Across the Sky, You will Spread your Wings.

HeartClock's picture


This biography may have mature content, most predictably drama, violence, gore, and deep dark topic. You are free to proceed or to leave. For the former, please read with caution and skip any part of the biography or diary entries that may affect you.

If you have read or seen something that affected you, it is best to talk about it to a friend or to someone you feel comfortable doing so with.

But should I remind you that you will be the only one responsible for what will happen by proceeding further into this page.

You have been warned.

CSS by HeartClock
Font code by Unplugged
Original Design by Luana (Thais)

Discord: HeartClock#6888





Sig: Aihnna


Thais's picture

(No subject)

Display pic by crabbycrown ♥
HeartClock's picture

Thank you, everyone! &hearts;

Thank you, everyone!
Sig by Lathyrus. ♥
Wyldflower's picture

(No subject)


By Draak ♥

&hearts; oh wow double track,

♥ oh wow double track, didn't realize I was already here. EXTRA lovins for ya fam.