezones.

It's not over, this is the

It's not over, this is the last day.

And that's a wrap! Thanks

And that's a wrap! Thanks again to the entire community for making this event an annual success. Here's until next year!

Uit: Yes, admittedly that was a failure on my end, having forgotten to update the title this year. Corrected for now's conclusion.
Sorry about that, everyone!

- Vee