asleep in the dandelion fields

"my heart belongs to the mountains,
my soul is possessed by the woods"


Gave birth to two screamy little fawns on 1/18/20. 100% unsure on how to act or treat them, but is trying. Pleased that Genha seems happy with his children. Even though one of them is not his and she really needs to find Svolnir and let him meet his son.

Today, wandered away from her birthing spot, leaving her sleeping fawns tucking away in the grass. Didn't go far, the tree still within eyesight and earshot. Settled on the opposite side of a tree that Rota sat by. Just wanted some company.


Name: Sielu | Call
Titles: Pansy Butterfly
Age: Unknown
Size: #11
Scent: Faint spices
Gender: Female | Doe
Species: Red Deer | Unknown
Voice: #C94A18 |
Orientation: Panromantic/sexual
In-forest: Real deer mask - Magpie feathers - Butterfly pelt
Ref: Link


- when touched, leaves behind a soft colorful powder

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Rae - Created from the wild part of the brown butterfly's soul. "You became my mother, and my father, and so I'm yours forever."

Khunnder - First born son. Son of Svolnir. Loves but is also anxious around.
Vidaire - First born daughter. Daughter of Genha. Loves but is also anxious around.

Eztli - The first she met and accompanied in the forest. Thus, holds significance.

Genha - Baby Daddy A
Svolnir - Baby Daddy B

Akil, Tulumeu

css © unplugged / art © Panda / discord: LilKiwi#3394

(No subject)


OshiBoo's picture

Lovely &hearts;

Lovely ♥
Rouda's picture


Hullo. <3